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Posts posted by DaLowestBird

  1. Oh no, I just deal the cards and the other players play amongst each other. I just control the game and don't lose money. ;)
    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  2. Quote

    O yeh remember to remove the grin off your face before going home as you may get some funny looks:D:D


    pincheck...its funny you said this. I did a jump before I went into work yesterday and it was such a great jump that I still had permagrin after I started my shift and about 4 people at my table (i'm a poker dealer) say "Chad, I've never seen you with such a look of excitement!" lol
    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  3. Hey man, 45 jumps in three years isn't pitiful!!! I've got 43 in 4 years!!!! Money sucks, I wish everything was free!
    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  4. Hey brother, welcome to the sport!!! Skydiving is waaaaaaaay safer than riding a motorcycle, man, and its a hell of a lot more fun too. After a 110mph wreck that broke 6 of my bones and damn near took my life, I decided I wouldn't get another motorcycle and I'd return to a sport that was safer, lol.

    Happy jumping!!!

    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  5. Yeh, I've been noticing quite a few cuties around my DZ as well...but thats ok, to me its just good scenery.

    Congrats on your level 5 and 6. Almost done!!!

    What are her reasons for not even considering a tandem?
    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  6. Homies ;)

    Chris, welcome to the good life!! Hopefully you'll come down to Deland and meet us nice folks!

    Btw, Skymama, spent the whole day today at the dz and met a lot of really cool people...you're right, the last weekend I managed to get out there was a rare weekend. Cute new girl in the gear store too...don't tell my wonderful girlfriend I said that!! B|
    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  7. Sweeeeet. My girlfriend and I got together during my four year lapse from jumping...and I've been known to start things and stop, so she thinks its just another phase. Little does she know I've been wanting to get back to jumping since the day I ran out of money :-D
    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  8. nice dorms......man I hated living in the dorms.

    Nice suit dude
    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  9. Definitely glad you were able to get up there...and don't worry about being uneasy under canopy, that fades away in no time. Just tell yourself that you're very secure in your harness and you aren't going to fall out and you'll be in good shape and be able to enjoy the view.
    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  10. The ultimate test? Which one of those scaredy cat boys will prove their interest in you by facing their fears and doing a jump? B|
    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  11. Quote

    Girlfriend is sick of me all of a sudden.


    I'm going through the same thing right now. Don't worry, they're just jealous. Has she ever done a tandem or anything? I took my girlfriend to do a tandem and now she's starting to understand what all the fuss is about. She's still sick of me talking about it all day though.
    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  12. Come swing by Florida on your way :-D
    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  13. Get ready...the fun is just beginning!!! Levels 5,6, and 7 were my favorite...but its even more fun after that. Keep at it!

    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  14. Congrats Fraja,
    Welcome to the good life!!!

    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  15. Melissa,
    I'll do a jump just for you sometime soon. And I'll upload the video to you! I wish you could jump as well!!!

    On my 18th birthday I wanted to do a tandem (just to say I did it) and never got around to it until my 19th birthday. Once I did it I was instantly hooked!!! Money issues made me take a 4 year break after my 38th jump though.

    Blue Skies Melissa,

    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  16. I'm sure there is a way to do it, but I couldn't figure it out. I tried to get my girlfriend's tandem video off the DVD so that she could send it to her friends, and I wasn't able to convert it so that it would work on anyones computer. You might need to find the videographer and see if he can copy the original file for you.

    If you know of a way to make it work straight from the DVD, let me know.
    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  17. Welcome to the community! Good luck finishing up on AFF and remember, just have fun and relax. Once you relax and breathe everything comes together and the jump doesn't feel like work and becomes low stress. No matter what, dive with a smile! ;)
    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  18. Thats the one thing that hasn't changed...I'm always smiling when I'm around the skydiving scene! ;)

    Already after posting the first message I've had someone PM me about jumping sometime. Also Jim, one of the guys that picked me up out at the student field Sunday wants to jump with me, and another guy, Danny, wants to jump before he leaves in 30 days, so its not so bad. Andrea probably knows who I'm talking about.

    I'd say the ratio I've noticed is probably 65/35 introvert to extrovert, and I'm sure that will change when people realize I'm not just passing through.
    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  19. It was really busy on Easter as well, both the skyvan and the super otter were running for a while. Then they brought the wonder otter out. I'm still itching to jump that new PAC 750XL though.

    You're probably right though, Easter seemed to have brought out mostly teams. I think there were about one or two other fun jumpers out there and they were both freefliers.

    I've certainly gotta practice my sitflying and hopefully sooner or later I'll be able to get head down. Last time I tried was an embarassment to myself! :-D

    Gonna have to find Paxton for some pointers.
    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  20. Quote

    That's a nice sky blue canopy B|. I've got a sky blue reserve, but it came out on a cloudy day. I like to gamble and skydive, they're different kinds of excitement, but addictions to anything aren't usually a good thing. I took a 7 year break between my first two jumps mainly due to financial reasons as well. Have fun.


    I think something is wrong with my camera (my mom was taking the picture) as that canopy actually had more of a green tint to it.

    As far as gambling and skydiving goes...you're right, they're both exciting. But I couldn't handle the swings in my cash flow to continue gambling, and I was getting really bad, gambling every chance I could. Skydiving is way better :-D

    Glad to know I'm not the only one with financial troubles when i was starting out!
    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  21. Quote

    but I was toying with the idea of selling my car earlier this month...reply]

    Funny you should mention that...I'm about to go get a lien from the bank on the two cars that I own so that I can get my first rig. Thats the whole reason I stopped jumping for four years...couldn't afford to pay rig rental prices, jump ticket prices, and save up for my rig all at the same time. Good luck and blue skies.

    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."

  22. Hey guys, I finally made a return to skydiving after a lapse of four years. I started AFF on (checking logbook) 1/21/02, and stopped jumping on my 38th jump 6/6/02 due to my financial situation at the time.

    Anyhow, after aquiring a better job I got recertified 3/26/06 and after several failed attempts due to weather and wind I finally did two more jumps on Sunday 4/16.

    I guess I'm writing this to see if there is anyone else out there that just recently started jumping at Deland that maybe I can progress with. Seems like Deland isn't as outgoing as it used to be (or maybe I'm just showing up on the wrong days) and I've been having trouble getting established again. Let me know.


    PS...here's a picture from one of Sundays jumps if anyone cares, lol.
    Convo between my friend and his ex...
    Nick - "Chad talked me into skydiving."
    Her - "I thought you didn't like extreme sports"
    Nick - "Dating you WAS an extreme sport."