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Posts posted by krkeenan

  1. Quote

    Once again, I understand

    Dammit, Butters. Shut up. You asked the question, and other people will reply and state their thoughts. You don't have to argue with each one, just sit back and let the discussion develop.

    You have a good question. But here's the deal. Guy's PC is out in the plane, he's going to be killed in moments. Pushing him out is the only possible chance he has. If everyone lives, you're a hero. If it doesn't work out, he was toast anyway. That's the rationale for the action. It's very simple and should be presented in first jump courses that way.

    Kevin K.
    Seasons don't fear the Reaper,
    nor do the Wind, the Sun, or the Rain...

  2. Quote

    We lost out to something like “Flag dancing”.

    I'm guessing it will never happen. There's just way less chance of any of the competitors in Flag Dancing dying in a violent, mangling accident. I think the Olympics must be sensitive to that sort of thing. I think it's hard for jumpers to truly understand how whuffos perceive skydiving.

    But, hey, everyone has an opinion.

    Seasons don't fear the Reaper,
    nor do the Wind, the Sun, or the Rain...

  3. Quote

    "In retrospect, lighting the match was my big mistake. :o

    It just goes to show you...
    it's always something.:S

    Seasons don't fear the Reaper,
    nor do the Wind, the Sun, or the Rain...

  4. Quote

    I just wanna say 'Its like ----ing your gramma!'" :-)

    Never heard that one, Joe. That's pretty wierd. But I'm sure Rob meant it in the good way. ;)

    Seasons don't fear the Reaper,
    nor do the Wind, the Sun, or the Rain...

  5. Quote

    Re: How do you get on a plane without a rig on?

    At a popular DZ where I jumped a long time ago, it was somewhat common for the entire load to get on the jump plane and just pile their rigs at the back. It was a long ride to altitude and it was a big airplane with a nice sound system, so everyone sort of milled around and socialized till about 10k, then started putting on their stuff. It was all pretty laid back. However, we all had rigs on when we left the airplane. ;)

    Seasons don't fear the Reaper,
    nor do the Wind, the Sun, or the Rain...

  6. Quote

    Question is – Are you incredibly and unbelievably COOL enough to be called Zaphod?

    It's a natural enough nickname - if you have two heads. :S
    Seasons don't fear the Reaper,
    nor do the Wind, the Sun, or the Rain...

  7. Sounds like good analysis of the lines and you made a decision plenty high. Good Job.;)

    If you could have found the right line and cut it, that probably would work. But I'd consider that a pretty advanced move to try at your experience level. It would take you longer than you expect to get the right line and also have a high probability of cutting the wrong one. JC Colclasure could probably do it, but you shouldn't try. You took the right route buy resolving the problem with your cutaway handle.

    Seasons don't fear the Reaper,
    nor do the Wind, the Sun, or the Rain...

  8. Quote

    Can we PLEASE take care of this within our community, and not involve the FAA to decide?

    So far, you are the only one to bring up those three letters.

    I don't see any reason why this can not be looked at within the jumper / gear industry community, and some answers be found. If it turns out that current practices are shown to be unsafe, then changes will be made, as they have in the past. There should be no need for regulatory intervention over an issue like this.

    Seasons don't fear the Reaper,
    nor do the Wind, the Sun, or the Rain...

  9. Quote

    Just want to know what experience level may be considered as 'safe enough' for Mr. Bill, in terms of skills and number of jumps?

    That's obviously going to be different for everyone. Certainly, it's not even perfectly right for me to say that 40 jumps is too little. Maybe with the "perfect natural skydiver", who exhibits the skill of hundreds of jumps after only 25 - that person may be OK. But that's not the norn. Who's to say what's enough. Not me. I'm just saying that at 40 jumps, the average jumper does not have the airmanship skills, in my opinion, to do this sort of thing safely.

    Seasons don't fear the Reaper,
    nor do the Wind, the Sun, or the Rain...

  10. Quote

    >... a pullout can be just as safe as any other rig...

    Proving that even inferior gear can be made to work just fine if you are careful with it. ;)

    Kevin K.
    Seasons don't fear the Reaper,
    nor do the Wind, the Sun, or the Rain...

  11. Lots of fabulous flying peeps are at JumpTown in Orange Mass to do CRW this weekend. Let's hear some reports.

    At least report nightly what Q is drinking and if Chris runs out of tiquilla (Hint: Don't let that happen).>:(

    Have fun, Fly safe, and let's get some play-by-play reports.:)
    Seasons don't fear the Reaper,
    nor do the Wind, the Sun, or the Rain...

  12. Shit-howdy did we ever have a fun day of CRW at Sebastian on Saturday. :)
    We even planned a photo of the Space Shuttle climbing in the background past our formation at 1000 mph. Jimbo Bolton, our NASA inside CRWDog, who had to work that day being the host of a bunch of congressmen and other weasels, was phoning in reports from the Launch Control Center, so we could get the timing right. (He had to fit these reports in between telling the VIPs humerous stories of shuttle toilet accidents and other inside anecdotes. :P) But, as we were on jumprun, we got the word that the launch was axed due to bad weather. It seems that the usual DZ line, "Cloud ? What cloud ?", doesn't cut it with NASA. No matter, we still had another cool jump.

    Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that in one corner of the universe, for one Saturday, there was some bad-ass CRW being demonstrated to the flabbergasted eyes of freefallers. (Ernie also treated their flabbergasted noses to something they'll not soon forget. I think he may have more to do with global warming than originally suspected. Al Gore is investigating.)

    Do CRW,
    'nuff said
    I'm going to bed.

    Kevin K.
    Seasons don't fear the Reaper,
    nor do the Wind, the Sun, or the Rain...

  13. Quote

    DAMN I need to WL that high to get into CRW?

    You can negotiate your WL with whoever you jump with. There's no need to be higher than you are comfortable with. It just depends on what canopies are available for you to use. Somebody could find you a Lightning 190 and set themselves up with a similar WL. I never said it was easy, I just said it was fun.
    Bubbles can advise you on why not to go with too high a WL.

    Don't worry. What could possibly go wrong. (See Attachment.) :P

    Kevin K.
    Seasons don't fear the Reaper,
    nor do the Wind, the Sun, or the Rain...

  14. Quote

    [Yea and they are full of BMW's, Porsche's, Corvettes and other up-scale means of transportation. Don't remember the last time I saw a VW bus or Ford Econoliner Van.[:/]

    But amongst all that, the spirit's still there. Jumpers will always be jumpers. I've loved being part of this family for many years. Things change, but a lot remains the same. ;)

    Seasons don't fear the Reaper,
    nor do the Wind, the Sun, or the Rain...