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Posts posted by lovlka

  1. Hi!
    I recently bought a Sabre 190 -92, which I was told have been jumped about 200 jumps. Although its age, it's in really good shape, and I got it really cheap.

    However, I was told that one of the previous owners mostly did tandems and CRW. Is it possible that he used this canopy for CRW, or are other canopies preferred?

    If this canopy was used in CRW, does that wear the canopy faster than normal use? The lines are almost as new, and the fabric as well... are there any common CRW related damages to be aware of?

  2. Quote

    You’d be amazed at what some people are willing to sell to another person. The term "beginners rig" is sometimes synonymous with ... some old piece of shit rig to sell to an unsuspecting newbie.

    That's why it makes a person cringe. A real beginners rig should also be suitable for an experienced jumper. It may not be the desired size however it should not have short comings of many of the "beginners rig" I've seen.

    That's all.

    Good luck!

    Totally makes sense to me... didn't think of it that way.

  3. Quote

    If there is one tem in the industry that makes me cringe, it's.....

    ..... "beginner rig".

    What term should I use to make you happy? I've just finished my AFF, and I want to buy some gear...

    Btw, I tried the rig on today, and it didn't really fit. So I definitely won't buy this rig. The main canopy however was in really good shape, and it was a nice one too... (Black, pink, blue, green ;))

    It was delivered unpacked, and it wasn't any harder to pack than the student equipment I used. Still I've only packed ~20 rigs. Whatever the specs say, this 190 canopy did fit in the Javelin J-2. It might not be the best solution though... or?

    I'm not going to buy this rig, so thanks a lot for your opinions! I will propably be back with more questions...

  4. Quote

    He has already made up his mind. The certified rigger will talk him into it. The whole thread is useless.

    My eastern European friend. For 2000€ you can buy AMAZINGLY NEW gear in the states. I say keep looking or at least have your rigger pack that 190 for you.

    Let's see it happen.

    I've not at all made up my mind, and the thread is not useless at all. In fact I was doubtful to the rig before creating this thread, and I'm very greatful for the input you all have given.

    Anyway, I have the opportunity to test jump the rig this weekend, and that will help a lot of course. Whether I buy it or not is still not decided, but based on the overall attitude in this thread, I probably won't.

    But who knows. There could be an error in the specs he gave me, or it could somehow be really easy to pack. Then what's the problem really?

    Again, thanks for the input. Keep it coming!
    /your Northern European friend

  5. Quote

    Don't buy it if you don't get a chance to pack the main yourself before making the deal final. A 190 in a J2 is gonna completely suck to pack. You should know how much it's going to suck before you buy it.

    Haha, thanks for the... support?
    Perhaps I will spend most of my time this weekend packing instead of jumping. If so, I don't have to think twice on whether I should buy or not.

  6. Since he's going to deliver the main canopy packed in the rig, he should be able to realize that it doesn't fit. We'll see about that...

    You all say it's overpriced. It seems to be in the same price range as the other similar rigs I've looked at. Maybe it's the powerful swedish krona that sets you off? ;)

    I've not yet decided to buy this equipment, but I will propably make some tests jumps this weekend. Of course I will also discuss this with my instructors.

  7. Hi!
    I'm finally a certified skydiver, and looking for my first rig. I've got an offer, and I just wonder if it's something to go for, or if I should keep looking...
    At least the size of the rig and canopy fits my size and experience.

    Javelin J-2, 11-92, sn 3602, some parts changed
    Cricket reserv ca 150 sqf, 10-92, sn CR-5040R, orange
    Sabre 190, 12-91, sn 2618, many colors, good shape (no photo yet)
    Cypres 05-00, service and new batteries 02-08

    The price is ~1300€