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Posts posted by froggie

  1. michele,
    please dont think that! its soooooooooo not true. what i was trying to do was exactly what im sure i did... bring a smile to the faces of some folks here. I dont have anywhere near as much time to visit this site as i use to. with that in mind, i log on and feel lost. I dont have the PC abilities, or the time, to read every single thread. not when im home to sleep and shower and then im off to the dz. I havent even eaten a single meal here in 3 weeks. So when i log on, and see all these new people, new topics, stories im not familiar with.. well, that gets kinda weird. Ive followed your progression, and im damned proud of you!!! I even bragged about you the other week to one of our Instructors here at Xkeys.
    Sis is right, it seems like so long ago i went thru ground school and began doing solos w/ one instructor. It was in march, not even 6 months ago! but it feels like such a long time. so much has happened, so much has changed. Im up to 25 jumps now.
    To all my friends, sorry I havent been around much, skydiving has taken over my life, and the new found friends have been a big part of it. BUT I havent forgotten about you guys!
    PS- to all of our newer friends, dont stop sharing stuff about who you are... cant make good friends that way. WELCOME TO OUR LITTLE DEMENTED HOME!

  2. this is an attempt to revive good threads.. trying to bring the mood back up around here...
    i dont have the normal "flying" dreams but about 2 months ago i had a dream that i had all the gear i ever needed.. woke up and was soooooooooooo sad cause it wasnt true. but now, with the settlement from the accident just around the corner i had the same dream. this time i woke up and was estatic. pretty soon i will have everything i could ever dream of and money to waste!!! breaking my nose, having knee surgury and not walking for months suddenly seems all worth it! and they say money cant make you happy... guess they werent skydivers then!
    Giddy Giddy me!

  3. sangiro,
    ah. i just posted a thread. its called "for the old timers" . it was posted in a good spirit. sort of to keep the old timers around. It was not ment to be offensive or insulting. please dont take it that way. we love all these new options, and the fact that over 4,000 people, skydivers and whuffos alike have found your site in recent months, well, that totally kicks ass. The point of my thread was just to remind the old timers what we built, and that its still around. we just have to put a little effort into bringing it back..

  4. Nate,
    let me be the first one on here to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!
    its an awesome life huh? one day, when youve been in the sport a few months, youre going to sit down with a good friend and have a conversation about how you got into the sport... its at that moment that youll realize what a completely different lifestyle you live now, and how its the most amazing thing that has ever happened to you...
    the wait is worth it, the conversation is worth it. (sorry, had a real sentimental moment with a good friend tonight, we did a lot of 'serious' talking and im still reeling in it..)

  5. i just came across a thread from Monk that mentioned his disapointment in the change of things around here and how he missed the 'good ole times'.
    well, heres a thread to remember those times...
    Remember when...
    FFF was the original FFF and his sex life dominated the threads?
    Remember when...
    we didnt have all these fancy options for the threads?
    Remember when...
    The pub was just a far fetched idea for the 'new, feels like its never gonna get here'
    Remember when...
    The nakie pics of the chicks were posted?
    Remember when...
    Wingi made daily appearances on these threads? (me too )
    Remember when...
    It was the same 10 or 15 people posting?
    Remember when...
    Pammi was graduating to more and more freefall time?
    Remember when...
    Private issues could be discussed and you didnt get flamed for it? we all shared a lot
    more personal info way back when.
    Remember when...
    Sangiro did his motorcycle trip and posted all those cool pics?
    Remember when...
    The battle of the sexs ran strong and ended with the girls winning?
    Remember when...
    The polar bear wasnt finished yet and we all waited intently for the finished pics of it?
    Remember when...
    Wingi posted a pic of himself nakie?
    what do you want to remember ol'e timers?
    Sis, youll always be sis, and somewhere deep down ill always be froggie.. just doesnt feel like it anymore...

  6. as i said after my first tandem jump (which was in the winter) "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! I CANT FEEL MY FINGERS, MY EARS ARE KILLING ME!!!! BUT I DONT CARE! I DONT CARE! THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!"
    ...... get my point? its well worth it..... Just make sure their some kick ass skydives so its all worth while.
    kelly, the NorthEast queen

  7. sangiro,
    welcome home! i forgot you were moving to London. I should be out that way sometime this winter... going to do a little traveling starting in November, planning on doing the whole "lets see America thing for about 2 months. coming home for christmas, then hitting the UK for about 3 weeks. ill be sure to let you know more when i know more.

