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Posts posted by Sapphire

  1. So sorry for your loss. I lost my Nana on her 93rd birthday, this past February. I don't think I've ever felt loss like this before, it sucks and I miss her terribly! I keep getting automatic reminders to send flowers to Ellen: Mother's Day, 4th of July. It makes me sad that I can no longer send her flowers, but also happy that I always did - and she loved purple flowers. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family!
    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  2. Awesome! So glad to hear of your progression, as I know how excited you were to start after the first tandem! :)
    I still hope to make it out to SDLI and get current one of these days. Maybe by then you'll be licensed and we can make a jump together!


    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  3. Quote

    My son last week. Bmx from about 4 foot in the air, managed to land all his weight on the tip of his thumb between the handlebars and ground. Ripped the nail off and crushed the bone...

    Ouch! I did that when I was 12 or so. Bike brake locked up (thanks so a plastic bag that was kicked into it - long story!) ... flipped the bike and all but my right index finger cleared the handlebars as they were slammed into the road. Bone out, finger crushed! Chin was sliced open to the bone. It didn't even hurt until I turned my hand over and saw it. Then, it hurt like a bitch!
    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  4. I had this same problem. (I say 'had' because I've since moved and don't currently jump because I don't have any health insurance. :() Anyway, I had a fast fall rate and never found too many people that really wanted to jump with me; however, it's hard to correct that on your own when you don't quite know what you're doing wrong. Good luck though and don't give up, like I did. I let myself feel defeated and didn't jump as much as I should have and now that I can't, I regret it tremendously! :)

    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  5. Thanks for this info. as I was bummed I couldn't watch it last night... after reading your post on here, I watched it online.

    What a great documentary! :)

    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  6. Congrats! I was so excited to get my issue in the mail and see your awesome work in print! I truly hope you're a regular contributor to the mag.


    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  7. Sucks you feel this way, but I certainly can relate. I never felt all that included/welcomed where I learned to jump either - which in turn kept me from staying current. Good on you for continuing on, though.

    I've since moved to a new state - so here is to hoping things may be different elsewhere. Maybe check out another DZ - just so you have something to compare your 'home' DZ to.

    Best of luck!
    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  8. What a wonderful post! Thank you for sharing! Ben sounds truly inspirational...

    The mind is amazing powerful and proves how positive thinking (truly positive thinking) can be beneficial when nothing else seems to help.


    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  9. Actually, this affects a LOT of people you may not be thinking about! I work for a govt contractor and we got our furlough notices early to prepare us. Basically, we are non-essential: if they can't get paid by the govt they won't be paying us.

    I won't get paid for any time I don't work retroactively or not - so I guess thankfully it's not Christmas time - but then, boo hooo me, eh?


    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  10. Just to add: Some women also may not want to fess up about not wanting to have children. I can't tell you the countless number of people who look at me like I have 2 heads when I say I don't want them and never have; like there is something wrong with a woman who doesn't want to bring another life into this world. I hear the ... "you'll change you're mind when you... get older/meet the right guy/etc."


    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  11. Quote

    Easy to say difficult to implament Sapphire .
    My coming out and point blank saying "Yes I like them, they are good fun, but I honestly don't wish to ever have kids."
    Brings about a few responces.
    1) Oh you will change your mind when you meet the right person...there will be no other date.
    2) *angry* Why!...there will be no other date and a good dinner will have gone badly.
    3) OH?....I have now come across as someone who is selfish and unable to or unwilling to share his life with anyone, there will be no other date and a good dinner will have gone badly.

    Even a girl who does not wish to have kids appears to wish to hear that the guy, me, has a heart and is a caring individual and as such an indicator of this is may wish to have kids.

    I'm not defending my position or my response of saying "at the moment I do not know" what I am looking for is a gut check and thus an indictor of how the future may possibly look.

    At the moment I would say I have dated about 20 odd girls since last January. Of which only 1 was not interested at all in having kids.

    If this IS your true gut response then that is the one you should go with. If they don't wish to continue on for another date so be it. Casually dating is one thing - they may want to see you occasionally just to pass the time knowing you're not the 'one' for them, etc. But to lie - well, it's a waste of time for everyone.

    Not wanting to have kids of your own doesn't make you a bad person and those who judge you as such well, would you want to continue on with them anyway?

    I still don't see how responding any differently to the question other than truthfully works out well for you. Obviously your selection will be reduced in the life partner department, but you already have it reduced significantly in other areas you're not willing to budge on, so why do you feel the need to on this?

    I'll stick with my original answer of being honest when asked and allow the other person to make a fully informed decision.
    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  12. I love kids - just don't want any of my own - never have never will! I would NEVER lie about wanting them (or eventually wanting them) to get or keep a man.

    The truth always comes out and by then it becomes just too messy and painful to clean up. Be true to you and those you wish to engage in relationships with, it IS what you expect in return.
    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  13. I had a balloon sinuplasty and a septoplasty last March and I just remember the doc telling me flying was out for at least 1 month.

    I had zero problems from the surgery... it was actually quite easy recovery-wise - I was quite surprised as I had heard horror stories. The worst part for me was the after visits with the 'cleaning' ... UGH! [:/]

    Good luck in whatever procedure you're getting! :)

    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  14. Funny, I just attempted to do this yesterday. I have a self-cleaning oven and the minimum cycle time is 3 hours. My oven rarely gets used - but I figured since I was home - I may as well do it. (Plus, the inside glass and right along the edge had some spatter.) I had to shut it off after about an hour and ten minutes... the smell - UGH! Even with the sliding glass door open and the vent running on high I couldn't stand it!

    I'd really just rather scrub the damn thing! So, to answer your question... not often enough apparently, and that will not be changing in the future! ;)

    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  15. Take out the battery then put the phone in a container of plain, dry rice. Let it sit for a day or so... then just put the battery back in and they say all will be well.

    I actually just saw this on tv the other day... though haven't had to try it out for myself, yet.

    Hope it works!
    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  16. Not sure if this is helpful or not, but if you look online @ the whiskey exchange you could probably order some - though I'm not sure what the shipping might be.
    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  17. Awww... I hate to read posts like these. Sending out some good, healing vibes to your lil doggie and also some to you as well!

    I'm not sure if you know what caused the back pain - but almost 2 years ago my lil guy simply jumped off the couch and ruptured a disc in his back. Hours later he went paralyzed from it, had surgery... and after a month (or so) regained full use of his back end again and has been fine (though w/a lil limp still) since. He's a bichon/shih-tzu mix - so they tend to have some of the same back issues dachshund's also seem to be prone to. Just thought I'd share in case maybe the pain was from something similar as it can get better w/time...

    Again - I hope your lil guy feels better soon!
    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  18. I think your advice is spot on! I'm recently licensed and although rental gear is going to keep me from doing tons of jumps, I'm not in the position (nor do I care to be - already made enough mistakes financially) to finance new/used gear at the moment.

    I am always looking at gear in the classifieds and dreaming of my new rig... but it'll have to wait until I can pay cash for it. Someday... :)

    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

  19. Could you possibly call a 24hr vet and ask them for a suggestion? I did a few searches, too... some say it's OK, some say not. I don't know if I'd chance it.

    There was also an that someone wrote in asking the exact same problem looking for an answer and the reply was to use goo gone then wash well with dawn soap. (Obviously not allowing them to lick either product - but good luck with that.) Goo gone is not supposed to be toxic for use around pets, but this is actually for use ON the cat, so...

    Good luck to you and your kitty! :)

    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller