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Posts posted by AKCrash

  1. How much pain did you expeirence? 0-10? when resting and when active?

    Also, has this pain ever go away? if yes, how long did it take?

    Do you have any movement limitations? if not, when did you start walking normally?
    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Franklin

  2. Thanks of the advice. I am not looking for an advice from skydivers to compare it against what the doctor has to say. However, I am looking to hear from their experience to see if their recovery process was similar or not.

    My doctor told me that I should be completely normal after six week from the injury. It’s been 18 weeks since the injury and I have hard time getting up after sitting on the ground. So I was wondering if someone had an injury similar to mine experienced the same thing for the same period of time, or am I specifically not recovering the way I am supposed to.

    I didn’t dislocate it again. Hardware kept everything intact, according to my orthopedic.

    He made it clear for me that I can not skydive anymore regardless of the circumstances. However, he had no problem with me playing football or rugby (for instance) which I asked about specifically in different occasions.
    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Franklin

  3. I know that landing injuries are quite common in our sport. I remember the injury stories everybody was telling me when I rolled to the DZ on a wheel chair.

    I broke my right ankle twice due to landing accidents. First one was worse because I haven’t had any metal in my leg at the time. I had an Open Reduction Internal Fixation done. 7 screws were installed (three major ones in the place of the injury and the rest were to position the Fibia inline. Second injury occurred to the same leg at the same location. The only difference is that there was no dislocation just broke the fibia right above the hardware installed from the previous surgery. The hardware was moved and bent as well..

    My orthopedic told me that I would be cleared to skydive after the first injury in 12 weeks from the date of the operation. Sure enough, I was able to walk after 12 weeks, but I was in pain and walked funny at the time. Regardless of the situation, I went back to skydiving. I wasn’t able to run my landings. So I was sliding down all my landings.

    After the second incident, my orthopedic grounded me for life. However, he cleared me for full activities without restrictions. He told me that everything should get back to normal.

    What’s concerning is that I don’t feel any better as far as pain goes. I am still limping. And I still can’t run. I have talked to my orthopedic again and he said this could be normal as people react to things differently.

    I am a big guy and active. I am an EMT/Chemist. So I lift heavy patients and stand for hours in the lab. I have no problems doing simple activities, but still can’t run and have pain in my ankle.

    Has anyone gone through this? I guess asking people with experience is better than asking doctors coz apparently they don’t have very good idea about recovery process.

    It’s been very hard staying away from skydiving. I was very close to go jumping regardless of my situation, but I didn’t want to make stupid mistakes again.
    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Franklin

  4. She must have pissed her ex off soo bad:)

    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Franklin

  5. then you are doing good...

    I dont know what school you go to, but at my school barely passing organic chem with C- is like doing PLF backward:S

    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Franklin

  6. well... maybe u need to hang out with me ;)... I have recently graduated with BS in Chemistry from USF. If you think Organic is bad.. wait until u get to p-chem..

    what's your major??

    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Franklin

  7. I do it all the time. For me, it’s a religious requirement.


    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Franklin

  8. Quote

    couple of jumpsuits!? 73 jumps!? and you're apparently proud of that, so you would hang 'em up!? :S:S:S

    Not the point.

    They just represent couple major incidents in my life which I should always remember and learn from!:)
    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Franklin

  9. Well, I am glad you were able to deal with your emergency and landed ok.:)
    I would have kept my handles too. I never had a malfunction but had lost couple jump suits coz paramedics cut the hell out of them.. and yeah those torn apart jump suits are hanging on my room's wallB|

    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Franklin

  10. why did u cutaway? what happened?
    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Franklin

  11. Quote

    Do you consider yourself a good person?

    I guess so!


    Do you regret your decisions in life?

    Some of them


    What would you consider your moral Fiber is worth?

    They didn't teach me in any English class what that meansB|
    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Franklin

  12. I am taking a break (for now) because I have no option but to do so. My orthopedic told me that if I break my bad leg again, I may not be able to walk at all!

    I am just waiting until I loose some weight and be able to run normally.

    On the other hand, I would put skydiving ahead of ANYTHING (food, water, school, sex, video games,). I will make life work around skydiving. If the sky is going to be there for a while, I may not, so why waste another day!

    I am a big guy like the OPer, I am not going to jump any smaller than 300 ft main (at least for a while). but I picked a second job to work overnight, instead of sleeping, to pay medical bills and save up for a new gear.

    For all of you who are whining about some stupid shit! You are missing A LOT

    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Franklin

  13. Buying cell phone insurance is one of the most worthless things one could do.

    I have worked for a local cell phone company (named MetroPCS) and have had endless number of complaints there about the insurance.
    You said that the insurance is $5/month added to your bill. If you haven’t paid a bill yet, you won’t have insurance because you haven’t paid for it yet.

    The reprehensive forgot to add the insurance to your plan. Well, if you haven’t known that yet, a typical cell phone sales rep. is an @ss to the core (not all of them, Just 99.999% of them ONLY). Selling the phone is the only thing they care about because that’s how they get paid. They are not interested in doing anything else.

    Even if you had insurance, you still have to pay 50% of your phone price deductible. If your phone was stolen, like in your case, you will have to get a police report about this incident. Your new phone will be refurbished and you may recieve it by the time the new president is in office.

    I hated selling cell phones more than my ex-wife :S>:(B|

    Hope things work out with you


    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Franklin

  14. Take a long road trip. Go maybe from coast to coast. I too once was bored because i had broken foot so I decided to drive from Tampa, Fl to Chicago then went to DC and back to Tampa in 8 days (Dec 30th - Jan 6th) It was fun driving through snow storms (considering that I've never seen snow before that timeB|). It Was second best thing I have ever done after skydiving.

    On another occasion, I took a friend and decided to get to Chicago from Tampa in the shortest time possible. We did it in 15 hours and 26 minutes.

    I know that gas is expensive and all, but it will be cheaper than doing other things

    Thank you for your service:)

    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Franklin

  15. What are you going to school for?

    In my graduation ceremony last month, the oldest graduate was an 82 year-old gentleman graduated with sociology degree. He worked on his degree for 53 years.

    If that makes you feel any betterB|

    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Franklin