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Posts posted by huge

  1. JohnnyMarko

    Third, don't fly commercial with your sky-rig

    Why? I haven't had problems. If you take your rig as carry on TSA might ask what do I have there but they don't seem to care much. So far worst case has been that they swab the rig and move on.

    Quite surprisingly I got more questions in Europe where I was once requested to open the rig; I just flat out told them that I can't do it and they were fine with it :S

    My general rule is that I take my rig as carry on when flying to skydive destination (CA, AZ) and check it on the way home.

    Once had my helmet on during the take-off as it didn't fit into overhead locker. Old lady next to me was a bit confused, though :P

    My tip to the OP would be to be first to board the plane to when traveling with your rig as carry on. This should ensure that you can stow your bags and don't need to check them at the gate - which turns out to be the best way to ensure airline will lose it.

    Second is to be nice to security and airline staff, no matter what. If there are delays or your luggage is lost don't chew it on the desk level people. If you treat them well they usually go extra mile to make you comfortable, be that vouchers, upgrades, lounge access and so on.

  2. skez

    isn't having an rsl pretty much doing same thing as sos?

    No, not really. RSL can still be disconnected and most importantly you can still fire your reserve without cutting away.

  3. irishrigger

    I had a simular situation in NZ i was given a rig for repack from a guy, so as usual i asked him to pull the handles etc, after having a chat with him, i discovered that he only had 260 jumps and had not jumped in 8 years. he had an accident on landing and broke himself up on landing and wanted to get back into the sport. and lets me say those year were not kind to him, he nearly doubled his weight. meaning he would have had a wingloading of 2.3 on the reserve. so i refused to pack the reserve for him. would the gear have been legal? yes indeed, javelin container and PD reserve, but i was not happy for him to jump that gear,even the main was to small for him in my opinion. i also talked to the CCI at the time and he did not care one and thought i should pack it for him!
    Did i do the right thing? maybe not but i was able to sleep peacefully at night.

    Would you have packed it if he told you he is selling the rig?

  4. NWFlyer

    Chop it, pull reserve, chase it if it's heading somewhere you can safely land (but don't catch it). Stop wasting time fucking around! :|

    FIFY. Sorry, I know you know that, but I hate to see people getting hurt b/c they follow their gear somewhere sketchy. I'd rather be walking around that bumpy, rocky, hole-ridden field looking for my shit later than pulling my broken ankle out of one of those holes.This is getting off topic but I'd also add that you should stop chasing the gear around 1000ft to fly your pattern. I once chased a d-bag just to end up doing a downwind (~15 MPH) landing on a parking lot. I made sure that I have a good place to land but didn't pay enough attention to the wind direction or anything else. Had there been somebody else chasing down the same piece of gear they most probably would have been landing against me [:/]

  5. melathechamp

    Mirage G4 (M7?) with a spectre 210 and a PDR 218, so yeah, it's large.


    And I am connecting in New York, that's where I believe the trouble might happen. The security checks in the US cannot compare to Norway.

    True. It's worth noting that you need to reclaim your baggage to clear the customs/immigration in New York even if you have connecting flight from there. You'll then check your bags again for the connecting flight.

    I don't usually check my rig when I leave for skydiving trip (I'd hate to reach the destination without a rig) but do check it when I return.

  6. Quote

    For the USA the only rule is that to pack for somebody else you have to be a rigger or under the direct supervision of a rigger.

    I don't want to hijack the thread but I feel that there should be a Jr. Rigger rating to allow people to work as packers. Rating should allow them to do the basics like pack and hook up mains. Basically allow them do the same as the individual jumping the rig, just on their behalf.

  7. Quote

    >I thought the " Drake equation " was widely held as good starting point for our quest for knowledge ?

    It is indeed! And we are filling in more of those coefficients all the time.

    We sure are. This might useful for determining "Fp" in the equation, but I'm still trying to figure out a ballpark value for "Bs" :P

  8. Quote

    Correct, so I guess I was trying to bridge two ports together?

