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Dropzone Reviews posted by RLowell2

  1. I have called SOHF home now for around 4 years. I enjoyed my first tandem from there back in 2007 and began my AFF course shortly after. Life got the best of me but I returned to the sky again in 2011 and am now a Licensed jumper. Cindy Pirkkala (DZO) has always been such a pleasure to talk to and speaks to everyone from tandems to students to the pro's (there are a few) like they are next of kin. The regulars are like family, show sincere concern for EVERYONE's safety and work hard to introduce themselves to new people and to make sure everyone feels like they have been here for years. If you want to jump where you can relax, hang out and enjoy good conversation without skygods, this is your place. The weather is nice year round and safety is first priority. The tandem master's are sure to provide you with the best experience around and are more than happy to share your first experience with you like it was their first!
    P.S....this place is serious about the "beer rule"....I currently owe more than I can fit in my car!

    Blue Skies!