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Posts posted by Nastyn8

  1. Quote

    Wasn't it you that bullied your way into opening for a single day and in that single day had a fatality due to your incompetence and lack of complete good and safe judgment?

    I think it's safe to say this is way out of bounds....and wrong. It takes a lot of logical gymnastics to arrive at the conclusion that a licensed jumper low pull fatality is the DZO's fault.

  2. stratostar

    Yep pretty surprising to you sitting in the gallery of the seemingly invited public, at the one and only public meeting packed full of invited people who were there to speak and listen to the newly announced "city commission style public hearing" that took place on 3-9-09, along with invitee Life Star medical helicopters director and other airport users. Must have been Mr Haig personal invite that informed you of the meeting or your pal in building and grounds on city staff.

    Yes you did, I'm sure Mr Haig was rather disappointed in your comments after visiting in person to Skydive Kansas in order to get "facts", as he has stated many times in writing and implies there was more then one visit with your boss. What was interesting in all of that, is you were the only other skydiver in the room and all you had to say on the subject over all was to defend Jen Sharps statements. You didn't really defend skydiving IHMO, and you didn't bother defend the fact that Life Star operates right next door to Skydive Kansas, when the perspective dzo called him on that fact, when stating they couldn't operate on an airport where skydiving takes place and if allowed, it was cause 10 to 20 minute delays in life flight departures. Not a peep was hear out of you. It seemed pretty clear to me you were there for only one reason and those reasons had nothing to do with skydiving, other then to report back to your boss on possible competing operations.


    I think the board had made up it's mind before the meeting. Maybe that was due to prior interactions or something else,

    You would be correct to a degree, in fact Mr. Haig has put in writing one of the main reasons why he voted down any proposed operations on KLWC was his fact finding tour visits with Jen Sharp and possibly additional KC area dzo's.

    Wes, this elaborate theory about Jeremy being sent as a spy becomes incoherent when you acknowledge (as you I don't understand why you believe this theory?) that Jeremy corrected Mr. Haig's false recollection of his conversations with Jen: Jeremy clarified that Jen had never said that a DZ couldn't safely integrate with the airport's operations. If we're supposed to believe that Jeremy was sent on a nefarious competitor spying mission, why would he correct Mr. Haig on this point and thereby effectively defend the prospects of your operation?

    -Nathan Henry

  3. After reading about Sony's GPU acceleration quite a bit, it seems that Sony's implementation was optimized for the NVidia 5xx series cards and AMD's HD 6xxx cards. Buying the latest and greatest card will actually yield significantly slower render times than these older cards which Sony specifically developed the acceleration for. The GTX 570 is your best bet for GPU acceleration (yielding 3x faster rendering than CPU only for some people).

    On the GTX 570, which seems to be the best supported card, certain (old) drivers apparently work best

  4. A little LCD screen would probably be a nice visual option since they can be had for less than $20. I considered this as the interface for the pilot, but I'm extremely wary of the inherent distraction from altitude awareness that visual outputs would introduce.

    The GPS / accelerometer combination idea is very interesting, and it's funny that you mention that because a variation of the idea also popped into my head this morning before I looked at your post. The vertical speed measurement via GPS should be reasonably accurate, while being independent of wind conditions.

  5. Would you buy a new type of helmet-mounted glide ratio feedback device that is a little bit bigger than a GoPro, but doesn't rely on GPS, and is capable of accurately measuring glide ratio independent of wind conditions (or direction of flight)?

    The device would be mounted on the front of the helmet, approximately where most people mount GoPros.

    don't click no because you don't care about getting real-time feedback on your G/R


    EDIT: review the forum rules on advertising.

  6. Quote



    Move along, nothing to see here execpt another fine example of right wingnut nitwittery.

    Nitwits, and the fuckers VOTE as instructed by their corporate leaders. Tea Partiers = corporate stooges. NONE of the "tea party" bullshit is grassroots. They are all AstroTurf.

    No wonder the country is headed off a cliff.

    There are two possibilities as to how you and others have created this completely false idea that Tea Parties are merely a large group of paid-off political pawns -

    1: You are blindly accepting what a bunch of decidedly liberal columnists and news anchors have perpetuated,


    2: You know that it's false, and you are therefore lying.

    So it's really a question of ignorance or impropriety. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are simply misinformed - but ignorance really isn't something to be proud of, nonetheless.

    Before you attempt to convince me that the Tea Parties are a hoax, let me ask you: Have you ever actually been to a Tea Party? I have, and everyone I know that attended the Tea Party is a genuine person who showed up simply because they believed in a cause. None of them received any money for their attendance.

    The nitwits that are tea party followers are pathetic. They read the bullshit on websites bought and paid for with corporate dollars and swallow it, hook, line, and sinker.

    Rachel Maddow has done an excellent job of researching and exposing the OWNERSHIP of the main websites and the company that sets them up. They are totally astroturf, as in FAKE grassroots websites. The scumbag that takes the corporate money and cranks up the astroturf websites has appeared on her show.

    Your lack of curiousity and inability to do any research of your own does not make your opinion correct.

    I went to a local tea party event. What I saw there was a pack of racist white people who had lots of hateful things to say about the current POTUS. I heard a lot of verbal vomit that was repetition of right wing horseshit. I did not see concerned citizens with respect for our government and the constitution. I saw a scared group of easily led white folks that hate the fact that there is a person of color as president. The idea of overthrowing the government was quite popular. The methods discussed had nothing to do with winning elections. The methods were superior arms and intimidating those rotten "liberals".

    Maybe the quality of people at these events has improved. As the tea party has gotten credit for Rand Paul's primary win, the odds are against it.

    First of all, I'm not sure why I need to read a liberal TV/radio personality's opinion (excuse me...."research") in order to understand an event that I ATTENDED and PARTICIPATED in. Do we have to read a whuffo's news report on skydiving in order to understand what jumping means to us?

    BTW - The Tea Party movement has NOTHING to do with the color of the President's skin. Just because you and other liberals have been able to hunt down racists at an event doesn't mean they represent the message of the movement. I'm not racist, I simply take issue with a government and its leaders that flagrantly disobey the group of people they were elected to represent.

    I find it truly fascinating that die-hard liberals can't or won't believe that a group of regular people are capable of organizing themselves and putting together a powerful, genuine movement. Why is it so hard to believe?

  7. Quote

    Move along, nothing to see here execpt another fine example of right wingnut nitwittery.

    Nitwits, and the fuckers VOTE as instructed by their corporate leaders. Tea Partiers = corporate stooges. NONE of the "tea party" bullshit is grassroots. They are all AstroTurf.

    No wonder the country is headed off a cliff.

    There are two possibilities as to how you and others have created this completely false idea that Tea Parties are merely a large group of paid-off political pawns -

    1: You are blindly accepting what a bunch of decidedly liberal columnists and news anchors have perpetuated,


    2: You know that it's false, and you are therefore lying.

    So it's really a question of ignorance or impropriety. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are simply misinformed - but ignorance really isn't something to be proud of, nonetheless.

    Before you attempt to convince me that the Tea Parties are a hoax, let me ask you: Have you ever actually been to a Tea Party? I have, and everyone I know that attended the Tea Party is a genuine person who showed up simply because they believed in a cause. None of them received any money for their attendance.