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Dropzone Reviews posted by mccallj

  1. I went to ASC for my first tandem jump. Jumped had a great time, however I waited for 8 hours. They gave the "weather hold" excuse, which is a legitimate excuse sometimes except the skies were completely clear for over half of this 8 hour period. About 8 other tandem jumpers came and left in that time, without a refund of their money. I paid for "extra altitude", 14.5k feet, but got thrown out with everyone else... at 11k. If I had known that they and their parent company both owned by the same guys had been investigated twice by a fox5 news out of Atlanta for deceptive business practices I would looked for different dropzones.
    As for the landing area, I know lots of people who have sustained major bone breaks in their rocky sink hole ridden landing area which happens to be more of a slope, and the swoop pond is more like a swoop puddle. Save yourself the time and frustration and look elsewhere.

  2. Extremely friendly operators and instructors. Huge landing area, bus ride is actually pretty fun. Very relaxed but serious when it counts. I only wish I could go more often.