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Posts posted by LadiDadi

  1. I tried. I really tried. Becky tried. But, as you probably are aware, the weather did not cooperate.

    Becky rocks. Give that poor overworked girl a raise!!! She's my new best friend.

    I'll be back in Pensacola in a few months and we will jump and have a blast and my sister will be initiated into the skydiving fold. We tried again yesterday but again the weather didn't cooperate. It's tradition, though. My first jump got cancelled twice due to weather and my sister's jump got cancelled twice due to weather so I guess we're right on track.

    Now if only I can manage to make it home in time for Christmas and not celebrate it in an airport somewhere like so many others...

    If any of you live near an airport and are feeling generous this Christmas, keep in mind that the USO centers all over the US and abroad are overwhelmed right now with stranded service men and women and are running low or completely out of supplies. If you can, donate some money or find out what they need and bring some stuff to the airport. I know that in Seattle, specifically, they are almost completely out of food and bottled water and milk.

    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  2. Beach jump into the FloraBama?!? Are you fucking kidding me?!?!

    Holy crap... I'm there. I'm so there. I'll have to do a tandem but I don't care. Will the TI make sure we land on my face so it will be like every other time I've ever been to the FloraBama?

    I'm so excited. I'm gonna figure this out and then the Wild Turkey shots will be on me. Not physically on me but on my tab.

    Yay!!!!!!!!!! :D

    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  3. My husband and I will be in Pensacola the 13th through the 16th to surprise my mom and sister for Christmas (early but affordable). I wanted to get my sister a tandem skydive for Christmas since she has been chomping at the bit to do it for a while now. Any recommendations on where to go and who to strap my sister to? Of course I'll be buying the drinks. That's a given. Sadly, I don't think I'll be able to jump with her unless I either experience a miracle in foot healing or go tandem. Although, I'm not opposed to a tandem jump... Anybody got a two-fer?

    Likely there is a better place to post this question other than The Bonfire but the readership is higher here.
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  4. Cats have a bundle of nerves just at the base of their tails which is why some love having that spot scratched - or beaten - and some get aggressive if you mess with that spot. This is the root (get it? nerve? root?) cause of the 'elevator butt' phenomenon.
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  5. Apples and oranges. The two are worlds apart and impossible to compare.
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  6. Quote

    I used to go to a Hardee's in town, they are closed now, they had both kinds of tea, sweat and unsweat.

    The convenience store near me has a sign informing their customers that:

    "All bear sales final. No refunds for bear."

    I desperately want to ask them if they have any grizzly in stock and if I can get a case but they're genuinely nice people.
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  7. Can't stand: When people jiggle or fidget or tap or twitch or whistle or hum or click pens or any number of repetitive, absentminded, rhythmic behavior. It seriously drives me insane. Worse is a dear friend of mine who likes to jiggle her leg in my car while I'm driving. I stopped in the middle of a bridge (for those of you in the Seattle area, it was the 520 floating bridge) and threatened to put her out. She was shaking the whole car!

    I also can't stand whistling. Especially in a small area, like a car. I have hearing problems and am told that I have 'dog hearing'. I can hear very low pitches and very high pitches. Whistling is, for some reason, actually painful. My husband loves to whistle. Especiall in the car. [:/]

    Joy - My doggies. Sounds lame but, truly, when they look at me and sigh and I know that they are happy and contented and relaxed, it makes my heart melt.

    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  8. Maybe your parents think like my husband and I do - we don't design my house around the next person's taste, we design according to our taste. That's why we have "The Green Room" and "The Red Room" and "The Blue Room" etc. That's why the entire back wall of our kitchen is a roll-up glass garage door. Our kitchen and bathroom counters are made from recycled bowling alley floor.

    If she likes laminate and does most of the kitchen things then laminate it is. If your dad likes something else and he's the one that does most of the kitchen things, then get what he prefers. The best marble/granite/natural stone compromise is to get a piece of marble from a place that sells leftovers from counter or floor manufacturing and keep it around to put on the counter for things like hot pans or rolling out pastry, etc.

    I wanted to get a poured concrete counter-top but the look of the bowling alley floor is wonderful. Besides, it has no finish on it (sanded completely off) so if there's a stain or a nick or something it will either work itself out of the wood over time or we can sand it out. It seems like the strangest counter-top to most people and the common question is "how do you keep it clean since it's pourous?" Steam cleaner. I love my steam cleaner.

    None of that matters. Mom wants laminate, different colored or patterned laminate than what she has? Mom gets laminate.

    For the love of god don't get Corian. My parents bought a house several years ago that had Corian counter tops. She hated them. Dad (who does most of the cooking) swore at them - actually at the counter tops - on a daily basis. Impossible to get stains out of, burns easily, god help you if you get a knife nick, etc. Hurricane Ivan destroyed half of their house and all my parents really had to say about it was "Thankfully the ugly berber carpet has to be torn out. Sadly, the counter tops survived." With all the repairs they had to have done after the hurricane, they threw in new counters as well.

