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Posts posted by j5okeefe

  1. I agree that green light does not always mean"GO!" I'm used to spotting - the vast majority of my jumps are from a Cessna 182. However I was at a nearby turbine DZ around 110 jumps or so and there was one solo ahead of me, me, a student, then tandems. As soon as the door opened and the green light came on the TI behind the pilot started SCREAMING to get the **** out of the plane. I didn't want to be "that guy" to the DZ staff and locals so I just jumped. I was over a mile down wind of the DZ when I opened. I made it back with about 200' to spare, and several jumpers including one tandem landed off.

    TL;DR - People who yell "GO!" at green light and aren't near the door can shove it.
    I'll be whatever I want to do!

  2. Without commenting on the merits of having a live fall rate readout, I can tell you that the Viso (and presumably Viso II) will give such info. In a case of not FULLY understanding my gear I accidentally set the altimeter to read the vertical speed in freefall when I thought I was switching another function. If an altimeter is going to be used that way, be sure you know how to switch between readouts correctly.
    I'll be whatever I want to do!

  3. I just got back from FL in early Jan. I only jumped in Deland, but the impression I got there was incredibly awesome with a good scene, great people, etc. I honestly have nothing negative to say about that place. I come from a single 182 DZ and I felt right at home there even with turbines turning on a weekday. If I had more time I would definitely have liked to have tried some of the other DZs but I got what I could out of the trip. I also jumped at the Farm in Rockmart, GA and they were also extremely cool and welcoming but you don't sound like you'll be making your way that far North.
    I'll be whatever I want to do!

  4. Thank you for the responses... and I agree that 'censorship' is not the best word to use there. Rules that are in place when a user joins this forum are clearly stated and they definitely need to be followed - no argument there. I just thought it'd be neat-o if I could choose to see the moderated posts if I wanted to, but Phreezone mentioned that the forum isn't set up for that.

    After re-reading my post it does look as though I was being whiny and accusatory and that wasn't really the intent. Thanks again for the responses.
    I'll be whatever I want to do!

  5. Apologies if it's been covered here but I couldn't find anything...

    The censorship on this website via moderators sucks horribly and without being able to see what gets censored I honestly feel like the moderators detract from the quality of discussions. I'm sure there are times when censorship CAN be appropriate but I submit this: users should be able to select a preference to whether or not they can see deleted posts.

    For those who want a politically correct discussion or whatever, they don't have to see them - that can be their choice. However, for those of us who want to see the stupid/offensive/controversial/non-moderator-approved posts, I believe the option should exist. Perhaps it could be made to where the 'deleted' posts can't be copied/pasted into threads or even replied to, but I think it's wholly inappropriate to completely block them from view.

    I know this website has its own rules regarding that, but being that it is a primary gathering point for skydiving discussions of every sort on the internet I think the freedom of speech and information flow here should not be limited as such.

    ... and if anyone is wondering or cares, the principle catalyst for this post is Rhys and the Argus issue. Yes it's a bit late, but to me it seems like there was a huge conflict of interest between Rhys and the forum moderators, direct or indirect. Regardless of who is or was right or wrong, I wanted to read what he had to say and any public rebuttals - whether they were right or wrong.

    tl;dr - Censorship isn't cool. Stop deleting posts.
    I'll be whatever I want to do!

  6. Quote

    Alright… I’m a little lost. Is the “P3” the precursor, or R&D name of the JFX? If so, what’s the cost (w/o having to email Attila)?

    As of January 16th, the price was $2400USD including shipping. I accidentally "ordered" one from the website while looking for the price out of curiosity so they quoted me that number. And for what it's worth at 109 jumps I'm not actually looking at ordering one - I was just wondering.
    I'll be whatever I want to do!

  7. Not trying to stoke the fire, but why don't we just lobby GoPro and their dealers to stop selling to people with less than 200 jumps? I can't go and buy a Comp. Velo. because I only have 87 jumps, yet any swinging dick can go buy a GoPro... and apparently they're just as dangerous to the wrong people.

    ETA: I realize this is fruitless, as anyone could say they are getting it for another reason than skydiving, but I think my point remains valid.
    I'll be whatever I want to do!

  8. Did anyone else notice the Oxygn helmets in the credits of "Yes Man!" with Jim Carrey? I found nothing on here, and I know it's not really that cool, but I though I'd ask.
    I'll be whatever I want to do!

