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Dropzone Reviews posted by goblin

  1. RAPA/ Bad Lippspringe DZ is my local DZ and you may think i might give it a good review for that reason but i'll be completely honest for this.
    As a military DZ it is open from February until November every day as they run militery courses throughout thr week but they welcome anyone to get on a lift. At the weekend there is a mix of both local Germans (most speak English) and the military jumpers and there are lifts organised non-stop as long as they can fill the slots. Coaching is second to none as the instructors there have knowledge of most disciplines and if they don't know then the locals are always there to give a helping hand!

    The only downside is the limited facilities on offer. There is a small cafe, shop, bar and rigging service. It can be difficult to find the first time but nothing a sat nav won't fix! The weather can be unpredictable but once the blue skies arrive the days jumping are long and the atmoshpere is great!