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Posts posted by Xwoop

  1. Quote

    It's very easy to over tighten the chest strap and increase the chance of line twists.

    They also add a more points for wear and potential failure.

    A little bit off topic right away but does a tight chest strap really increase the chance of line twists? What I have experienced it doesn't.
    -When the canopy pulls your shoulders up unevenly during the opening, if the chest strap is tight it doesn't tilt you on the other side as much because the connection points are more in the middle.
    -If the canopy gets into linetwists, the chance that risers get uneven inside the twists is smaller if the connection points are close to each other
    -Because of having the connection points close to each other, it will be a lot easier to undo the twist. (so, don't push apart the risers, it only makes it harder to kick out)
    Think about if the connection point of the risers would be in the same place---> if you have line twists they will open right away (i.e. the lower the twists are the easier it is to kick out of it)
    About the chest rings...as you said its one more possible point for failure or wear.

  2. Quote

    .... The 300 HMA line sets are can not be bought as "kits", they must be installed at PD...

    I do well understand why you have this kind of policy, but it makes it impossible for swoopers outside US to get 300 lines on their velos.. :(

    I wouldn't have time (or money) to wait my velo travel back and forth from europe every 100 or 200 jumps.

  3. Quote

    Although I jump a "big" Velocity (come on, it has 3 digits), I would NOT take it on a skydive that had more than just a couple of people on it. Even then its still really too fast of a canopy for that. I would buy another 120 at a minimum for "real" skydiving. Actually I want to buy a 150 before I go back to doing any RW or FFing. That is a more appropriate wingloading for jumping and opening with groups (for me).

    Why isn't here any smileys that give applauses ;)
    That's exactly how it should be.