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Posts posted by returnofdamac

  1. haha ur the crazy white girl...I'm the crazy black teenager. My grandfather winces everytime I talk about skydiving. However, they will never know unless they make a jump. I love what I do, and I've spent a good deal of money to do it.. You will too of that I am sure. Have FUN!!!!B|

    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  2. Hello, I am Raphael from Northern california. I jump at skydance, and I was wondering if anyone is in here that is in the Chicago Area. I will be there in the month of June and I hope to enter some type of packing class at a DZ. I am trying to get somethings together to get my A license. I was wondering if it would be possible for someone in the Chicago Area to send me a pm.
    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  3. Hello, I am Raphael Turner from Northern california. I jump at skydance, and I was wondering if anyone is in here that is in the Chicago Area. I will be there in the month of June and I hope to enter some type of packing class at a DZ. I am trying to get somethings together to get my A license. I was wondering if it would be possible for someone in the Chicago Area to send me a pm.
    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  4. Can't you ask him to put the mail in there that he can and have you pick up the rest later?

    ps...well that might not work since you won't know when you have a big package come in...
    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  5. Thanks...i still don't know how to do that..:$

    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  6. This is really neat. I'd like to see the upgraded model though before I bought one.

    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  7. that was pretty impressive. So i take it the horsepower and his skillls made up for the missing wing?
    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  8. nbc has provided coverage of nearly all the sports on nbc olympics .com. It has the sports available as they are being played.
    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  9. Yes! This sounds very good. I will eventually go to both. However, SDA sounds like the best bet for me right now.
    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  10. I am also highly biased. I was not permitted to bring my car. As a result I only have transportation to SDA. However, SDA seems like a pretty good place to jump either way. I will try to make it to the farm eventually tho.
    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  11. I will be at Morehouse College. But will be jumpin most likely at SDA.
    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  12. hope to see some of you at the dropzone in the next week or two. I will be getting my A and finally be able to jump with the rest of civilization lol. :)
    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  13. never gonna get any: 4:2

    First two way; First two way with camera flyer, first two way. Most likely my last time diving at Davis till December [:/] I'm gonna miss the place and the people!

    p.s. it felt so good diving with someone else....i was almost alienated away from other jumpers as soon as i passed AFF

    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  14. uh oh...what have I unleashed? :ph34r:

    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  15. She is right the first guy is a comedian.
    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  16. Purely enterntainment! lots of explicit language!
    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  17. O ok! I did my in Davis. Had a pretty good time too!
    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  18. I concur. This is ridiculous. I wonder what the hell does their training academy look like? New York has been known for having dirty cops, but ones that PMS and go out and start beating the shit out of people? and then they send future officers to come onto dropzone and plead their case....Now this is Rich![:/]

    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  19. I think that Tandem Instructors have a lot of the say on whether its going to be a "carnival ride" or whether the attached person is actually going to put some work in. My first dive just happened to be done by my high school physics teacher. So he gave me the opportunity to become a student because he truly wanted to see additions to the sport. That and now he might be able to brag to all the other teachers at school. But, it was all his decision; here I am now on my way to my A license.
    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  20. Also the guy who wrote Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was allegedly on a coke binge at the time.
    *It is also known that he used Opium and Hashish. It is also quite possible that he was on shrooms at the time during which the book was written.
    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  21. Quote

    "This is Cheetah country" :D

    from the newest one:
    "Oh you guys were at G-BAY? I love them damn cock meat sandwiches." - George Bush

    that part always give me a good laugh:D
    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

  22. Quote

    One of the things I think a lot of new jumpers have to get used to is not being such a pussy about personal space on the ride to altitude.

    I'm not saying this applies to you, but . . . you know . . . newbies.

    mod indirectly called him a pussy! As a newbie the only thing that scares me about this is my gear coming undone! But it hasn't happened so far so I guess my fear is unreasonable!
    Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
    vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
    Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.