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Posts posted by Attilla

  1. Quote

    Worst Sci Fi movie would have to be

    "Plan Nine From Outer Space" by Ed Wood.

    You beat me to it.
    So instead, I'll say:
    Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death

  2. This is Attilla the Honey

    (I stole his name for my forum name, even though he's a he and I'm a she)

    Edited because attachment wouldn't upload - too big

  3. Quote

    not familiar with Resident Evil then?:D

    OK. That cracked me up.
    Resident Evil is a horror franchise, not "action." If someone told you differently, you owe them a kick in the ass.
    I personally can't wait for it to come to DVD. I won't go to the theater anymore for anything.

  4. Like Kiki, I'm a rocker chick and have never dated a guy with short hair. Not that long hair can't go wrong, or be a bad fit for a guy's face, but worn "naturally," it's the sexiest thing there is, IMO. If you like it, wear it proudly.


    (edited because I hate typos)

  5. So GSP and Couture both won. I just wish that Gonzaga's nose hadn't been broken. It would have been a better test of Couture's abilities (and Gonzaga's) that way. But both fights were entertaining.

    I'm also happy that Cote won. I loved him on the Ultimate Fighter show. Every time I see him I have to sing "Coteeeeee, Cote Cote Cote!"


  6. I recently did my first jump, and there was nothing "stomach churning" about it. It felt nothing like a roller coaster.

    However, the parachute ride after the free fall will test your fear of heights. You have a lot of time up there to think about how far it is down to the ground.

  7. Quote



    The USPA also has a member website for group member DZs. You could ask the DZ management to show you the webpage with the person's ratings.

    Thanks for the tip! I'll do that before I jump again. Because now that it's in my head...

    I have a even better idea... Hang around the DZ and get to know the jumpers and staff a bit.

    The more professional the operation, the more likely the DZO is going to hand choose his staff, the best are going to want to work there, etc.

    What would I look for? During my tandem jump, everyone seemed professional and careful, but what did I know?

  8. Quote

    The USPA also has a member website for group member DZs. You could ask the DZ management to show you the webpage with the person's ratings.

    Thanks for the tip! I'll do that before I jump again. Because now that it's in my head...

  9. Not that I'm a cynical person by nature or anything, but I'd like to know whether there is a database somewhere where I can confirm a person's licensure before I strap myself to them and fall out of a plane. I just did my first tandem jump and loved it, but afterwards it occurred to me that I knew nothing about the guy I jumped with. Next time, I think I'd like some more information.