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Posts posted by daddy1313

  1. As a careful business man i always shop for best value and this, is not always the best price.

    At the Ranch PRO Shop I get both. This is why I have just purchased two new Rigs from them.

    Getting the rig you need, which isn't always the one you would have ordered is what any reputable shop facilitates.
    The Ranch PRO Shop goes well beyond this -- they take care of you and everything else!

    The personalized service and expertise as well as the price is what creates the unique value of your dealer.

    Choose your dealer wisely

  2. Question:

    Given that the air is denser and the crowds are less why is there an extreme drop off in the jumping population in winter?

    Lets face it in this day and age we can dress for any type of weather, so it can't just be the cold. As a newbie I wonder if it is less safe, the ground is harder, gloves, etc. Is it safe?

    Skydiving is fun -- just wish it could be more year round

    The timid are caught as often as the bold - life should be one
    daring adventure, or nothing

    Helen Keller