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Posts posted by ryanl2006

  1. Quote

    I am almost set on purchasing a Wings Vision container, and not sure what options I really need. So far, I have the following:

    stainless deluxe
    Collabsible Pilot chute
    Spacer Foam (is this purely comfort as well?)
    Cut in Laterals (think these are really needed?)

    Is there anything else that I really NEED? I will pick a standard color scheme, with no extra embroidery, tie dye, etc.


    I am probably in the minority with this opinion, but I do not like the spacer foam. I have jumped rigs with and without, and for me it added minimal comfort. The spacer foam material adds a fair amount of bulk to your rig (maybe 1/2 or 3/4 inch thick). It is also covered in a mesh like material that would seem to me to be easier to get dirty and harder to clean. For me the tiny bit more comfort of the foam just did not make it worth it.

    For what its worth, I have ordered two custom rigs with all the bells and whistles, but left off spacer foam each time.

  2. Of the canopies that are appropriate for a new jumper, you might want to check out the Pilot by Aerodyne. It is known as having a fairly good glide ratio.

    As a rule of thumb, 9-cell canopies have a better glide ratio than 7-cell canopies, but some of the new 7cell canopies that have been coming out lately have pretty flat glides as well.

    Unfortunately, most skydiving parachutes do not have all that great of glide ratios (upper limit seems to be about 3 to 1). It is also not a published figure by most if not all manufactures because it varies depending on wingloading, and because many skydivers are not concerned with glide ratio as long as they make it back to the dropzone. Basically any responses you will get are largely opinion because there have been few quantitative measurements of skydiving canopy glide ratios.

  3. Thanks for the reply. I was hoping there would be somewhere closer, but I guess an hour and half is not too terribly far. I will definitely be going up to Start sometimes too for the turbines.

    I will be out looking for a place to live on the 22-26th of this month, and will try and head out to Skydive KY that weekend.

    Do many people from the University of Kentucky go out there? I would be interested in meeting some fellow college students.

  4. Does anyone know if Kentucky Skydiving Center is still in business? I will be moving to Lexington soon and they are the closest dropzone. Their dropzone listing on this site links to a dead site and a dead email address. In one of the reviews it says they are not actually in their advertised location. Seems fishy but I am hopeful because the next closest dropzone is an hour and a half away from Lexington.

  5. I am looking at a W-5 with a Sabre 2 135 in it sitting in my bedroom right now. ;) Yes it packs a bit tight, but not tight enough to worry me. That sizing chart you linked is not 'official' so all the numbers are not correct.

  6. I am a beginner at video editing. I am trying to just make simple videos using Adobe Premiere Pro CS4. I do not really know what any of the settings should be on, so I have been just leaving them on the default (anamorphic 1080i, etc.). The video is coming from a CX100 and is the .MTS or whatever file type.

    When I export the video it takes a very long time, like 6 hours long to render a 10 minute video. My computer is a few years old, but it has a 2ghz processor and 2gb of ram so I feel like it should not take this long. I am exporting to .wmv file type. When the video finally renders it is pretty choppy, not smooth at all like when viewing from the camera.

    My question is, are there better settings I can set on either the import or export settings in premiere to make better quality video? I would normally just play around with it but with 6 hours to export, that is just not an option. Is there a way to get this to export faster?

    Thanks for your help,

  7. I jump a W-5 with an Optimum 126 and a Sabre 2 135 in it. The 135 is pretty tight but doable. I know the storm packs smaller then an equivalent 9 cell, but I imagine it would still be pretty tight being one size bigger and all. I would call Sunrise and ask them.

  8. Another think that hasn't been discussed here is what about a tendency of the canopy to open in specific direction relative to the wind?

    I would argue that due to a difference in upper winds to winds at deployment altitude, the relative wind will not be from directly straight ahead for seconds after opening. In this case would the wind tend to blow the canopy to face upwind or downwind for an unconcious jumper shortly after opening? Discuss...;)

    [For what its worth I'm a senior in mechanical engineering who has taken several upper level fluid dynamics classes]

  9. I was in basically the same boat as you recently, I wanted a container that would last a while because I decided to buy new. I recommend calling the manufacture and just talking to them. I bought wings and before I bought I called them and they said my pilot 168 would be a tight but reasonable fit in their W-9 container. That way it will really optimally fit a 150 when I go to that, and fit a 135 without being unsafe.

    So basically just call them and ask, whichever container company you choose should be very helpful, a lot of people do this because no one likes buying a new container every time they get a new canopy.

  10. I have a cookie rok and my dad has a BH Pimpdaddy. In my opinion they are about the same quality level. The cookie was a bit more expensive, but I thought it looked cooler (thats what's important right ;)) and I also like the ear vents. You won't go wrong with either one though, just choose which company you feel looks nicer or better yet try them on and see which fits better.

  11. At my dropzone there is a suspended harness with functioning cutaway and they make students practice on it all the time. My instructor told me the two hand technique was to try and make sure the student (or really any skydiver for that matter) gets the main fully cut away before going to the reserve. With the one hand on each handle technique it might be easier to pull the handles out of order or not fully cutaway the main before pulling the reserve.

  12. So I recently ordered my first rig, a wings, aerodyne pilot 168, smart reserve 160 and cypres from rigs-n-things. They got it all in and shipped it to me, delivered this past friday. I double rushed a custom bev suit and should have that this week.

    So last thursday I was screwing around with friends in my apartment and fell on my arm and broke both bones the radius and ulna of my left fore arm. One ER trip and overnight surgery later I now have two plates in my arm and can't grip anything harder then holding a pencil, definately no jumping for 2-3months. Meanwhile my beautiful new rig is sitting here with no jumps just collecting dust. This is the worst timing ever!!!!!

  13. I liked one of the aerodyne stock list color combo's but they didnt have one in stock in the size I wanted. I called them and they said one was being built and it was 3 weeks out. I ordered it and got it in within a week. Similarly I chose a stock list wings conainer that was not done yet, but it got in over a week ahead of schedule. Maybe I'm just lucky,

  14. I have been thinking a bit lately on how the slider slows the opening. I know it chokes the lines to the canopy to control how fast it inflates, but my question is 'what is the slowest sized slider?'

    Let me explain a bit further. Initially I thought that a smaller slider would cause slower opening due to more 'choking' force, but after searching and reading here I have found that a smaller slider will cause faster opening, I guess because due to smaller size there more force pushing it down.

    So at what size does the slowest opening occur? Obviously there must be some point where a bigger slider will actually cause a faster opening, take the extreme example, if the slider was the same size as the canopy there would be no 'choking' at all so the canopy would open as if there was no slider. Does the slowest opening happen when the slider is a set size, say 1/10th as wide as the distance from outermost lines, or does it vary from canopy to canopy?

    There is no real reason behind this question, I am just curious about the physics behind opening.