  8. skyhawk,
    honestly, that thought didnt even occur to me. my chin strap can be a bit of a pain in the ass to tighten anyway. i can never seem to get it just right. I tighten it too tight, then i loosen it too much. I never dreamed that it would do what it did when i deployed, but then again i never planned on having line twists like i did either. It taught me how some minor things can really screw up a normally stable body position.
    Ill tell you what though, i wont be jumping that helmet any longer than needed. Ill be placing an order online soon to a my friends friend, he makes these really lighttweight helmets, set for an audible and a protrack. spaces built right into the helmet for them. It barely weights anything at all. Hes based out of Austrailia. So it will take a bit of time to get here.

    in answer to your question "where have you been?".... working at the dropzone, jumping, hanging out. been going out to dinner with folks from the dz most every night. This past friday night i was the lucky camera girl who got pics of her good friend screwing up a pond swoop at the local golf course and crashing in. He was totally fine, just a bruised ego. We were able to save his Cypres. thank god. It was actually quite hilarious. he gives me a wind sock, his camera, his book bag and a pullup cord and sends me off to the golf course to get set up cause we were demoing in.. I got some sweet pics of two friends swooping, and then it was his turn. I get him in the view finder and am following him down from his hook turn. hes about 1 foot of the water. no pics yet.... SMACK!!!! I was so shocked. I looked up and screamed to him. but something inside my head said "he'll want pictures!" so i just started snapping away while still yelling at him to tell us if he was okay. he bounced twice, then went under (its a deep pond). I think i might have gotten some good pics of it. swam to shore and we pulled him out. popped his reserve. saved the cypres. went back to the dz and brought us some beer and some dinner. poor guy. but hes perfectly fine .we were able to dry out his canopy as soon as we got back to the dz.. was jumping his system again in 2 days. another jumper got it all on video. the funniest part is that hes doing the breast stroke towards shore and another jumper comes along side of him and does a perfect swoop while hes struggling to make it to the shore. it was hilarious.
    hes planning on getting the video up on a web site in the near future. ill be sure to post the link when he does.
    I did a hop and pop from 13'5 with my friend Damo (from SONIC BOOM) today. now that was amazing.... i highly recomend it to EVERYONE!!!!!!!! so much fun.
    Josh, when are you going to jump again? hows jumping going for everyone else? any new stories?

  9. fallinmarc,
    ROF. no, that does NOT count as a malfunction. it counts as 'pilot brain fart'. ive got this closterfobia thing and i cant stand having the chin strap even touching my neck. it makes me start to gag, so its almost always a bit loose. Plus, its a protec, and a bit too big for me. it was a gift from stacy. i helped her find a really sweet oxygen (?) helmet and so she gave me her old one as a thankyou. Pre-second piece of skydiving gear. So its got more sentimental value than practical value. i will be buying a new helmet on tuesday. (Damo) one of the guys from sonic boom gave me some info about his helmet. Ill be ordering my own soon. also buying another one too.
    but back to the 'beer' wanna be mal. its soooooooooo not! :)
    its pretty funny. in 24 jumps ive had some crazy hilarious stuff happen. I cant imagine what stories ill have when ive got 500 jumps.
    So how is everybody?

