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Posts posted by npknapt

  1. Quote

    OK, here goes . . . based on the answers to all of your questions:

    1) Move back into the barracks. That will allow you to use more of what you make. Living on 25% of your income sounds like self-imposed handcuffs to me.
    2) Get yourself into the black financially. Bite the bullet by eating three squares in the DFAC every day, leveraging "free" or inexpensive "on-post" entertainment, consolidating trips for errands, etc. If your Commander will allow you, get a part-time job - you will use your free time to make money instead of spending it.
    3) If you own a new car with tall payments, sell it and buy a roller-skate that gets great gas mileage and won't cost as much monthly.
    4) Seek a reassignment that is forwarding for your career and takes you closer to a turbine DZ. Ft. Bragg & Raeford is a good example.
    5) Determine the total cost of reaching the minimum requirements for USAPT. Save a third of it and buy a block of jump tickets at Chester, SC (the closest turbine DZ to FGGA). Buy a tent and weekend at the DZ if the weather looks jumpable, saving for your next block of tickets. Eat cheap, spend your money on jumps not beer & gear.

    If you are clear that this is your goal, and you are serious about it, you will be willing to make the short-term sacrifices in lifestyle that it requires.

    Good luck!

    Okay so last night I finally got all my stuff outta my apartment and moved back onto base... **Sigh** I miss having my own place but oh well... My truck is now paid off and the only bills I have are my cell phone bill...

    You're right sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and suck it up. Well I'll be saving myself almost $1500 a month so I should be jumping here in a few weeks!!!!

  2. Thanks for the advice... You've got a point about the taking the junior jumpers like you said they won't have as much of an attitude and they wouldn't have as many bad habbits to break.

    Anyone have any advice as to things I can study until I save up enough money to jump again?

  3. Currently you need 150 jumps I'm in frequent contact with a few of the members of the Golden Knights and I'm all ready to recruit soldiers, I'm already the BN reenlistment NCO so I'm prepaired for that.

    I don't think I would have an attiude issues, I normally get along with everyone in every situation... at least I think lol

  4. You nailed it on the head! Ft. Gordon is really really really really anal about living off base, all the barracks on post have to be at 100% before they'll give anyone below E6 BAH so instead of living with 3 other NCO's in a room built for 2 junior enlisted soldiers I decided to move off post outta pocket. Once I pick up that E6 in about 3 months though it will be much much better. (**Nick crosses his fingers that points don't go up**)

  5. Yeah I've looked at just about every option and I think I'm just going to have to end up using my tax refund for jumping. Anyone know any DZ's within 100 miles of augusta, the only one's I've been to are ASC Atlanta and Skydive the farm, sadly all of which are about 200+ miles away.