    As far as not getting your parents??? Who the hell does? Parents don't get us either. It's called The Generation Gap.
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  9. I'm not going to do your homework for you. You shouldn't be doing your boyfriend's homework. Besides, I just finished my brother-in-law's algebra homework. You get a link - I don't feel like typing all of the instructions out (they'd have to go in a document because of the special characters and then I'd have to find the special characters and then attached and blah, blah, blah...

    The best explaination I found is courtesy or the fine folks at St. Benedict's - St. John's University's Physics Department. I married myself a physics major and I can assure you that they are quite useful.

    The link is

    And, yes, there is a link on that page to a calculator but that's cheating. The giant equation looks scary and intimidating at first but it's actually a very simple one.

    Good luck!
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  10. We ended up at Men's Warehouse and got him a great Calvin Klein basic tux (without the satin stripes and such). They were great there. Hemmed the pants in about 20 minutes and sent us off with the jacket and shirt with the invitation to bring them both back for some slight tailoring. His arms are wider than his chest and waist so things need to be tapered a bit so he doesn't look like a well dressed plank.

    The guy at the store even folded the 'pocket silk' for us in his favorite fold and showed us his favorite trick - paper clip the silk after it is folded to a business card so that it stays in the pocket at the right height. Nifty.

    Thanks everyone for all your help!!!
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  11. I'm thankful for Cocheese because he thinks I'm funny.

    And vodka. I am truly thankful for vodka.
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  12. Vodka with 50/50 cranberry and Sprite mixture. Lots of it. I've drank more alcohol in the past week than I think I've drank in a year.

    Internal alcohol rubs for my aches and pains - my husband accidentally broke my foot Saturday night. And, yest, we were drunk then too. I fell in a cab. Not *into* the cab but actually fell while sitting in the cab. How does that hapen? Crutches and drunk are bad, by the way.
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  13. Quote

    i was furious for about 2 seconds, then i realized that the duck on the leash wasn't real.

    That's what it took? Did you miss the part before that where the duck's bill fell off?

    Good god I hate that song and now ...
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  14. Mine's kind of melancholy. Sorry...

    I'm thankful for modern medical miracles and those that provide them.

    If it weren't for the ability to transplant kidneys, my mom wouldn't be here and the holidays would suck without her. If it weren't for the miracle of morphene, I wouldn't have survived the first 24 hours of having donated her new kidney - I would have begged someone to kill me! :P

    Flight nurses and trauma centers airlifted my mother-in-law on Thanksgiving day 12 years ago from a frozen highway where she was hit head on by a drunk driver. She flew 50 feet or so out the windshield. They saved her life. Best and worst Thanksgiving ever.

    I'm mad as hell that one of the best friends I've ever had is suffering from ALS and likely won't live through the weekend. I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to spend time with him on Friday and say our thanks and good byes. One of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

    I'm thankful that I have family that loves me despite all the things that make me me.

    I'm thankful for my dogs and my cat and my husband. Not always in that order but sometimes...

    I have a roof over my head and food in my fridge and central heating and a pulse.

    I have a cast on my foot because my husband broke it for me on Saturday night but I'm thankful that he has now agreed that dancing lessons aren't such a bad idea after all. Not so thankful that this is what it took. I'm also thankful that he is trustworthy with the laundry because I can't carry the baskets down to the basement.

    I'm thankful for my friends. The ones I've met, the ones I haven't met and the ones I don't even know about yet.

    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  15. On paper, my husband and I have absolutely nothing in common.

    I like to do things that he either doesn't understand or thinks I'm insane for liking or thinks is stupid, etc.

    He went skydiving one time to see what was so great about it and broke his toe on the first jump. He hated it but he's going to go again (he takes his jump as a failure and doesn't take failure well). He'll still hate it.

    I like photography and collect old cameras. He likes a nice point and shoot for vacation snap shots and can't stand that I have ANOTHER camera and "But it's a 1959 Twin Lens Reflex that I got for $1.99 and it works!!!" is not a sentence that makes sense to him.

    I think that a road trip is the most amazing experience one can have. I have seen the world's largest basket, ball of twine, and frying pan. I have been to the Corn Palace. Twice. I have visited a "Trailer Park and Art School" just because I saw the sign on the freeway and knew that it would be a once in a lifetime experience. The Badlands. Deadwood. Rock City. That's a road trip. He treats a road trip like the Bataan Death March. Can't stop. Must drive on! We drove from Seattle, WA to Pensacola, FL in less than 4 days once... In a 1977 VW van!!

    I couldn't for the life of me tell you what he does for a living. I could tell you his job title, the company he works for and the group, division, product, etc. But what he actually DOES?!? Not a clue. Never will have one either. It's beyond my comprehension.

    He loves to go camping. I despise camping. I don't understand the appeal of it. I don't drink beer and poking sticks in a fire gets really boring after about, oh, five minutes. So he goes camping with his friends and I find something else to do on those weekends. Usually a cabin out on the coast with the doggies for a beach romp weekend.

