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Dropzone Reviews posted by haadihiimailija

  1. I have been visiting the drop zone several years around thanksgiving. In the past it has been a great place to skydive when TK used to organize things.

    The last two years have been a disappointment considering it was the best place to do a skydive vacation during our cold and dark winters in northern Europe.

    Things that I consider that could be improved to make Skydive City great again. 

    The packing area could be cleaner: There are some spots where sand is transferred inside the packing area when jumpers walk back from the landing-area. That could solved by covering the lose soil whit something like old carpets, tiles ect. More sand in the packing area than in many desert dropzones.

    Information about upcoming events on the calendar on their web page: last year i brought my night jump equipment whit me because the calendar had the mention of night jumps. Had my 1.2 kg lights whit me but it was not organised. This year there was no mention in the calendar but there was night jumps on two occasions. And there could be more light on the landing.

    There used to be one person cooking in the kitchen, the coffee and food served was good. Now there are three people in the kitchen. => Prices are double an the quality is quite poor. Why? 

    Jump ticket prices have increased and are currently 26$ not the 25$ stated above or the 21$ that it used to be. I do not mind the price but would appreciate clean packing space and free organizing. 

    There are less organizers that there used to be, and the free organizing does not work the way it used to. And some of the local jumpers that I used to jump whit are less active or gone, and they are kind of disappointed on how things are.  

    The last couple of visits there has been less loads going up and more space in the packing area. 

    If you consider renting a trailer the ones that we have used had some mold and smell issues and could have been cleaner.

    I still consider this drop-zone one of the best places to skydive during winter time considering the overall picture, and it could be on the top whit some improvements.