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Posts posted by goblin

  1. Since I've got my licence and been jumpimg for a while now i've always got an instructor from my DZ to fill in and/or sign my logbook for each jump. But the more i jump now, normally there won't be an instructor on the lift with us to sign off what i've done.

    So can i sign my own logbook off for what i've done on that jump or does it have to be an instructor? I'm B licence at the moment and obviously for progression jumps i understand they have to be witnessed and signed off by an instructor.

    I'm in Germany but jump at RAPA so anyone with BPA experience could probably answer this?


  2. After having owned a Pro-Track for sometime now i've thought about buying the Jump-Track software to log my jump but i'm just too tight to part with the cash for it. Does anyone else feel this way and feel they're being overcharged for something that should be included with the Pro-Track???:S

    Anyone know of any alternatives that work with the Pro-Track that are cheaper?

  3. :)Awesome service all round!! I bought a new Pro-Track and messed up one of the screws on the battery housing and i just received a new one today without even sending mine back yet. that's why they've got the biggest and most trusted customer base ever amongst us. Take note other companies!! You could learn a thing or two!!!!:P

    Recommended to anyone!!!!

  4. here's a better pic of the rings hopefully you can see it better cos i can only upload small pictures on here. the whit-thingy is just a sticker that was on the riser when it was new. i don't think there is anything wrong with the 3 ring system but if you can see anything wrong let me know. always better for a second opinion.:o

  5. Here's a few pics of my (nearly) new Icon I6. It's only got 7jumps on it and i'm jumping a 210sqft Pilot in it with a Smart reserve. Soft handles, Freefly pud and i love it.;)

    Obviously the massive ZP canopy doesn't put a smile on my face when it comes to packing but the ride is sweet and it even tries to behave like a 170sqft!!

    Hope that helps and i know you'll love your new rig. By the way what size are you getting?

  6. Just putting a random question out there-How important is rig fit? Obviously a majorly ill-fitting rig is a big concern during both freefall and under canopy, but where is it most important to fit?

    obviously a decent rigger can make adjustments if needed but when should these adjustment be made?

  7. :S
    I've just bought my first rig, second hand but only 4 jumps with all the order forms from when it was bought. I jump in Europe and the rig was bought from USA, but i am unsure of what paperwork i need for reserve re-packs/jump logs etc to keep a history of jumps on the rig. Is there official paperwork or does anyone have a blank one they use they could send me??
