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Posts posted by dynamicedge

  1. Oh wow. I've heard about this thing for a long time and I had no idea it was going to be a movie and not a documentary. The footage looks freakin awesome so I'll watch it and try my hardest to ignore the shitty storyline and talking.

  2. Alrighty, I'm not retarded. I fully understand that the skis have tons to do with their ability to generate horizontal separation but if they ditched the skis and learned to adapt without them I think they could be good trackers!!! I'm not suggesting they jump from planes with 3m long boards strapped to their feet. I just think they would have a big advantage.

  3. Quote

    We're not entirely sure yet.

    I've polled some friends on another message board for some rules. Some of the suggestions are:

    Everytime you see a pair of the red mittens on T.V - drink a shot;

    Everytime you see something about Visa, McDonalds, or Coke, take a shot;

    Knock back a shot of Jager every time a former Olympian with zero broadcasing experience stumbles their way through a commentary. Two for every time they say, "The Canadians really worked hard for this, Brian."

    I think it'll be a lot of fun :)

    You would die of alcohol poisoning very quickly.

  4. When you flake your bed instead of making it.

    When your work clothes have grippers.

    When you refer to your recent breakup as an intentional cutaway.

    You get engaged, and your spouse-to-be is thinking, "I can't believe I convinced him(her) to take the honeymoon in Paris!" and YOU'RE thinking, "I
    can't believe I convinced her(him) to take the honeymoon in Perris!"

  5. I'll be headin to Lodi in a week for a little while. I just can't wait anymore till my DZ opens in May. I hope to do a shit ton of jumps and plan on sleeping in the dirt. Is there at least a communal kitchen there I can whip up some mac and cheese and 99cent noodles?