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Posts posted by AZcondor

  1. I have been to their location and website. I am looking at a program that they offer that will certify me with an "A" license for roughly 2g’s. (Ouch!!! any thoughts?)

    My goal is to become an experienced wing suit flyer. But, I have been reading that you need to feel more than comfortable with regular skydiving before you can strap up in a wing suit. Can someone offer a timeframe or number of jumps before you felt comfortable with jumping before you jumped with wings? I know that this differs from person to person, but I want to get an idea.

    I am dreaming about getting back up there. I literally have been dreaming about jumping for the past 3 nights.

  2. I am looking for an experienced flyer that will be able to help me improve my skills.

    I live in AZ and have little experience. I went on my first tandem 4 days ago. I know that is takes time to learn the intricacies of this sport. That is why I am searching for a crusty veteran ;)

    A little about me:

    -6’3”, 200lbs
    -25 years old
    -Physically fit
    -Willing to learn
    -Fascinated by the dedication and respect that you must give this sport.
    -Out of all the different specialties I would like to focus on tracking/birdin' it (wing suit baby!)
    -Enjoy Beer

    If you or a friend would like to pass down your knowledge please post back or PM and I would like to meet you.

  3. Hey Guys,

    I went skydiving for the first time in my life yesterday. I was instantly hooked as I assume all you are too. I jumped tandem with a really cool guy who taught me a lot. I know that these forums hold a wealth of information you just need to search for it, but I like posting. I feel that it will give me a better understanding of the people on here:)

    I have a couple questions if anyone wants to chime in.

    My next goal is to jump solo. The facility near me has a tunnel. I feel that with adequate practice I will be more comfortable in the air my first time. What do you suggest for proper experience before you jump solo? Tunnel or tandem again?

    Second, is I am looking into a sweet jump suit or pant jacket combo. I would like something that is good for skydiving and will work equally as well for base jumping. Should I buy or rent.

    I am glad to be a member of this forum and look forward to meeting you all.
