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Posts posted by anarki

  1. hi, i was an merchant marine or an u.s merchant mariner is what my z-card says. i was an q-med on my ship, there is alot of money to be made there. I got out, 30 days on and 14 days off sucks trying for aff. some of the guys that was on my ship made over 600 a day.(i was at 295.00 aday) less then 1 yr, the nice thing about it is he can move up as fast as he wants.(after getting the right number of sea time for your next test)
    guess what's 250 lbs and flys like a brick? me

  2. I want to say thanks to Todd and Chris at skydive houston for taking a fat boy in... ;) I've been hanging around skydive houston for about 6 weeks now, i know they want to kill me some timesB|. But from the first time i walked in, they made me feel at home. Not to many people out there will go that extra mile to help any one, but this dz did just that. All of the stuff has been some of the best people i've ever meet. So a BIG THANKS TODD,CHRIS AND ALL OF THE STUFF AT SKYDIVE HOUSTON for making this fat boy's dream come true...:D

    guess what's 250 lbs and flys like a brick? me

  3. Quote

    Ok. I want to move back to Hawaii, but I don't think I can afford it anytime even somewhat soon. I need to figure out some warmer places to consider moving to. I don't do well in the cold at all. I mean, it's only October and I already feel like I'm dying. Tell me some places that I should consider because this really sucks.

    Come to houston, tx sweet heart. where you can jump just about year round, and the hearts of must of the people here are just as warm.;) Also great job market here too.
    guess what's 250 lbs and flys like a brick? me

  4. Quote

    Constitution eleminates any requirement to pay taxes. The 24th amendment was aimed at poll taxes but indicate 'other tax'. SCOTUS would have to detemine if that applies to income tax, property tax, sales tax etc. but seems clear to me.

    Amendment 24 - Poll Tax Barred. Ratified 1/23/1964. History

    1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.

    look i'm not trying to see who has the biggest brain here. What i was trying to say is, i (me) feel that any one who is an tax payer and or a active member of our society. should be able to vote even if he or she does not own a home or have "a roof over their head". the key word is me (i) not any other person. as for the laws hmm, for every law made there is one that conflicts with it.(a loop hole)
    guess what's 250 lbs and flys like a brick? me

  5. a roof over head, hmm i'm not ok with that. some truck drivers don't have a home,(they are never home and no one to take care of it) but yet pay taxes just like us. i feel you must be a tax payer and a active member of our society.
    but who am i? this is just my two bitsB|

    guess what's 250 lbs and flys like a brick? me

  6. Quote


    hi, i'm just as new as you but with one tandem jump. To me doing my first tandem jump is like getting a tattoo. Your not going to go up to the tattoo shop and put art on your body by just any one. Your going to look at the artist work and talk with him alittle. Thats what i did, i went to the dz and just spent 4hrs one day looking at the way they run things(asking anything that comes to my mind) they will help you (i did not jump this day). I talk to the ti i was going to jump with and see if me and him where on the same page.(that he understands what i want) and if i like him. i did and in so made me trust him even more, then if i had just jumped with out getting to know him at all. I guess when it comes time to exit, all you have is the trust and faith in this ti to get you back safely to the ground. Make it easier on your self, go up and spend a day getting to know the staff of your dz.(i bet it will help a lot)B|

    That's real good advice!

    thanks man;)
    guess what's 250 lbs and flys like a brick? me

  7. hi, i'm just as new as you but with one tandem jump. To me doing my first tandem jump is like getting a tattoo. Your not going to go up to the tattoo shop and put art on your body by just any one. Your going to look at the artist work and talk with him alittle. Thats what i did, i went to the dz and just spent 4hrs one day looking at the way they run things(asking anything that comes to my mind) they will help you (i did not jump this day). I talk to the ti i was going to jump with and see if me and him where on the same page.(that he understands what i want) and if i like him. I did and in so made me trust him even more, then if i had just jumped with out getting to know him at all. I guess when it comes time to exit, all you have is the trust and faith in this ti to get you back safely to the ground. Make it easier on your self, go up and spend a day getting to know the staff of your dz.(i bet it will help a lot)B|

    guess what's 250 lbs and flys like a brick? me

  8. i had a rebel xt and when it locked up on me i would just tip it one or two times and it was fixed.The problem is made worse if I press my right thumb against the body, just above the thumb wheel, The camera will lock up solid and nothing except removing the battery for several minutes will clear the issue. might want to send it in for repairs.:S

    i think my soft case is what caused it, maybe the hi wind is yours.

    guess what's 250 lbs and flys like a brick? me

  9. thanks man, i made it for every skydiver, the ones with us and the ones that have left before us. the people i have meet in this sport is some of the best, and this is just a small thanks.:)

    guess what's 250 lbs and flys like a brick? me

  10. This is to all who left before us. I don't know them but feel just the same, this comes from my heart.

    Bodies falling from the sky with out wings we are able to fly. Never saying the words good bye, just Blue Skies. Loving life more than our own, Learning to live before we die, These are the reasons why we must fly. To let our Souls...bodies....minds touch the sky.... we set them free THEY WILL NEVER DIE, to all of the fallen we say Blue skies.

    Blue skies my friends
    guess what's 250 lbs and flys like a brick? me

  11. Quote


    Skydive Houston is hosting its' 1st annual Jumper Appreciation Day. Due to the unfortunate cancellation of Ballunar this year, we at Skydive Houston thought we would host a fundraiser event benefiting the Houston Humane Society and Houston Food Bank on November 1, 2008.

    With a $12 donation, you get jumps at the low price of $12 all day, 1 raffle ticket, dinner, rights to 4 kegs of beer, and a T-Shirt. Balloon and Powered Parachute is coming for a swinging good time! Our groovy lineup includes:

    FREEFLY: Shannon Kidd and Jon McCollum
    RW: Larry Hinson, Henry Butler, and Steve Coker
    CRW: CRW DOGS and the return of the 100’
    WINGSUIT: Purple Mike, Flying Bob, and Jenn

    We are also having $5 Raffle tickets that go directly to the fundraiser, Contest and Prizes, (including best 70's style costume for you and your dog), Tube Jumps, Intentional Cutaway Harness, and much more.

    After the beer light is on, spend the night partying in the Hangar 70’s style. Bring out your platform shoes and dust off your polyester suits, you dig! The shag carpet and disco ball are waiting your sweet moves.

    SWEET!!:D:D:D sounds like alot of fun.
    guess what's 250 lbs and flys like a brick? me

  12. Quote

    It really depends on what your looking for. Ask around from other people that have been to both places. I am sure you will find either place fun, safe, and a nice new place to call home. Look forward to jumping with you and welcome to Houston. B|

    well said chris, nicely put
    i've never been to spaceland but i've been to skydive houston, it was my first stop, first jump and now my home dz for ever. the staff is first class and they just made this fat boy feel right at home.;)
    guess what's 250 lbs and flys like a brick? me

  13. yes, its not that they dont have gear for me its that i would fall so much faster(is there an big suit i can put on?). They told me 210 lbs before i can start aff. 50 more lbs off is going to take alot of time and work(over a yr), thats a size i've not seen in over 15 yrs. i got a rig with an 280 main( puts my wing loading at 0.97) top is a 260r(wing loading at 1.05). if only i could find and big aff Instructor.
    guess what's 250 lbs and flys like a brick? me