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Posts posted by Goodfellas

  1. I took my girlfriend up on an ash dive/tandem with her father's ashes a couple months ago. I've since had people tell me that ash dives aren't approved by the FAA. It seems weird to me because if space balls are allowed why aren't ashes? Video on attachent.

  2. This is an old video. Happened 3 years ago. I know this guys personally. Upt and uspa took his rating for a year, during which time he underwent weekly therapy. At a board of directors meeting 9 months later he appealed the suspension, took full responsibility for his actions and gave his deepest appologies and promises that it would never happen again. The USPA board of directors and Bill Booth voted unanimously to forgive him and give him another chance. Jay Stokes himself re-trained him and he's done over 1500 tandems since with nothing like this happening again.

  3. Unfortunately No. The video is actually from last year so I've long since cleared the sd card. I just had the video on my facebook page and thought it would be cool to share. There's just one point when the bag is coming out that if you freeze frame it you can see one of the stows going through the gromit in the bag is gone before the stows in the rubber bands. You don't actually see the stows but if you stop the video in just the right place you can see straight through one of the gromits showing that the stow in that one came loose before the ones made from the rubber bands.

  4. I went through it in slow motion with the s&ta on my dz. If you go through it in slow motion you can see that the line stows were made to small and at least one of them came out before they were supposed to. He called that line dump.