    I don't like to hike. Again, I don't understand the appeal. Why would you drive all that way to put on specialized gear just to go for a walk? I can go for a walk. To the bar down the street. So he hikes with his friends and I find something else to do. Like go to a bar.

    I'm messy, he's fastidious. I'm the creative sort and he's of the scientific sort. I'm outgoing and he's more reserved - YET - I'm a loner bordering on recluse and he's very social. Yeah, figure that one out.

    As a joke, we both filled out the e-harmony profile things. That was 4 years ago and we have yet to be matched up with each other. We've been married for ten years.

    You don't have to have everything in common. You just have to have the important things in common. That you don't have religion in common is a bit worrying but that all depends on the specifics. My husband and I joke that we don't have religion in common (because neither one of us has religion at all). You just have to look for things. Look outside of yourselves. Find something totally new for both of you and check it out. Who gives a shit if neither of you like it. Just give it a shot. Don't spend all your energy talking about things - DO things. Shut up (both of you) and go do something. Anything. Go to the zoo.

    Ever taken ballroom dancing lessons? Has she? Now might be the time. It may sound goofy but what do you have to lose?

    I used to live in Hawaii. I've spent time in PA. You are going cuckoo. Period. You want to travel the world, she wants to stay put. Find yourself a ton of day trips. Be a tourist in your own area. There is really a lot to see and do there, you just have to look harder for it. Things are a bit more spread out and the roads are straighter :P

    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  16. Quote

    celiac... beer... stuff... words...

    I have Celiac Sprue disease. It sucks. Let me know if you need any recommendations on foods that do not taste like the packaging.

    I never drank beer so I don't miss it. I do know that there are gluten-free beers available and that there is a great debate about how much gluten actually survives the brewing process. There is definitive proof that hard alcohol has no gluten in it. It simply can't survive the distilling.

    My husband used to hate that I don't drink beer and wish that I could develop a taste for it. Now that the house has been rendered completely gluten-free, he's grateful. Beer is the only thing allowed in my house with (possible) gluten in it since I'll never be tempted to consume it.

    I'm a Wild Turkey kind of gal anyway. You have to drink too much beer to get drunk and end up spending most of your time in the bathroom peeing. That's no fun.

    Try vodka with half cranberry and half Sprite. It's much better than straight cranberry. Or, skip the cranberry all together and just drink the vodka. :|
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  17. A friend and I had this discussion recently. She went on several dates with a guy who was great in every way - same interests in damn near everything, cute, funny, polite, wacky, considerate, etc.

    On the 6th or 7th date things had progressed and he told her the reason why he had always called it quits when things got near to the point of having sex. He has herpes.

    I think that the possession of sexually transmitted diseases is definitely first date material (if not before). She and some other friends don't think that it's first date material and that I'm nuts. Well, they think I'm nuts anyway but that's besides the point.

    Discuss amongst yourselves.
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  18. Put out a bowl of tuna near the door she escaped from. Is she microchipped? You should also take flyers to the local vets and shelters since a lot of people who find animals will take them there.

    Worse case scenario - you can get a trap to put out for her if she's too scared to even come to you. Most Humane Societies will rent them out. Just be very careful because you might end up trapping something that you don't want as a pet. This happened to me and I had to try to figure out how to release a really pissed off fox without getting mangled.

    Good luck!!!
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  19. Quote

    What is the name of this character: #

    ...and don't say "pound sign."

    There is no single answer to that question.

    It is known as (among other things):

    Hash Mark - derived from 'cross-hatch' because it looks like a cross hatched fence (yes, I had to look up the origins of that one)

    Number Sign - the term preferred by software developers (and recognized by Unicode) for programming.

    Pound Sign - for American weights and measures. Confuses the English since that's a whole different symbol to them. (for the record - American system of weights and measures confuses most Americans as well)

    And, now for the answer you are probably looking for - OCTOTHORPE I know this because I own the game Cranium and it just came up Friday night.
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  20. I drank everything last night. I even drank other people's drinks.

    I seriously haven't drank in months and now two nights in a row getting beyond wasted. Friday night was meoancholy drunken rage. Last night was fun drunken mischief.

    Today is suffering. Ohhhh the suffering. :|

    (why is there no vomit face thingy available?)

    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  21. Quote

    Oh.... you never said that you BOTH need gear.... go as a pantomime horse... you choose front or back

    To a funeral?!? You sick bastard!!! :P

    Thing is, our friend would love that. His family on the other hand... :D
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  22. Thanks everyone! You've all been a big help - even if it is just getting me focused on what to do and where to go.

    Add to that the fact that I need a dress as well. Neither of us are 'shoppers' and I would rather face a firing squad than go to a mall and husband is demanding a valium before we go. Oh yeah. This should be fun.
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  23. Quote

    I was hoping this had something to do with sex

    Sorry you two. I'll try to come up with something sex related at a later time.
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

  24. Quote

    How about a rental service?

    The three places I called told me it would take 24 hours. We have 6 or so.
    If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
    Be like the cupcake and suck it up.