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Posts posted by minmal

  1. this is a little bit petty but u said he has a laptop

    this will drive him bonkers for weeks


    Bluescreen cycles between different Blue Screens and simulated boots every 15 seconds or so. Virtually all the information shown on Bluescreen's BSOD and system start screen is obtained from your system configuration - its accuracy will fool even advanced NT developers. For example, the NT build number, processor revision, loaded drivers and addresses, disk drive characteristics, and memory size are all taken from the system Bluescreen is running on.

    i have seen people get a new pc to fix this screen saver great value laugh as he rips his hair out and scream in frustration

  2. ok your main choice of mac vs pc

    pc heeps more software heeps more choice

    mac no choice you do what they say

    pc hardware same as mac hardware

    pc can get virus and spyware

    mac can get virus and spyware

    microsoft owns Direct X

    mac owns nothing but the EUL on a UNIX like kernel with a pretty UI

    end of the day pc is a better choice. but hell buy a mac need more of them out their so they are worth hacking

    Just for the critics

    It is of the opinion of Charlie Miller, a well known Mac security guru, that even Snow Leopard, the latest version of Mac OS X, isn't as safe as Windows.


  3. Well i played dungeons and dragons for ages

    best was cyber punk loved it

    But yes with mmorpg games out there the old paper and dice are a dieing thing.

    try some eq2 or wow if u really want to waste a few years i am sure u will love it

  4. just thought i would put an update here

    i am now running Ubuntu gutsy and loving it

    install as was expected not that easy

    but so far happy with it havent played any 3d games yets as i have been setting it up

    i am currently install counter strike source and will have that running tonight

    looks like microsoft shares went down again today

    will post some tech info after i have played a few rounds

  5. i will be running fedora 8 at first with a change to Debian if i don't like yum. theres some thing about atp-get i have always liked

    the main reason i am worried about this change is media play back i know it has come along way since i my last linux box

    that i did remote x so i could use it to do what i could and my windows box for games from here on in no more windows

  6. Goooood bye windows Linux here i come.

    It is finally time for me to give up my games. take my gaming life into my own hands and battle with wine. This will be one of the biggest challenges i will ever face in my hole life

    I have no idea how i will fair minimum of 3 days no real gaming maybe some online poker if lucky

    It has been a good 12 years since i started gaming and along the way i have learned more then i ever wanted to. but finally i have given into the good side (i play eq2 and play an evil toon.)

    I will be trying to battle my way through the world of open source as a main platform for all my computing needs (i need direct X).
    So i can play my games with out the Microsoft profit designed interruptions that drive us all up the wall.

    Linux seem the only real choice left and to keep it here we will need to support it.

    hope to be back after i am committed to the open source world and can gnu my way through life

    PS if any other open source user trawl here feel free to add your 2 cents worth

  7. well that is if you live in australia


    the laws here will soon be made so that if you are a parent that send there kids off to school and they don't go you could be put in jail

    eg you pack there lunch and say have a good day at school and they take off waging and you head off to work you are a crim and need to be jailed

    what a joke

    i am starting to believe that we should all hand over our kids to the government and let them raise them just as they know best

    then we can go about living our lives with out the extra response ability of being lock up for another person making there own decisions

    yes as a parent we are to help them and love them and try to guide them in a way that we believe will help them grow up to be nice honest people but they are there own person and learn there behavior mostly from the kids at there schools

    and once they turn 13 are very much capable of making there own decisions how do they think stoping a parent from being at work and having to be a security guard that stand at the school fence all day making sure they stay at school

    how can it be that we the parent are at fault if the kids decide to wag i did broke the record at 74 days in a row and that was just in a row wagged heeps more then that in total and i have great parents ( kick my ass plenty if they found out )

    still didn't stop me and the higher the risk the more the fun as far as i looked at it back then and didn't like my parents because they kicked my ass for wagging so do you think telling me that sending people i didn't like will go to jail if i don't go some where i don't like

    my god teenagers just got it made there teachers cant do any thing now there parents wont be able to either and on top we get to go to jail for it as well

    hows Iraq this time off year and is it hard to get visa's at least its got a chance of making laws that work

    unlike the retarded aussie system of ban it if you cant ban it jail it if you can ban and cant jail it its a teenager

    and they are the kids they are trying to help

    on my last note if you made it this far what about we try by giving them consequence for there actions eg they do good they get good they do bad they might get a tent in back yard

    see how long they wag for then

    just so you know they would put you in jail for making your child sleep out back in a tent for wagging but its all good to lock up the parents for the kids not doing what they are told

    end rant

  8. well i had a wild aff course was awesome and will be working on my a soon

    aff 1 loved it exit was great felt good all the way down.

