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Posts posted by Jumpinjojo

  1. In the last year i have done both RAPS ground school & AFF, the first thing i have been asked by my instructor is "Am i TEACHABLE?" The answer needs to be YES if you want to be a skydiver.

    Your just filling your head with all sorts of stuff you really don't need to worry about at the moment as like others have told you YOUY INSTRUCTOR will train you on everything you need to know to make your 1st jump. If the instructor isn't happy with you then he will not let you jump.

    I did love your ideas on how to exit the plane :D lmao they was mint.

    Hope u jump soon m8 rather then read about it.

  2. Hi every1

    I'm sort off new to the site although i did join up last year. So i thought i'd come and let you all know what i've been up to.

    I started RAPS in Jan 07 after doin 2 tandem jumps in 06. I only managed 4 jumps on static line b4 i injured my leg landing, which made me stop jumping for around 2 months. By the time my leg was better it was raining here and it rained for about 2 months :( so i still couldn't jump. It was now the end off may and i'd got no further so i booked my self onto aff :P Then after my aff ground training my instructor left the DZ which left me no1 to train or jump with >:( so i ended up after another 2/3 months goin to Skydive spain (sept) and doin my aff. I passed my aff and got 2 consols done whilst i was out there but yet again i injured the same leg whilst i was out there (still have bruises), so there fore didn't do any jumps when i got home.

    I spent the last 2 months wondering weather or not to carry on as my nerves was gettin the better off me, untill i jumped on sunday last week and all the love & passion come flooding back :) but it was great!!

    I feel like i'm back now after a few months of feeling out off it B|

    Back to the DZ this weekend :)
    Blue skies

    PS my aff dvd (very funny) is on my facebook page if any1 wants a laugh :D

  3. ;) hiya m8

    How lucky are you doing AFF in florida :P i wish!!! lol

    get yourself up2 Lancaster UK as they have a great DZ called black knights there plane is a porter it takes just 12 mins to reach 14,000, tarmac runway and GREAT staff :)
    It would be great to see you up there ;)

    There is a DZ in cornwall but they only go up 10,000 foot :( lol

  4. i guess u could be right with 14 or knowing me it'll be 28 :D but defo no sleepin init :D i'd wake up 2 stone thinner, Hhhmm now then, i might just sleep init 1 or 2 nights :D

  5. hiya m8

    I had never done any skydiving till my 30th last oct and i got my 1st tandem from 14,000 and i was chitting myself big time :S and i chit even more when the door opened, lol but once i was out it was great (like u know) so i went back 3 weeks later and had anogher go without the chitting, lol and i LOVED it.

    I've now done my 1st static line and i have 5 more jumps (RAPS course) to do but the weather over here isn't always to great so progress is slow :( When i did my 1 solo jump i did again chit it but mate it was brilliant you must push yourself to the limit and go 4 it, i know next time i will chit again but its normal to feel the fear and if u don't then theres a prob :)
    go 4 it ;)

  6. I got my 1st jump suit 2day and i've had it on 3 times already :) its been made for me to my design and i CAN'T wait 2 try it out :) they have no plane, lol.

    I wonder how meny more times i'll put it on between now and then :)

  7. No don't give up, you have as much right as any1 to learn the sport. Don't let these people put you off!! Could you not find a new DZ if things are that bad at your current DZ.

    Good luck & don't give up, i wish i started skydiving at 19 then i would have got 11 more years in the great sport, don't let them people take that away from you.

  8. oh yeah get yourself upto Black Knights its a great DZ, they have a great Porter and a tarmac runway :P check out there site www.bkpc.co.uk

    Don't think i'll be goin this weekend :( it looks like rain all week :(

    My new jump suit should be here 2day ;) i can't wait to try it out B| i've waited 6 weeks for it 2 be made, i'm soooo excited :))

  9. Hi

    What a great site u have here ;) I'm hope to learn a thing or 2 :P

    Well i got a 14,000 foot tandem last oct for my birthday and i was like "oh sh*t" but when i'd done it i was hooked :) woohoo then i thought this is GREAT sooo i asked ever so nicely 4 the RAPS course for christmas and santa didn't let me down :)
    So now i've done my 1st static line and i loved it but that was jan 27th coz the weather over here isn't always 2 kind [:/] but hoping for blue skies next weekend :)
    I can't wait to qualify as i want to be a camera women B| 1 day :)

  10. hiya m8

    I'm the same as u did 1 tandem and then i was hooked, my 1st tandem was oct last year my 2nd tandem was nov my 3rd tandem was 4 weeks ago and i started my RAPS course on the 20th jan 07, i did my 1st static line a week later. The weather has stopped me jumping for the past 3 weeks :( gutted.

    I use Black Knights DZ its really cool ;)