  9. If you do look at learning to fly, check out the Elmendorf Aero club. My brother just moved there to be an instructor and I know he'll be able to set you on the right path for that.
    I'll be whatever I want to do!

  10. Does anyone remember that story of the fake who said he and a buddy were passing a football back and forth while flying wingsuits at 20,000'? That one had me laughing pretty hard. Also, the first time someone gives me a load of bullshit like that do I owe them beer or is it the other way around?
    I'll be whatever I want to do!

  11. I can fit my rig and open face helmet in the main compartment if I make it so one of the shoulder straps is 'wearing' the helmet. I also have a packing mat in there. Not much room for anything else though. However the other compartment is pretty spacious and can easily hold your altimeters, goggles, etc., as well as a helmet or other like-sized items.

    I've never used it as a carry on, but I've seen people get away with larger bags. If you had JUST your rig in, I supposed it'd be fine.

    It's a good bag.
    I'll be whatever I want to do!

  12. Quote

    One word..... Infinity.... [B]floating[/B] laterals ;)

    I just recently got to jump my new rig for the first time - an all brand new Infinity with new Aerodyne canopies - and I couldn't be happier. Seeing as I ordered new, the Infinity fits like a glove, and just looks and feels great. Pretty solid construction. I got the bells and whistles, and it didnt' break the bank. The ONLY gripe I have is the lack of a Skyhook. Granted, I don't really have experience with other containers besides what I see around the DZ, but I still think the Infinity is top-notch. For what it's worth.
    I'll be whatever I want to do!

  13. As per the PD website:


    TSO Update on Large Optimums (sizes 160-253)

    At this time we still have not had informative feedback from the FAA pertaining to our request for TSO on the large Optimums. We do know that at the time PD submitted the request for TSO to the FAA there were discussions taking place between the FAA and PIA regarding the TSO criteria in general. It now appears that ongoing discussion is what is holding up our TSO request.

    Unfortunately for both PD and our customers this leaves us with no TSO and no indication as to when it will be resolved. We can tell you that PD has been diligently providing information, guidance, and data to help both parties determine a conclusion to their discussion in order to move forward with the process.

    Thank you again for your continued patience. We will continue to update and inform as we get information."

    I've been waiting on mine for over six months now. I hate this.
    I'll be whatever I want to do!

  14. I have a ZPX Pilot 188 in an Infinity I-44, sized for a 150-170 main. It fits in there nicely and still has some room. I'm not sure exactly what size the pack volume equates to though. Either way, the 188 fits well and I can still go down to a 150 with the same container. I'm happy 'cuz this should last me for a loooong time. Hope that helps some.
    I'll be whatever I want to do!

  15. At 35 jumps, I've really only had one chance so far to jump lower than 4000' - and it was at 2800' for what would have been #36. I knew my equipment could do it, but I rode the plane down because I didn't want to risk it at my experience level. Not to mention the fact that I would have been exiting the plane lower than my hard deck...

    However I really like this discussion, as well as the one regarding the recent "incident". I didn't think too hard on this before hand, but will now. I just got my new main canopy and will certainly be measuring altitude loss for these types of situations.
    I'll be whatever I want to do!

  16. Seconded. I'm not the fastest reader there is either, so I spent wayyy too much time reading for that punchline. It was one of the few times where I truly felt, "that's X amount of time from my life that I will NEVER get back."

    But looking back I'm almost happy I read it, so that way when I waste time on other things, especially jokes, I can remember that I have endured worse.
    I'll be whatever I want to do!

  17. I'm only at a mere 33 jumps at the moment, so I can't really afford to NOT log anything. I talked to someone recently who joked that I could sign his last 600 or so jumps that he hasn't logged. He said that he just "didn't do it," no other reason. This made me wonder - why would you not log jumps? It takes all of one minute. Or less. you need to jot down some basic info, a little detail (if desired), and have someone throw their Herby Hancock on it. At worst, you could record the important stuff between jumps and then fill out the rest at the end of the day (location, aircraft, and what have you).

    If jumping is ONLY about fun to you and there is no need for proof of numbers, then more power to you. However, I eventually hope to get some super awesome ratings and whatnot so I log mine.
    I'll be whatever I want to do!

  18. I don't know if this is the place to ask, but Moderators - can you put an entry for the Pulse in the Gear section of the site? That way reviews can also be posted there, all together in one spot, and easily found by everyone.
    I'll be whatever I want to do!