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Posts posted by byrne_r

  1. Yeah I decided to not use the stairs example. It's too tough to deal with considering frequency etc, and it doesn't really apply to me. I have written about driving in general, and I will be including a drunk driving part. As of right now it's just an incomplete rough draft but I'm hoping to have a complete rough by tonight/tomorrow afternoon.

  2. Sorry to double post, but I was wondering if anyone could give me an approximate number of divers and dives taken worldwide, as well in North America/the US. I've found numbers that say anywhere from 2.2-3.3 million dives and around 350,000 divers in the US. The North American/US statistics are much more important, because I think I will be focusing on my specific demographic (American Male, age 19).

    Thanks so much,

  3. Hello all,
    My name's Riley, and I'm writing one of my final papers about skydiving. The paper is supposed to be an analysis of something that is usually seen as "high risk" behavior. My goal for the paper is to put skydiving into perspective by comparing the amount of fatalities that occur while skydiving to the amount of fatalities that occur because of something that we usually see as an everyday thing. As of right now, I'm considering the dangers of stairs vs skydiving.

    As of right now, I just need some terms put into words that I can understand. If anyone could simply give an example of the following(in relation to fatalities) it would be incredibly useful: Collision, No Pull, Landing, Malfunction, Reserve Problem, and "Other". If you put the word "fatality" behind each of those, that's pretty much what I need defined.

    I'm sure I'll need a lot more help relatively soon (the paper is due Friday morning) so any other links or articles etc. would be extremely helpful. Until then, thanks in advance!


    edit: also, feel free to move this thread if I put it i the wrong spot.