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Posts posted by ChristopherZ

  1. I'll take Claritin-D or the generic equivelent. I used to get a scrip for Opticrom when my eye reactions were bad.

    Aside from the drugs. I upgraded the air filter on my furnace to the 3M-Filtrete variety and added an electrostatic air filter to my living room. Both of those have helped a lot. Good luck.

  2. You're doing a good thing by looking through the documents. Bonus points for reading the reserve study ;) I wish everyone in my community would do that.

    One thing I would caution you about is that a decrease in dues is not always a good thing. If you're still meeting projected expenses after the decrease that might be fine. You may want to ask about what went into that decision.

  3. The solution at my office was to split the money. One prize went for the largest overall loss and another to the largest % of bodyweight loss.

    That or go with the candy for the largest loss suggestion. That's my personal favorite.

  4. I own a condo. They even got me to serve on the association board. PM me if you're interested in that.

    Things I like:
    Don't have to work in the yard
    Relaxing by the pool in the summer
    Don't have to shovel snow in the winter
    Cost was less than a house and I'm building equity

    Things I don't like:
    Association dues can go up a lot from year to year
    Resale value can be a little soft
    There's not a lot you can do if you have noisy neighbors.