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Gear Reviews posted by mhofstra

  1. As a student I jumped Mantas, Fury's and Sabres. I Always liked the 7-cell fury as I could land it anywhere I liked. This put my focus on a more performing 7-cell: Spectre! Before ordering my Specte I made about 200 jumps on a Triathlon. Very nice canopy as well, but I like the opening and performance of the Specte a bit better.

    Got about 300 jumps on my Spectre right now and love every single one of it! Openings are on heading and nice and smooth. My last 200 jumps been camarajumps and I love these openings. Not those slam-bam-Sabre-opening that surface once in a while and crack your neck (especially with camera equipment).

    Right now I jump a Spectre 170 (loaded 1.4) and absolutely love it! Got a second prize in a accuracy contest, great toggle input, landing in brakes no problem, super flare. Love it!!!

    Last year I went traveling for a year and couldn't jump for 13 months. After this long break my first jump on my own canopy felt like coming home. Total reliability and predictable flying.

    If you are looking for an all-round canopy that gives you best of all worlds choose Spectre, you won't regret it!!