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Dropzone Reviews posted by shane930

  1. My girlfriend and I enjoy the skydive taft experience so much that we have been driving 6 hours each way and passing 6 dropzones on the way for the last 3 years to jump with the people at taft. After our first time jumping at taft it didn't take long before we felt we were a part of a big and beautiful family that I must say is getting bigger by the day. The people at the dropzone reach put to everyone that shows up to jump it doesn't matter if they are first time tandems or experienced jumpers everyone is treated the same. Dave Crouch and the wonderful staff are very safety orientated and everyone is looking out for each other; gear checks and lots of communication between groups loading the plane and insuring proper separation on jump run. constant coaching from all the experienced jumpers, everyone is invested in everyone's safety at taft!! The pilot's are top noch aviators with over 16,000 flight hours between them. Captain Ron and Otter owner Mike Jackson insure safe flight operations and both are ex jumpers and I personally owe them a lot of gratitude for taking me in and convincing me to get my private pilot license and to get a plane so now the 6 hour drive has become a 2 hour flight! now we can go to Skydive Taft every week! Oh' I almost forgot, these people party like rock stars after the last load is down. Come to Taft and become part of this very special family. Thanks Skydive Taft!!!