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Posts posted by NobodysHero01

  1. I think both questions have the same answer.

    Maybe, but are you trying to lost weight to be healthy or for a specific event? I feel like anything that actually helps you lose weight or burn fat (and their are things that do work) probably isn't good for your overall health (i.e. meth).

    Sounds like you have the right plan already figured out. Cardio in the morning. Weights in the afternoon. Cut out the "empty" calories like beer.

    -- Mike
    "Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion"

  2. Thank you for the link! I've been looking for some good video of PLFs and have found very little out there. This is perfect as I want to spend some time practicing in my backyard.

    -- Mike
    "Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion"

  3. Quote

    And I hate it when I'm asked to open the door. Please don't do that. :ph34r:

    I don't mind sitting next to the door but... I HATE opening it! Climbing out onto the strut and letting go I have no problem with... but turning that handle freaks me the hell out.

    -- Mike
    "Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion"

  4. On IE7,

    Tools --> Internet Options

    Under Browsing History, click Delete. From there, you will probably want to delete your history and your form data.

    If you want IE to never remember what you type in forms, go to the Content tab and click Settings under AutoComplete. Uncheck forms and google won't remember your previous searches.

    I would also suggest checking out Firefox. One useful feature is you can set it to clear your forms whenever you close the browser. This way it'll still remember them for your current session (which is handy) and you don't have to remember to clear them when you're done.

    -- Mike
    "Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion"

  5. Quote

    Clearly I can't speak for everyone but the TIs that I know will treat it like a ride unless you say you're interested in getting your license at which point it's no longer a ride. :)

    I did my first tandem in 2004 at Above the Poconos. It was definitely just a ride which is all I wanted. I had so much fun, I decided to make it a yearly event and went back for tandems in 2005, and 2006. Rather than sit me through the same boring 20 minute briefing year after year, for my return visits they actively pulled me out of the group and taught me stuff and went over the flight plan and got me interested in the sport.

    Looking back, I like how I got into the sport. I think I'd feel too pressured and overwhelmed trying to go solo my first time. I took it nice and slow, did a couple of tandems, and as I got to know the people at the dropzone and feel comfortable, decided to go solo... That's probably what I'd suggest to most people.

    -- Mike
    "Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion"

  6. I suck at flaring and broke my leg because of it. I think my problem was looking straight down. I'm a little nervous about getting back in the air, but I still plan on going back up. My personal plan is to become the world's best PLFer before jumping again. At least if I mess up the flare again, I'll just wind up with some bruises and nothing that will require surgery!

    Anyway, I've only done 2 solo jumps and 50% of them ended in a hospital visit and surgery... so I can't really offer any good advice :P

    -- Mike
    "Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion"

  7. Quote

    his opinion was that if you're at risk of breaking it again, it can complicate the break should this happen. General rule of thumb for him was for over 30's, the risk of breaking was lower and didn't warrant removal, but under 30's he generally would recommend. Mitigating circumstances for over 30's being 'continuing with a lifestyle that may be conducive to future injuries'.

    Thanks for the info! I think I need to have a talk with my doctor. The more opinions I get from people, the more I think I want everything removed.

    -- Mike
    "Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion"

  8. I'm curious to hear more about this. I broke my tib & fib last summer on my second solo jump (bad flare). I'd love to get back into skydiving and try to go for my A again, but I'm concerned about doing some major damage to my leg. I have a rod and some screws in there now. My surgeon has recommended I leave the hardware in. His opinion is the risk of bending a rod is very low and doesn't warrant surgery. My opinion is that despite what the stats are for the average person, average people don't intentionally jump out of planes and that makes my situation a little different than the textbook recommendation. He said he has lots of patients who got hurt from risky behavior (sports, dirt biking, etc...) and many of them choose to continue that behavior with the hardware in. I'm not sure what to do. Whatever choice I ultimately make, I'll discuss it further with my doctor and possibly get a second opinion, but I'd still like to hear what made you (and any one else with hardware) decide to have it removed (or decide to keep it). I don't really have much pain, so that isn't an issue. Breaking a leg last year wasn't that big of a deal... I was back on my feet in a couple of months and I'm no worse now than I was before. But my concern is if I break that leg again, I might not be so lucky and end up with some major/permanent damage.

    -- Mike
    "Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion"

  9. when i was looking for the same info, i compared skydiving stats to this website:

    -- Mike
    "Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion"

  10. Hi... Just thought I'd introduce myself since I've been reading these forums a lot the past few days.

    I went on my first tandem in the summer of 2004 and then made it a yearly event.

    This year I wanted to take it one step further so I'm going to take the solo jump course at Above the Poconos in Hazleton, PA.

    I can't wait to learn!

    BTW, I'm 27 and a Sys Admin (pronounced: computer dork) in NJ.

    -- Mike
    "Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion"