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Posts posted by andygrom

  1. As for last five years we are starting now to do final preparations for our every year bigway boogie -

    Same program but 50% more 4-planes jumps this year planned.

    Please let us know - what we can improve this year to make this event more interesting and rememberable for participants.

    And, of course, we will be very glad to see you onboard!

  2. We works now at the normal way - up to 90 loads per day on weekend.
    You can check our today flights anytime on this page -
    Coulmns are: Loads number, aircraft, apprx takeoff time, number of avail slots and status.

  3. Quote

    how about small carpets only in the area where you place the container?

    We will think about personal carpets for rigs. May be in shop, may be for free...


    oh, and since you're here, it would be a good time to tell you that we've started to organize this year's group to kolomna ;)

    If you need some help - ask me by e-mail - we can do everything :)))

  4. Quote

    -well you could have hot showers, but they re probably already built.

    It's ready.


    -and besides that some comfortable bunkhouses, with some 2 bed rooms, so you don't have to listen snoring orchester... ;)

    Will be before May.


    you could also put something softer in the packing area like some sort of carpet...

    Oooooh, no! Not again about carpet! :)))
    There will be enouth personal carpets in the shop next season :)


    - restaurant with GOOD and BIG meals

    We do our best to build it before summer...


    swooping pond,

    Will be in June.


    swiming pool

    Hmmmm.... May be build swoop pond a little deeper and use it for swimming and diving? :)))


    organized transport (some van) from the international airport to your dz, instead of adrenaline driving taxi... :S

    Will be.

    Hope to see you next year :)

  5. Quote

    - bar with a lot of drinks open almost all night, or some sort of "organized" gathering point, for skydivers to party after jumps, instead of everyone going on their own (well almost...) or in the town...

    Ok, written down - "disco all the night every day" :)


    A smart DZO would own the bar, as that might be the most profitable part.

    Yes - restaurant business is much more profitable, than DZ - I know :) But, unfortunatley - we have DZ :)))
    We plan to build new bar this summer with big covered verand for skydive sightseeing.

  6. Why everyone asks about carpet in packing area? :)
    In fact - definetley - there will be no carpet in packing hall, because it will be dirty in 15 minutes after cleaning :(
    But we have new hangar for packing and more (e.g. inet-cafe, personal boxes for suits and more)
    And we plan to build absolutley new bunkhouses till May and big refrigerator for Baltika No7 B|

    But, please, explain me - what for we need carpet???? :)))

  7. Usually we jump more than one tandem per load. So - we can joke with oter instructor or cameraman.

    E.g. "Hey, - at least THIS time can you land not to the forest??"
    "As usual or to the dropzone?"

    And to passenger:
    Don't worry - I'm very succefull TM - I have about 70 percents of successfull tandems.

    Keep smile or your face muscles will be relaxed and you will have terrible video

    I like tandems - there are many fun on it! Wish you too :)

  8. this summer will be third international season on our DZ and we already had many improvments on our visitors requests.
    But, probably - we don't know some of them :)
    So, what you will need - facilities, information, help - if you will go to foregn DZ and plan to stay there for a week/month/year/whole life?

  9. You had many advices. Two little more.

    1. Relax. The most horrable think for me on my first 50 Tms was RESPONSIBILITY. It's enough to have responsibility, not RESPONSIBILITY :)
    2. Have your own joke. It's enough to have only one for every student :)
    3. If you jump with video - make show from this jump.

    And - LOVE your students - this is the best you can do :)

  10. Quote

    "Will this chest strap thingy break my implants when the parachute opens?"

    Lol!!! :)

    One of our students didn't want to jump tandem because his friend told him about "emergency passenger cutaway" :))

  11. Let me say you that this year we operate at least two crafts - Mi-8 and An-28 and plan to use another planes. Also we have in hot reserve another crafts if needed.
    We are very open and truly international DZ - our instructors works worldwide and staff are very friendly.

    For more information - please visit or contact me by e-mail - [email protected].

    At this moment I've got request for invitaions from at least 100 skydivers from other countries like Denmark, Poland, USA, Germany, New Zeland, Israel and others. Hope to see you in this list :)

  12. Skydive Software Inc. anounced two new products - data-cable for ProTrack and Cypres. This cables are specially designed to perform firmware update at your home. All you need is PC-compatible computer, thai cable and about 40 minutes to perform this operations.

    Attach this cable to your computer and to device (Cypres or ProTrack) on other side and run simple program which will update firware in your device.

    It will open many hidden features of these devices. For example - you can play TrackTris (Tetris) on your ProTrack or activate voice warning before your Cypres will fire.

    More information you can find on company's site.
    MSRP is 99 for Cypres cable and 49 for ProTrack cable.

    Don't miss your chance!

  13. Quote

    The crossfire is a great canopy, but it's not THAT different then the Stileto.

    What are you looking for?

    I'm looking for:
    1. nice openings on heading with "pack like a stupid" packing in three minutes between loads.
    2. Good flying characteristics for filming tandem and students - in this case I can open in 3-4 kilometers from landing point
    3. Long swoops.
    4. Transition canopy to cross-brased high performance like VX


    What don't you like about the Stileto?

    Nothing. Just want to make some changes :)


    What do you like about the Crossfire2?

    I saw landings on it - looks good. I only have jumps on Crossfire (not 2) - and I like it.
    Also - I jumped on Stiletto 107 - there was not so much differences with 120.

    Thanks to everyone who replied. I also hope to further replies :)

  14. Hi, all!

    Currently I jump on Stiletto 120. I have about 500 jumps on it and want to buy a new canopy.

    I'm looking for agressive, but safe canopy :)
    I'm freefall videographer and extremely like to swoop.

    Now I look to Crossfire2 (size - 105-113)

    Can anyone advice me something? May be I need to buy bigger canopy or other model?

    Any help will be very useful for me.

  15. There is bad fashion to buy small and agressive canopies in Russia nowaday. So - I want to edit small video (5-7 minutes) with low-turns and followed injury and show it as learning video for current student and after-graduates on my DZ.

    Does anyone has some videos about it? If yes - please contact me - [email protected]. I'll very apprecated for any video of this kind.

    Thank you in advance.

  16. I saw your "safe" landing last weekend, when you leave big hole in the snow. Only deep snow saved your legs and, probably, life at all.
    Your canopy is too agressive for your expeerience. Try to switch on your brain and save your life and health.
    And stop histerics about downsizing.
    I hope in nearest future safety rules will be changed - I don't want to see dead body on my DZ.

  17. Thank's. But two-ways is not official competition - there are no dive pool for it there.
    I found some randoms and blocks - I suppose - it's all that can be imagined for two-way.
    Now I need some experienced in competition organozation person to give me some advices on competition procedures - this is the first practice of this type for me.
    Hey, is there cool guy or gal here, who can help me?

  18. Hi there!
    Have someone here an experience of RW 2-way competitions organizing?
    If yes - please help me a little - could you show (or change to beer) your blocks and randoms? I've got some of them (from Russia and from CZ) - but I want to have so much info as possible.
    thank you very much in advance.

  19. I agree with you that in most case small camera like Sony PC is the best choice.
    But sometimes - not.
    let me explain my idea.
    i want to be able change tool for fixing video. For example it can be very useful for skydiving shows to use video transponder with videowall on the ground instead of simple camera. And this is the only one way to show RW jumps for ground people. I want to have one helmet for jumps with recorder and with transponder.
    Next goal is to use single helmet for jumping with camera or without it (Small optical device is not so problematic as whole camera)
    And the third goal is easy changing of video device without changing helmet or camera box.
    I understand, that many difficuties on this way. But i really need it.
    To be more quite my question is:
    Is it possible to have separate video with good and small optic on helmet and fixed device as another changable part?

  20. Could anybody tell me smth about separate video system - i mean small optical element (smth like web-cam) on the helmet and portable recorder in other place?
    I saw smth like this on some BASE videos and i want to use smth like this instead of whole camera on the helmet.
    Any ideas, advices?