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Dropzone Reviews posted by thestalkmore

  1. I had completed my AFF at my home DZ and was looking for a place to jump while away from home when I ventured out to skydance. Having only 10 jumps or so on my log and no USPA membership, the staff nearly turned me away after my $60 cab ride (I didn't know how far away from Davis it really was). My briefing was curt, I had to ask at least 5 times to get pointed in the right direction of the gear shack, and was censured by the staffers @ manifest because I didn't know the protocol at the time. To be fair, there was an incredibly friendly cameraman on my load who asked me a lot of questions and answered all of mine.

    Long story short: If you're a veteran, Skydance is well equipped in every way. If you aren't, however, prepare to feel excluded. I am VERY glad I didn't pursue my AFF here.

  2. I embarked on my first tandem jump on the day I turned 18. That experience was phenomenal. Within 20 minutes I was on a load on their Convoy with the incredibly hilarious and engaging Mauro, a veteran jumper and instructor from Italy. My experience was so incredibly that exactly one month later I decided to start my progression towards my A license and complete my AFF training before heading off to college. I walked in on a Monday, told Grey (the only staffer representing the female gender at SSB) my intentions, and was on another load in a matter of minutes to complete my Tandem level 2.
    That afternoon Grey decided to teach my my FJC and even stayed past closing to complete it with me. That Wednesday I began my AFF and now(Thursday night) I have complete levels 1-4. Mauro and DZO Dave even volunteered to come in an hour early tomorrow morning to make sure I got my jumps in before the wind picks up around mid day.

    Overall this is a fantastic place to jump, learn to jump, or watch your friends revolutionize their lives. The scenery is unparalleled and though the DZ isn't exceptionally furnished, it doesn't exude a sense of dilapidation, but rather an appropriate air of spartanism and austerity--for those who feel like being pampered isn't appropriate during an activity as adventurous as skydiving. I cannot recommend this DZ with any less enthusiasm.