    till i opened my chute and found out i had line twists
    fixed that up easy enough (still got me going nicely) ps i didnt get put in the harness like i was meant to but i did before my second jump.

    aff 2 awesome jump loved my delta wow what a feeling
    all went perfect till i opened my chute

    end cell closure just one end no biggie i flared and it popped open then as i did my second flare both 8 and 9 close up on me and i started to spin abit flared again and all good :) landed on my bum happy as

    aff 3 best jump so far all went well chute even opened up like it was meant to woot it can happen on landing i was blown back wards abit by a gust but land fine even on my feet

    aff 4 all good np sweet did it all right and loved it

    aff 5 same again went off with out a hitch

    aff 6 still good even did a cross wind landing and landed on run way

    aff 7 cant believe it and loving it

    aff 8 well this is where i learned about down wind landing trust me hit the shed into wind better then landing down wind :)

    aff 9 nothing like a hop and pop till you find out that your wrist isn't all that good after a down wind landing 2 hours before and land off drop zone in a steel yard still stuck it and landed with out hurting my self

    but found out i had dislocated my wrist and compressed a bone in my hand

    havent jumped since took 5 weeks for my hand to get better and just havent had time (right weather time) to jump yet


  9. I am very keen to fly a suit and would like to know the best way to get myself flying one.

    .Things i would like to know are.

    How do i know when i am rdy to fly a wing suit.

    Does it take alot of ground training before your first flight.

    How much harder is it than belly flying.

    What are the main factors of wing suits and how they change flight.

    Do you need a dif rig to jump a suit.

    Last of all is it as fun as free fly

  10. well i have completed my aff coarse i dont know what to say but cant wait to do my first tracking dive

    had some very good oh shit moments on my last 2 jumps

    learn t HEEPS !!

    instructors weren't kidding about down wind landings :P

    and on my hop and pop I had my first off DZ landing the guy was really cool about me landing is his yard and even gave me a lift back to the DZ

    well i hope i get better at landing really quick

    all in all i still cant quite believe i am now able to get started on my A and long time yet b certs done

    cause i cant wait to do my first tracking jump chasing after one of you

    PS hope i can use a wing suit before i am 30 :)

    later ppl

  11. i dont think you will find one thats not safe and still going

    i have jumped 2 drop zones now on my aff and they both have the same focus safe landings

    this might change after my aff but hey they treat you like a new born baby and slowly take off the training wheels

    famous last words of the aff 9 student i was in the plane with at 4500 feet last Saturday (you want me to go now shock horror sound in voice)

    good luck

  12. i just wanted to post here that i just did 2 jumps aff 5 aff6

    i changed drop zone because of weather and jumped at

    willowbank QLD Australia

    Jump 5 was very average but still a great jump i fell through my first cloud (WOOT)
    jump 6 was awsome my jump master taz is a mad man what else can i say

    i had a wild exit and recovered easily completed my turns very well my second turn was abit more keen then i should have been (it felt awsome)

    i wasnt able to find the rip cord on my first try found it in about 3 seconds (woot) opened and had along way to make it back to drop zone i did make it and had a non text book landing still not to bad was close to my best jump so far (aff1 first time out of a plane will be hard to beat)

    ty to taz my jump master (all round yo yo)

  13. tech being magic is a way that i can describe the color purple to a blind man.

    it is the belief that some thing will happen without understanding how or why.

    just that it will.

    many people believe in things this way.

    it time that we shared what we know rather then hold every thing back in the way of the almighty dollar.

    end of rant part 2

  14. do you believe that both of these beliefs have very fundamental faults.

    i ask this question after talking to a man that believes science and religion have been denying the facts they cant explain.

    based purely on the fact of what they cant explain

    and how that makes it ok to tell people facts to make the people believe what ever the hell they want to tell people .

    i think its time to let tech come about and be shared world wide for the better meant of people every where

    rather then talked about as magic (tech that is unknown and there for believed to be magic)

    end rant.