  10. started this week off by making a kick ass tracking dive on monday. Just me and my friend Mikey. The dive went so much better than the one last week, and the one last week was good. I dont jump again until thursday.
    Start thursday off with a nice hop-n-pop from 5 grand. Decided to H&P cause i wanted clear airspace to really learn my canopy. I had a radio with me and two people on the ground videoing my landing. So thier telling me all these extra things to do up there. Prolly did at least 5 practice flares. Gotta get that right, these landings hurt like hell!
    Even though im on radio im still doing my own thing. Not that that was the right decision, but i had to do what i was comfortable with, even if it wasnt the best desicion. Georgie wanted me to land in a certain (read: smaller) area of the field. I chose to land in the longest section. my call. it was what i was comfortable with. No danger in that desicion.
    So the video shows that i flared a little high and that im not finishing my flare. Im doing the second stage after i hit the ground. well duh, no wonder the landings hurt. So i watched that video about 30 times before i manifested for the next jump, which is the wackiest jump ive had so far......
    heres the story of my "if everything could ever go wrong it did.." jump
    so im the second person out. i give a count but still not enough time before i exited. So im in freefall and at the same time that i realize that i didnt wait long enough i also realize that my helmet chin strap wasnt tighened enough. So im watching the guy below me. our seperation is okay so now i can play around up there. So i do like 4 backloops in a row and the damned helmet is catching massive amounts of air (cause its so loose) and is just throwing me off balance. I go neutral. decide to do some barrel rolls. that doesnt go to stable either. dont like that feeling .roll back to my belly, but my legs are funky so i go into this head over heals forward dive. get stable again. did some right 720's. go stable again. locate the guy. The guy that jumped before me starts deploying. Im watching and analizing, deciding if there is enough horizonal seperation between us two. Im not comfortable with it so i deploy. Get thrown around in the harness, rotating all over the place. rough opening. I didnt pack for myself.. I go to look up (canopy check) and my helmet gets caught/hit on the risers (line twists down to the risers) and the helmet that was too loose from the get go goes "boinnnggg!" and pops off my head. I say a nice F word and catch it as it pops forward. grab the helmet as its above and in front of my head. grab the goggles (which broke) shove goggles in helmet. bite down on chin strap of helmet. Grab the risers and just start pulling apart and kicking. little me, all 115lbs trying to kick out line twists on a massive spectre 190 canopy. The line twists started above the slider, contained the slider, and went below to my risers. Took about 40 seconds or so but i managed to kick them all out. Controlability check. Everythings A okay. So now i notice that im a bit downwind/crosswind. Winds were coming out of the south, and i was East, between daliah ave and the airport, above tuckahoe road.(for those of you familiar with Xkeys) So ive burned off a bit of alti dealing with all these problems. Time to decide if i should land off. Check my position. check for outs. Decide that with a little help i can definitally make it back and still have time to set up a decent pattern.... I headed for the runway and rode the thermals to my holding area. Without the thermals off the runway i wouldnt have tried to make it to the landing area, i would have settled for out front of the airport to land. But i know about the thermals off the runway, and how if youre above it you could just be gaining alitude and not loosing much.. just holding there. So I use the thermals to keep from loosing the alti that i need to make it home safely. Set up a decent pattern, only had to do one S turn to burn alti and headed in for my final. PLFed the landing and my friend sarah around and goes "so how was that landing...?" my answer: "After that fucking skydive i dont care about the landing! im just glad its all over and im safely on the ground...
    so, wanna go skydive? i sure in hell do! I LOVE THIS FRIGGIN SPORT!!!
    ........ expect the unexpected......

  11. it seems that our little frucinator was running around yesterday getting girls to put
    stickers on their boobies. Guess those pics will start showing up on the web site soon
    huh frucey? she wont mind. after the stories she shared at the Library IV last night im betting
    shes not too shy..

  12. favorite part of the skydive : standing in the door getting ready to do a 2 way, whether its a belly jump or a tracking dive. Just being in the door, yelling an exit count with a good friend smiling right back in my face. when im jumping by myself my favorite part is waving and smiling at my friends who are still in the door.
    It's something that i find rewarding , and Ive been taught some good techniques that make it a hella lot easier.
    my least favorite part is manifesting. or at least that time right before manifesting. check ground winds.. are they good for me to jump? watch landings. study winds. study landing patterns. go manifest. get jumping clothes on, get geared up. go to boarding area.
    i tend to be lazy, so i need a bit of motivation to get manifested. but once i do im good to go. i just dont like the whole "whats jumping conditions like today?" part of it. besides that, i bust my ass working on the dz the majority of the time i'm there.. its nice to lay around and not be bound to any classroom.

