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Dropzone Reviews posted by recondaddy

  1. Been out of the sport for 10 years, and chose Skydive the Farm as the DZ to get back in the groove. Was pretty nervous about it and felt like a total noob. However, EVERYONE at STF made me feel like a member of the family.

    Andy gave me a GREAT refresher course. Very laid back and informal but very thorough.

    Warren and Sandy took me up for my recurrency dive and could not have been more encouraging and safety conscious. Sandy must've checked my gear three times before I left the aircraft.

    Hans, the DZO, though bombarded with tandems and the hectic business of the day, was never too busy to talk.

    STF is also the most beautiful drop zone I've ever seen. 55 acres of gorgeous, North Georgia land. Huge landing area. Reminded me of LZ Falcon at Camp Lejeune.

    Had such an awesome time, I jumped twice more after completing my recurrency jump. The vibe at STF is the coolest I've ever seen. Everyone just seems like one big family.

    It's a two hour drive for me, but Skydive the Farm IS my new home drop zone.