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Posts posted by ParagonUE

  1. yeah, ive got another half a year where I am. i explained it to my mom, even mentione the car statistic. she then told me not to tell my father, and to paint the living room door. damn renovations
    "he knows what its like to be dieing, so he knows what its like to live"

  2. Quote

    One more thing. You're falling victim to the instinct you still have to (a) tell your parents what you're doing, (b) get your parents' blessing for something you're doing. Those are your chains. It's quite liberating to come to the realization that you need to do neither.

    thats actually a great point. i told my dad that at some point, when im experienced, id like to try wingsuit base jumping. he said hed chain me to the radiator[:/] perhaps they are better off being a little in the dark on the subject. im so used to asking their permission on things. after 18 years, i need to make some of my own decisions
    "he knows what its like to be dieing, so he knows what its like to live"

  3. Howdy, my pop isnt too keen on me taking up skydiving after I turn 18 (Friday!!!!!!) and I was wondering if anyone knew where I can find statistics on skydiving injuries/deaths. I believe they are lower than some sports that are considered slightly "tamer"? any help is appreciated. thanks in advance!!;)
    "he knows what its like to be dieing, so he knows what its like to live"

  4. Quote

    Judging from that 3 way picture, it must've been a horrid train they had that night, glad that picture didn't get posted. Suit abuse that repulsive is rare, except for that guy that actually pulled stitches out of a phantom to attach strings.

    pulled stiches out of a phantom to do what?!
    "he knows what its like to be dieing, so he knows what its like to live"

  5. Quote

    ;) Yes my friend, this is the right attitude.....go forward and waste no time to contact loic. :)


    and i think im gonna seek out a DZ around here that operates during the winter, i was gonna wait until summer, but the scenery is so much nicer with the snow ;)
    "he knows what its like to be dieing, so he knows what its like to live"

  6. yeah, i realized that after reading the FAQ's, oh, well, bit more work for me heh;)

    I cant wait til the season starts around here, the closest DZ is closed for the winter if im not mistaken, the cessnas can only take off from the field behind the building, and that field is foot deep in snow [:/]

    "he knows what its like to be dieing, so he knows what its like to live"

  7. hey, Im new here and after a few standard skydives this summer to get my class A, I plan on going into wingsuit flying. This video that I found on an alpine snowboarding forum I frequent, got me interested.

    so cheers B|

    oh, and by the way, whats everyones take on the phoenix-fly ghost deeluxe wingsuit? thanks!!
    "he knows what its like to be dieing, so he knows what its like to live"

  8. Hey, new here. from upstate NY.

    Turning 18 in a week, this summer i plan to go out for my class A. Im particularly interested in flying wingsuits. When I heard about the whole wingsuit thing I figured "hey theres gotta be a forum for this type of thing" sure enough, here I am. i have the standard dillema, that being the whole short on funds situation, but that will hopefully change rapidly.

    so, nice to umm... meet yall, see ya in the wild blue;)
    "he knows what its like to be dieing, so he knows what its like to live"