  13. anne,
    i know the feeling... on monday i did my beer tracking dive with Mikey McGrath (camera flyer on the ipoc skysurf team) and he shot vid of it. I only have 21 jumps but looking at the video from that jump and thinking back to not that long ago when i was doing AFF its amazing. I remember the fear "gotta get stable out the door" now my favorite thing to do is geek the my friends who are hanging out the door with their video helmets.
    the jump with mikey was amazing. I did a diving exit and he grabbed my hands almost immediately out the door. he releases and on the video im on the hill waving to him, giving thumbs up, smiling like crazy, laughing, waving. Then he purposely caused seperation so that i could practice matching my tracking with his.. its not up close, not until the bottom of the skydive when I track next to him, and at that moment (great editing mikey!), the singer starts singing. The timing is perfect. To see ME adapting my body to freefall with another person. Im tracking but arching a bit to get down to him. we get side by side and the transition to a really desent flat track is schweet. I go neutral at 5,200 feet when i just knew i was near 5 grand. another amazing thing. He told me he didnt want me to check my alti at all, just enjoy the tracking dive, expect the dytter to beep. I didnt, but i still knew i was near 5 grand. To know what alitude im at, thats sweet. So i go neutral, check alti, go back into my track for a couple of seconds. go neutral box again, wave off at 4 grand. nice smooth wave off and then to see myself on video deploying. then mikey deploys and the canopy is opening as the words "Connnnquerinnnng the wormmmmm" are playing. totally sweet skydive, damned good edit too.
    At times i cant believe i skydive. I cant believe that in the years to come this is the 'home movies' ill be showing my kids.
    I love my life. and it just got better :)

  14. aw, the frankenotter is Robs Baby. Did you see him during the 108 way attempts, the caravan and franki were both gone to other dz's. The replacement Super Otter came with its own pilot. Rob didnt know what to do with himself. He looked totally lost.
    have you jumped with John behind the controls yet? Yet another darn good pilot at xkeys....

  15. ah marc. every EMS persons worst nightmere. sorry to hear you got hurt, and even sorrier to hear that you couldnt help your patient. I hope to God that I never know what that feels like.
    .... This is why the ground crew (EMTS, police, paramedics, firefighters etc. etc) should do this stuff. Flight medics are there to treat while en route via medivac. They should have done this work for you.
    geeze, the patient in a tree.. been there, searching the woods in the middle of the night for the missing victem. not pleasant.

  16. alright guys.. whos finding a way to sneak the lap top into the hospital room, 'borrow' an outlet, find a teli line so that we can keep Nelson comfortable?if it was at all possible we'de open the pub 'specially for him.
    but seriously, im sorry to hear about the injury but unbelievably relieved to see that it will be okay. its not okay right now, cause theres broken bones there and i dont want to take that lightly, but it will be okay in time.
    until we see you again, well be thinking about you and wishing you lots of pain killers too. (id wish you to feel better but the reality is, your bones are broke, its gonna take time to feel better. so for now "lots of painkillers!!"

  17. michele,
    youre exactly right~ in the classroom they taught me "you cutaway, then deploy reserve. no questions asked. no special curcumstances warrant a different reaction. It just really surprised me that I was so (for lack of a better word) Logical up there. But what suprised me more, and makes me feel good, is the fact that I didnt get freaked out until i was on the ground, and even then it was just a little freaky to me. At the time I was a matter of action (pulling the hacky) and cursing (cause the damned thing wouldnt come out!). I made too many attempts, everything about that jump should have had me riding my reserve. But like all skydives i learned a lesson, and being open at 2,200 feet isnt something that i want right now. I messed up once, and gave it too many attempts. It wasnt until i was on the ground that I realized "hell, I was just experiencing a high speed malfunction. I shouldnt have kept attempting to clear it. i should have gone for the silver." Im lucky that it cleared. Because In a few seconds i would have been at Cypres alti, if i hadnt pulled the silver yet. That silver handle was the 2nd best thing Ive ever felt, next to the pilot chute releasing from my grip.
    This was a test.. If i hadnt thought of my reserve, and the cypres had fired, then i probably wouldnt be skydiving still, I wouldnt let myself. But this was my chance to show myself that the chances of me handling the next problem correctly are high. There was a problem, i recognized and went for the solution to it. Next time, its 2 yanks and a pull (of the silver handle that is!, then a reserve ride from my normal altitude.
    thanks guys for the imput.

  18. oh! this is too funny. i read an article in a very old parachutist today about slope soaring. ill try to locate it at the dz and get it onto the computer for you. im on ambulance duty tomorrow night so i have 12 hours of nothing to do (hopefully). will be sending it via email when i get it all done. dont rely to heavily on it though, it is old.