    Since most 'hubs' are switches I'm probably going to try connecting 2 female RG45s to 1 piece of cat5. Please don't laugh. I guess it would then truly be the same collision domain?

    On 10BASE-2 all ports would be on the same collision domain, but based on the cable you are using something different. 10BASE-T and later generations are all point-to-point. You can "tap" into those as well, but it isn't as straight-forward as just wiring in extra connectors.

    As you already noticed, "tcpdump -w" along with Wireshark is probably the easiest way to get it done ;)

  9. Quote

    Absolutely not, no one has implied that it is.
    It's merely a mod to try and mitigate that possible outcome of falling out of the harness

    Are there any downside for having the Y-strap? If not, it'd sound like a good way to mitigate a problem.

  10. Quote

    I don't know any of the back story and I didn't know Prometheus was a prelude to Alien until about a week ago.

    See IMDB for more information:


    [prometheus] Was originally conceived as a prequel to Ridley Scott's Alien, but Scott announced his decision to turn it into an original film with Noomi Rapace (who was already set to star) still in the cast as one of five main characters. Some time later it was confirmed that while the movie would take place in the same universe as Alien and greatly reference that movie, it would mostly be an original movie and not a direct prequel.

  11. Quote

    Cypres fires at approx 1100 feet in head-down.

    Care to elaborate that one?

    Are you talking about the fact that cypres is out of the burble when head down? Is this documented somewhere or based on experience and/or assumptions? I have heard some speculation but haven't seen anything that isn't based on rumors and guesses.

  12. Quote

    if a DZ will try to save money that way - then what is their limit?

    Could you please elaborate this a bit? What makes you think that DZ trying to save money is automatically cutting corners when it comes to safety?

    There is a STC for autogas and it is considered to be safe. For some reason you are trying to insinuate that there is a safety issue with that. You keep referring to use of ethanol but do you know for a fact that the DZ in question has used ethanol based fuel in their planes? Info coming from the DZ says that they have been investigated by FAA and everything was ok.

    You keep saying that you are just presenting facts, but in this case you haven't produced any - just speculation, guesses and misleading.

  13. Quote


    My understanding is that when people say 'nobody has ever been killed because of MJ' is that they mean that it hasn't killed anyone due to its toxicity not that it hasn't caused impairment in someone after which they've then done something stupid to get themselves killed.

    Is that some different kind of "dead", which doesn't count?

    I guess it's just about how you categorize things. If you die in a car crash and you were intoxicated, will you be included in a "killed in a traffic accident", "killed by alcohol" or both? Substance itself may not cause the death but it may be contributing factor - I think this is often intentionally neglected.

  14. Quote

    sometimes amazone packages tend to get lost.

    I'd get an insurance if I'd order a rig and have it mailed or brought to me by courier. All major companies offer insurance as part of the transportation and it is usually couple of percent of the freight charges. That should cover the whole rig if it is lost or damaged during the transport.

  15. Is this a management position with "hire and fire" authority or more like a team leader position where you just manage the daily operations for the team?

    In my case I probably wouldn't take a team leader position where you get swamped by the paperwork but without much of other privileges. Then you could take your chances with one of the other two taking the jobs and possibly keep doing what you like. If mini-Hitler turns out to be exactly that look for a new position within the company or somewhere else.

    If, on the other hand, this would be position with some authority where you could really make a difference, and you at least remotely would like the job, I'd go for it. This way you may have to move away from the area of work you may currently enjoy but it does give you much more leeway to make the new position as meaningful and enjoyable as possible.

  16. Quote

    It would be my first and last jump (tandem)

    Yeah, that's what I thought as well. Then I did another tandem. And went through AFF course, did my first solo. Where I expected rush, I found peace. No matter how much you think of it, your first jump is going to be something different than you expected.

  17. Just make sure that the HTML contains

    • blahblah
    tags for the list and bullet points. That should avoid all the issues with encoding, UTF8 and 7/8-bit. For example:

    • Next Meeting Announcement:
    • Last meeting minutes:
    • New Members:

    If the webmail doesn't allow you to enter HTML formatting manually, you are out of luck :P