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Gear Reviews posted by daddy1313

  1. The folks at PD not only make the best products they do something harder to find today -- they service them and their helpful teams are both knowledgeable and professional. Thank for the opportunity to demo this reserve.

  2. I enjoy the dependability of this canopy. I have two PD Storm 170's with over 500 jumps on each. I have never been smacked, or had a malfunction. In the past 600 jumps I have not even had line twists. Off heading and line twists seem extremely rare, not even 1% of my previous 400+ jumps. I find this canopy is easier to land than the Spectre 190 which I previously owned.

    However in the words of a very experienced canopy pilot "everyone likes his ride" -- this is true. I have been married for 33 years and I guess I will continue to stay with the PD Storm, as it will suit my camera, wingsuit and Crew jumps - dependably and safely

  3. Only about 10 jumps on a Sabre2 loaded at about 1:1. I love the flare and lift for landing but had too many line twists - four times of the ten jumps. My last twisted experience was my first with the line twists growing quickly - I kicked out and all was well.
    While more experienced jumpers may have the skills to prevent this and to remedy twists if they occur - At this stage of my jumping career I don't need this excitement.

    I purchased a Spectre 190 while I may miss the lift, so far always soft and on heading - I update this post.