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Posts posted by mmartin1872

  1. We took Don up for his final flight today... Dispersed the ashes over the old fraser river... Beautiful day. I'm just editing the video now, for my dad, so that he can give it to Don's wife. Kurt Jensen, Bill Wolczuk, Charlie Gibbs, Joe Martin, Jim Evans and a few others where there, flying in formation. (I was just googling Don Maitland, Skydiving, to see if i could find some old pictures of him,) and came across this thread.

    I think during the spring, there is going to be a 'celebration of life' or a memorial service planned.

  2. I'm actually hoping to stumble onto a copy of "proof" for my dad now.. He was telling me last night when i called him, that his copy went missing at the D.Z. one day, and he never saw it again. Anyone know where i could buy a copy? I've looked online for about 1hr now and can't seem to find it... He already has a copy of Fandango, but I think it would make a good present for him, plus then I would be able to see it again.

  3. Not much of a novelty though really is it.? My dad blames all his back problems on those old rounds. I myself think its more the age and body physique (i think thats the polite way of saying it.) Actually come to think of it, I wouldn't mind trying out a round just to feel the progression that the sport has taken in the past 40 yrs. but first things first... get my wife to let me jump again.

  4. I can't remember the name of this movie that I used to watch as a kid.. Trying to remember it... I think it was a 70's movie. This guy goes for his first jump course, he's at this dz practicing, gets his chute on, goes out to the plane, they duct tape some part of the wing up.... this airplane was just trashed, if i remember correctly. The guy jumps only to find out he put on a clothes bag, and not a parachute. pulls his reserve at the last second if i remember correctly. What was the name of this movie. I remember the soundtrack used to terrify me as a kid... Especially when the guy was driving down the dirt road in this old car. I wouldn't mind seeing the movie again, just because it would probably be a pretty corny movie to watch.

  5. I've told her that it's safe. Its safer than riding my motorbike, or driving my car. The gear is great now a days, its not like you're jumping rounds anymore.

    my wife is just scared of skydiving because she hasn't been around it.

    I figure a little more nagging on my part, and I'll get to jump again maybe this year. I would really like to see her jump though, just because of how much skydiving has had an influence on my life, even if she just jumped once.

  6. i know... My dad's favorite story, is when he was teaching a first jump course in Abbotsford in the late 70's and a jumper went in, he got the entire 1st jump course to still jump. 1 girl jumped the next day, the rest jumped that day. but that's a little off topic for this post... I've just been browsing the old posts, and recognizing names from my childhood.. This website is like memory lane for me.

  7. Quote

    There have been various double mal survival stories. Sandy McRob into the old Bent Prop parking lot and Da3ve Ruckert (his spelling not mine) into Lost Prairie come to mind.
    I do know one story about a guy who went in with all pins in place and lived. It happened in Abbotsford BC in the late seventies or early eighties. Dead Bob was preparing to dump when he went through another guys (round) main. Dead Bob was knocked out. The other guy cut away and deployed his reserve; Dead Bob went through that too. The two jumpers formed a horseshoe out of the mess of fabric and went in like that. Both jumpers were very fucked up but they both lived. They were slowed down somewhat by the fabric out and they benefited from the soft muddy ground 10 feet above sea level that is Abbotsford. Dead Bob eventually started skydiving again and, although I haven't seen him in some time, I believe he still does occasionally jump.
    Many people believe Dead Bob had his chance to die and blew it, that he's immortal now. Since the accident he has survived a plane crash, a bad industrial accident, and in 1992 he was one of nine jumpers and one pilot quickly exiting a Porter over Chilliwack BC after the first one out took the tail with him. Ask Jerry Bird about that one if you see him.

    You do know the most entertaining thing about "Dead Bob"... I believe he is/was a life insurance salesman. And i believe he blew himself up with dynamite once... Not too sure about that one. First time i was on a motorbike, was with him when i was a kid... I think it was a goldwing... but can't remember that well.. Up and down the runway at the Chilliwack Drop Zone.

  8. Hey. I was just browsing the internet looking for helmet cam setups for snowboarding and came across this site. thanks to the reviews here I'm going to have to look at a different setup than the POV 1 setup, (I couldn't find a review for the POV1... other than from sites that sold the camera, until i stumbled onto this site.)

    I Figured i'd register cause... Well cause I lived on a dropzone on the weekends, as a child for 15-20 yrs.. My dad was one of the first skydivers to jump into UBC when he was a university student in the 60's or 70s. Then in the 70's sometime My father ran the skydiving center on his farm in Yarrow, until him and my mom split.

    Then him and his friend Bill opened up Chilliwack skydiving center. By the end of a summer (early 90's), he realized he wasn't making money so he got out of that and became an accountant.

    His airplane (Cessna 180) was fairly well Known... CGSES. As the jumpers called it "See Jesus", which the airplane eventually did, when it went in, 50 ft from the dropzone runway in Chilliwack.

    Anyways.. My skydiving history.. as a child I had the entire 1st jump course memorized. I jumped about 5 times after I turned 19.. Wife has forbid me from jumping, because she thinks its not safe.. I still tell her that it's as safe as you make it. I think i'm swaying her into letting me jump again. I find its defiantely addicting and that probably explains why my mom and dad where so into it. One day I'll get to jump again... One day. Anyways... Thanks for the welcome.