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Posts posted by carefree_chick

  1. Reading your post made my day. Your story sent chills down me. You can actually whole heartly relate. I cant get anyone else (family or friends) to jump with me. But the guys at my dropzone (my new friends) they gladly jump. I'm so lucky to have been introduced to something so wonderful, so amazing, and the people in the sport well let me just say you all are God sent. This is the best medicine I could have ever found.

  2. [Purple]LIVE LIFE, NO REGRETS....I live by this everyday! I was diagnosed with Acute Melyoid Leukemia August 23, 2006, and I have been told I have a 14% 5 year survival rate. I know all this but it will not run my life, I have Leukemia but it will never have me...Well my interests up until Friday, July 13,2007, consisted of work, work, and more work, I'm the type of person who will work 16-18 hours a day(and love it)...but on July 13, after a long week at MDAnderson Cancer Research Center, and everything going wrong that could. I asked my bestest friend if he would do something with me, he knew he was in for something crazy, but he would have never guessed SKYDIVING! I knew in my heart, out of all my friends, in the whole wide world, he would go with me, and he did! I fell in LOVE with the total freedom I felt on that jump and the 2 rainbows that were above the clouds at about 10,000 feet and that begun the addiction for more...That day I bought my ticket for the next jump but I did not get back there until Sept 26,2007 but when I did return I jumped every chance possible... 9 days and 28 jumps later... I finished their student program. The staff there really gave me a hard time about being hooked and I could not say anything back to them because I knew it was so true. Out of the 28 jumps 9 were tandems because the class did not start until Thursday so while I was waiting I had to jump. Everything about skydiving has been AWESOME!!! I get 5-6 minutes of total FREEDOM (from life's problems)with every jump. None of life's problems matter at 14,000 feet. Most important, I have made some life long wonderful friends, who just took me under their wing and taught me so much about the sport. It has been wonderful and I am havin,g the time of my life!!!Now I'm in the process of picking out some gear. I'm hooked, and loving it. Oh and now my motto has changed a little and I live by this now...