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Posts posted by Wenger

  1. I have at least 2,000 out of the Golden Knight's Otter from 74 - 80. Which means I have alot of time sitting in the back climbing to altitude. They were a great airplane but not know for a fast climb with a single 650hp (P&W 1340)engine in front. Owned a beaver for a couple of years, loved flying it but again a slow climb to altitude.

  2. I have recieved this letter and have let Rhonda know that at the next BOD meeting it will be reviewed by the Competition Commiittee along with several others that are not in agreement. EVERYTHING the Competition Committee recieves is presented at the meetings. It's not fair to discuss this any futher in a public forum

  3. Don't know where this came from but for all who have ever flown a round engine.

    We gotta get rid of those turbines; they're ruining aviation and our hearing.
    A turbine is too simple minded, it has no mystery. The air travels through it in a straight line and doesn't pick up any of the pungent fragrance of engine oil or pilot sweat.
    Anybody can start a turbine. You just need to move a switch from “OFF” to “START” and then remember to move it back to “ON” after a while. My PC is harder to start.
    Cranking a round engine requires skill, finesse, and style. You have to seduce it into starting. It’s like walking up to a mistress. On some planes, the p9ilots aren’t even allowed to do it.
    Turbines start by whining for awhile, then give a ladylike poof and start whining a little louder.
    Round engines give a satisfying rattle-rattle, click-click, BANG, more rattles, another BANG, a big macho FART or two, more clicks, a lot more smoke and finally a serious low pitched roar. We like that. It’s a GUY thing.
    When you start a round engine, your mind is engaged and you can concentrate on the flight ahead. Starting a turbine is like flicking on a ceiling fan. Useful, but hardly exciting.
    When you have started his round engine successfully you Crew Chief looks up at you like he’d let you kiss his girl, too!
    Turbines don’t break or catch fire often enough, which leads to aircrew boredom, complacency and inattention. A round engine at speed looks and sounds like it’s going to blow any minute. This helps concentrate the mind!
    Turbines don’t have enough control levers or gauges to keep a pilot’s attention. There’s nothing to fiddle with during long flights.
    Turbines smell like a Girl Scout camp full of Coleman lamps. Round engines smell like God intended machines to smell.
    Pass this on to anyone who flew them, ever in remembrance of that “Greatest Generation”

  4. Yes you did Jim, but I was making a general statment. Most of the young jumpers have all heard about the CA and FL jumpers and what they did. If it wasn't for you and a few others writing about that midwest group they would be forgotten. You hit it on the head about the weather being a big factor since Hinkley wasn't a year round DZ they all headed south in the winter.

  5. Thanks for the info on Lou, would love to meet up with him and Bob Ulm who also jumped at Hinkley during that time. When I started jumping there in 71 they helped me alot.

    I don't think the Hinkley/James Gang ever recieved the the recognition that they deserved it all seemed to go to CA and FL. No offense Hoop

  6. First National was 74-75 have competed in Style Accuracy, 4-way, 8-way and 10 way now am back to doing the classic events. Only missed a few thru the years. It just doesn't get any better than the Nationals. Good competition to get/keep the jucies going and visiting with old friends. Love it

  7. I stand corrected. When I was a D1 college wrestler we had several wrestlers that didn't finish there last course for their undergraduate degree so the could wrestle. They took graduate courses then completed the last course after the season. But then that 30 years ago. So, AggieDave I stan corrected. But one thing you said which if you know anything on how the people who work with the Collegiate Jumpers and the Collegiate Nationals, this includes USPA, is that they care. We may make mistakes, but we care and will continue to promote the colllegiate jumpers. When we make mistakes we will try and fix them. As much as some would like this to be some evil plot by USPA to kill the future of our sport, well it just isn't so.

  8. Ok, its seems that I may be the bad guy in this. I will try and answer some of your questions and tell you how the Competition Committee (CC) came to this change. First I am the CC chair, I am new to the BOD this term but served for 8 years on the BOD before and was the chair of the CC them. I have worked at the Air Force Academy for 23 years. I have attended 28 Collegiate Championships; I believe it to be the most important competition USPA runs.
    - This motion (undergraduate eligibility) was done at the Feb 09 USPA BOD meeting and was reported out in the CC report to the full board. Despite what some may say we don't do anything secret or even try to. The motion came from two areas, one several competitors asked why grad students were allowed to jump in a National competition and trying to clarify other eligibility requirements.
    - In discussion it was stated in other NCAA sports grad students are not allowed to compete at the College level. After considerable discussion it was decided to bring us in line with other college sports.
    - Before I go any further lets me address a couple other concerns. The AFA could care less about this, doesn't concern them and they weren't even asked about it.
    - To give a little history on when the Nationals are held, when I competed in them the competition was held over the Thanksgiving holiday. There was never enough time to complete the meet and schools needed more time to prepare since most only arrived back to school in Sept. Last Christmas is the only other common holidays that all school have.
    - Back to the issue. I first heard that this was a controversy just two days ago when I happened to get on DZ.com. I don't get on very often. After reading the info I was impressed on the response and I have asked the CC to read the email and petition.
    - Most every change that the committee does is trying to improve the competition and keep it the Championships "current" Changes such as sport accuracy, VFR, and 6-way speed came about because a couple individuals asked a question. Do we get it right every time No, sorry we are not perfect. Can we change our minds and change this back of course. Heck, my wife makes me change my mind all the time.
    - I have asked the CC to review the info petition and get back to me. Several have already voted to change it back to include graduate students. This will have to go thru the system but I think this change will take place before the 09 collegiate Nationals. Again I said I think it still has to go the thru the slow imperfect democratic system.
    - One more thing that I would lke to add. When you have any question about competition please first call or email me or any one else on the Competition Committee first. It might save everyone alot of time. I'm not saying the committee will change a rule everytime there is a complaint but at least give us a chance to address your concerns.
    - Call or email me if you want further info. Bill Wenger 719-200-8947 [email protected]

  9. There are still quite a few accuracy meets thru out the year. Called the North American Cup Accuracy meets. Think there will be seven meets this year. CA, NC, FL, CT, OH, so alot to choose from. Skydive Ricks a DZ in Ohio has a good web site that keeps up with the competitions and is one of the last place to train both accuracy and style. And it is a great place to jump!! www.skydivericks.com

  10. Looking forward to the Reunion, we have decided to have one of the North American cup accuracy meets during the reunion weekend at Raeford. We know that alot of the pioneers shot some accuracy in the past. And of course all are welcome to join in. To tell the truth most of us that still compete in accuracy are allittle on the older side. Don't tell them I said that:ph34r: See everyone there!!