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Posts posted by Nightpr

  1. Hey if there's anybody around who mades the bite switch for the camera can it plz contact me. I really need one... my normal one got messed up and the spare in the next jump broke off in a hard opening :( . Im trying to contact Laszlo but can get a hold of him. Does anyone know if he's ok or in vacations?

    Thanks guys

  2. Quote

    There are a few things off my head I would check, some are easy some are more hard, some are just bad.

    1) make sure you did not tape down or get sand in the microswitch that detects if the screen is opened or not

    2) plug it into a tv and press the playback button, see if the touch screen works. If so shine a flash light on it, it may be the backlight switch mode powers supply is jacked.
    3) If you have an homemade controller, there is a way to shut off the screen with a certain code but I doubt this is what happened, but you never know

    If its out of warranty I would follow the first few instructions located on our website ( CX7/Cx12 dismantling instructions and ensure the display connector is properly seated. In theory Skydiving could possible make these cables pop off.

    Hope something works....

    edit: Wait, I may have misread, the camera goes dead or just the screen?

    The whole thing dies...

  3. Well guys I was in the PR boogie after a lot of jump with my CX7. On monday I went for the last load and as soon as I start the camera and open the screen it goes dead. Anybody with that problem and a possible solution? Thanks

  4. I have and CX7 I've being trying to use final cut express and pro for the editing of my standard definition with no luck. The only option its the latest I movie version which it's not that good. :( Any other options guys?

  5. Quote

    I don't believe so, no.
    My system doesn't go back that far, so perhaps someone who has an older/slower system and has iLife can test from a downloadable clip, but I don't believe it can. iMovie 7 is when they added AVCHD (sorta).

    What're you using for editing on the mac?