  19. the question has come up before: in the classroom students are taught to cut away/ deploy reserve. but in time we come to decide for ourselves what procedures we will use based on the malfunction.
    my question is for those of you who experienced malfunctions shortly off student status. what type of mal was it? what did you do?
    im asking because it just occured to me, almost 2 weeks later: throughout AFP i was taught to cutaway/deploy reserve no matter what. but when i had what i refer to as the 'impossible pull' 2 weeks ago i didnt even consider cutting away. i recognized it as a possible total mal and went right for the silver (still trying to get the hacky out). luckily, the 'one last attempt' worked and i didnt have to ride the reserve in. but with that being my 16th jump, and only my 4th out of AFP im surprised now that i wasnt thinking 'cutaway/reserve' but instead i was thinking how i was. I didnt realize that i had made that transition towards deciding for myself, and not only consider doing what my instructors had taught me.
    so what did you do? how many jumps did you have when you did it?

  20. I put my helmet on backward just before jumprun.

    why does this remind me of one of stacys AFF levels? :) ROF
    did you also wave off, pull your hacky and precide to wave your pilot chute at the nearest instructor? wait.. thats just more of stacys vids :)

  21. hey guys. big day tomorrow. meeting with the lawyers. finally got a trial date set for the accident suit and those damned bastards decided to settle! makin me wait 3 1/2 years.
    in any case, its looking good for me, money wise. no settlement will be agreed apon tomorrow, but an estimate will be reached. please please please think of me! 9am EST is my meeting. this could mean new gear, a nice vacation, lots of jumps, some crazy amounts of skydive U, monkey claw, and Training jumps with the Gelardis, not to mention visits to some other DZ's and some 'whuffo' purchases.... to name a few.
    need your wishful thinking in the A.M.

  22. mouth,
    aw man. i am HIGHLY upset that i was forgotten.. spent the weekend patching up two broken ankles and searching for a missing AFF student.. no respect. no respect i tell 'ya. :) gotta give the grief! :) lol

  23. i hope that this might help you....
    for the 4th of july skydivers from my DZ jump into the fireworks show (before they light em off obviously). last year, with only one tandem under my belt i stood on top of the ambulance rescue truck with my fellow squad members and enjoyed the night, i talked to the few skydivers that i knew.. but something was missing..
    but this 4th of july i was out in the field, getting swooped by the jumpers demoing in.. after the demo i was sitting around with them drinking a beer. just like last year, the dz bus was parked behind where the ambulances were staged. but this year, as the fireworks went off, and i was standing around drinking a beer with all these good friends, i looked over and saw the ambulance, and the shadows of my fellow squad members standing in the same place i stood last year, and i had a 'moment'. just a few short lived seconds where i truely felt at home, like i had finally found my lifetime friends. it was a complete and total moment of pure happiness and a feeling of being at peace.... im still on that ambulance squad, and i still hang out with the other squad members, and i still care about them deeply, their still close friends. but i wasnt complete before. now, with all the aspects of my life including EMS, and the final piece (skydiving) i feel whole for the first time ever. maybe this is how he is feeling....? he still loves you, youre still his best friend, but now hes found that little something extra to complete him. that something extra is out there for all of us, and i hope that everyone finds it one day. Thing is, in the skydiving community, jumping is probably the highest percentage of 'completeness' that we find. for so many jumpers, its that missing link.
    good luck

  24. brandon,
    this is definitally a serious situation. one thing that you might not have thought about... what hazards do you fly over when riding up to altitude? From riding near the door so many times i tend to look out the door the entire skydive. I know that theres some major powerlines (the kind that are about 40 feet wide, line after line, runing long distances, connecting lots of area together, in jersey they run thru breaks in the trees more often than not) that we fly over. and to add some more, their surrounded by woods. for the entire ride to alti im constantly trying to figure out where i would land if we had to do an emergency exit before reaching jump run. there is massive amounts of power lines and woods, not to mention reservoirs around my DZ.. its a lot to think about. but im glad their there. if they werent it might not have occured to me to look out for those kinds of hazards. What im getting at is this: being aware of where to land if an emergency occurs might let you see that option you might otherwise miss, it could possibly reduce your chances of having to land in/ near those powerlines. Id take (in this order): into the wind, cross wind, downwind, between objects, water, trees,ontop of something, and if i had to (which i shouldnt because one of the above would have already been an option first) the powerlines. If i forgot something, feel free to add it on. In what order would you guys land?