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Posts posted by blackout

  1. So I did some searching and could not find much information on balloon jumps. I was just wondering what prep work if any and what requirements I needed to do a balloon jump in a non-DZ area. Thanks for your help as I have found a pilot willing to take me up on a regular basis.

  2. I am about the same size as you and had your same problem, until i started jumping with properly outfitted people and improving my own flying i actually have a problem with flying too fast now...i out fall 220 pounders of similar height.

  3. To me, I learn something on every jump whether it was successful or not. Every jump is fun and that is kind of the point isnt it? I have tried about 10 4 ways and havent had one successful yet. Only about 2 or 3 were my fault but they were still fun and taught us all something about our flying and that of the people we jump with.

    Just have fun and be safe. Ive seen some close calls from people being a bit too agressive or not paying attention.

  4. Did a similar jump also. 4 solo exits all to chase me. We had 3 linked with the open slot for the 4th that was never docked unfortunately. Oddly this is the first time we as a group have not experience the formation spinning. On a given heading the whole time waiting for our 4th and finally break off alti.

  5. Did a similar jump also. 4 solo exits all to chase me. We had 3 linked with the open slot for the 4th that was never docked unfortunately. Oddly this is the first time we as a group have not experience the formation spinning. On a given heading the whole time waiting for our 4th and finally break off alti.

  6. i figured this for sure but i was wondering if other devices were more accurate or if this was to be expected from such things.

    I also wonder if the free fall time is calculated as per speed or from time it senses exit to the time it senses deployment

  7. Anyone experience issues with the neptune being inaccurate as far as speed and freefall time logging?

    Did a 4 way and my friend who also uses a neptune had a freefall speed 10 mph faster than my despite us being linked from exit...

  8. I wouldnt check the weather so often, id have more money. I would have more time for friends, even though ive met some of my best friends at the dropzone. I would be depressed having no passion in life.

    I might actually still have my dream car that i gave up to afford more jumps and gear. My priorities wouldnt have changed and Id still want to be rich and have everything. Now all i want is enough to pay bills and jump when i want. I wouldnt be considering moving to arizona. The list continues, even being a newbie jumper it has already taken a death grip on my life and my priorities.

  9. Seems from looking at the boards and the general mentality that belly flying is nothing more than a necessary transition to freeflying. I am relatively new to the sport and I happen to love RW but it seems like a dieing art. What do you think?

  10. I agree your glide over the ground would be steeper flying into the wind however, your glide ratio as air speed versus decent would maintain the same in most cases.

    So flying into high winds you will lose more alti per amount of distance of the ground flown

  11. I recently got my A so i started jumping with some friends unfortunately they all weigh much more than I do so I need to use weights.

    Point of my question is that, I jumped with someone around 220 and im 120, with weights he is still a little faster but its doable. We jumped a linked exit and as soon as we got off the hill, we started spinning like mad. It only seemed to get worse as we both tried to counter it. Is this because hes dragging me down or perhaps something else? I have more weight if need be