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Posts posted by aceofd1amonds

  1. 0:0:1

    Winded out on Saturday. Made one jump on Sunday that was AWESOME! Bought beer for the AFF-I that helped me out with some questions on Saturday. They passed me to self supervised at this DZ so im good to go!

    Hopefully next weekend will be better!
    -Aint life grand?!-

  2. well im 24 and I still love my mom. We hang out...and I still let her buy me things. See? not much will change! My mom's got it worse than you...she has to worry about my skydiving.
    -Aint life grand?!-

  3. Looks like i have to go to Vegas for some Hair show seminar or something. Since there is obviously nothing to do in that town, im gonna skydive. I saw a couple of DZ's online but i want to know what you recommend and why. Hook me up. The more info the better. Id like to jump turbines if possible btw...

    Thanks in advance!
    -Aint life grand?!-

  4. Id tell him.

    In other news, Im happy to say that I got to jump today AND I got a steal of a helmet on ebay! SO, my weekend is a lot better. Not to mention I met some really cool guys while jumping. 2nd best experience yet! See you next weekend!
    -Aint life grand?!-

  5. i guess so, man. Im just having trouble coping with all that. Those rules suck. Maybe I just havent come across the right people yet. Maybe tomorrow, which is our first day jumping at this new airport, will be the day when it all starts happening! Hopefully tomorrow night I can come back and be ecstatic. We shall see.
    -Aint life grand?!-