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Posts posted by BASEjumper

  1. Quote

    I'll choose not to speculate on your condition or history.

    I find serious BASE jumpers to be smarter than average. the leading edge of the sport studies jumps, equipment, etc. (you got to love VBK's windtunnel studies!) having a poor thought process and not being open to critical thinking leads to a short BASE career...

    Do you realize that the really smart BASE jumpers rarely post here if at all? I normally wouldn't post here either but in my opinion, some things need to be said. There is a silent majority of experienced BASE jumpers that are dismayed and alarmed about what is happening with BASE jumping in this country. Are you open minded enough to understand this kind of critical thinking? Chances are if they posted their critical opinions they would be accused of being "posionous, hostile, and bitter" like you have done to me. Apparently you do not understand my intent.


    thus I find your posts contradictory. you claim to be a very experienced jumper, but do not seem to understand posts. you seem to read what you want to, and not the intent.

    Well lately I've been reading a lot that I wish I wasn't. And I do understand the intent. I understand how some BASE jumpers constantly try to make a name for themselves.


    I can't say I always agree with Faber, but I normaly understand his ideas. (and give him credit for attempting to post in a "foreign" language.)

    Well done.


    the other quotes you supplied are equally understandable, even if I choose not to agree. you are welcome to your opinions, but they seem overwhelmed by a posionous, hostile tone. you seem quite bitter about something.

    Like I already said in my post above:
    "As far as being angry, well I would call it being upset about what is happening to BASE jumping in America."


    instead of creating rancor, I hope you find peace.

    Instead of hoping I find peace, how about hoping we don't start getting charged with a class D felony....
    Life is like a box of chocolates.

  2. Quote

    You seem angry. This website should help. :)

    LOL - very cute indeed. How can you not smile when looking at those cute little creatures

    As far as being angry, well I would call it being upset about what is happening to BASE jumping in America.
    Life is like a box of chocolates.

  3. Quote

    If you are so underground, why do you have an email address in you profile? Reverse lookups can tell a lot.

    Who the hell wants to be injured jumping? Accidents can and do happen, sometimes regardless of the skill of the jumper.

    Thanks for mentioning that, I didn't look at my profile that closely.

    As far as your statement about how accidents can happen to any BASE jumper, I totally agree. Which is why I said this in my post above

    Sure any BASE jumper can get injured, but there is nothing good about that and it should not be revered as something to brag about.

    Life is like a box of chocolates.

  4. Quote

    Hey BASEJumper,

    It sounds like you have a lot of experience.

    I was wondering if I could ask you a technical question:

    When performing a rollover (unpacked jump, where the canopy hangs at the end of the lines and the jumper launches over it), can you tell me if it's important to maintain line tension? Should the jumper launch hard out, to keep the lines tight? Or should the jumper launch down at the canopy, inducing line slack, as the central jumper did in this accident?

    If you are having personal issues with someone then that is between you and that person. To answer your question to me, when doing a roll over it is best to lauch out toward the horizon.
    Life is like a box of chocolates.

  5. Quote

    the only reason i'm responding is i'm the one who asked " just curious as to who might have said that?" and then TOM A. said JEB. and then i said something like " i dont believe he would have said it exactly like that"............. LOOK AS FAR AS I KNOW TOM A. does not promote that IDEA nor does JEB. as far as i've ever heard either one talk about their bad experiences they've both just talked about their experiences in a "don't do what i did" kind of way.

    i also think you need to re-read the whole thread because JEB chimed in at one point and said some things.

    and again i don't think "greenmachine" heard THAT (REAL JUMPER CRAP) from TOM A. and from his course come on'!

    maybe "greenmachine" should chime in.

    Are you talking about this post that Jeb made? I think it's a bunch of rubbish as well.
    I just embedded my thoughts on his post below {...}.

    To me base jumping is not an activity, it's a philosophy. It's a an understanding of ones own mortality. It's about knowing one day you will die and not allowing the fear of that inevitable fact to prevent you from living your dreams and doing what you love. To be honest I don't even feel a person needs to jump off things with a parachute to be a base jumper. {WHAT? That is just absurd} I have met people that have yet to do their first base jump but you can see in their eyes that they already are base jumpers. {They might have a personality prone to become a BASE jumper, but until they start BASE jumping, they are not BASE jumpers} You can see that deep down in their heart that nothing will ever stand in the way of their dreams.. {for example like when consideration for the rest of the BASE community didn't stand in the way of your dream to get video and gain notoriety by day blazing the Empire State Building}

    I have also met people that have been base jumping for years. Yet they are not base jumpers. {WOW!!! How insulting to these BASE jumpers} You can see it in their eyes and in their actions. They jump off things with parachutes but they don't fully understand what that really means. {how do you know they don't understand what BASE jumping means?} For some of them jumping off things isn't their dream. {fairly arrogant of you to say you know what their dreams are.} It's not even important to them. {Again, how do you know that?} Some of them don't even like it. It's not worth dying for something that means nothing to you. {This particular sentence I agree with} These people seem to be the ones that watch someone die in base and then go "holly shit, you mean people can die doing this"?

    I have always felt that if a person stops base jumping because of an injury or because of witnessing an injury then that person was never being realistic about what they were doing in the first place. Any person in base that does not understand that getting injured is not only possible but very likely is living in a total delusion. So many people wonder through life without really thinking about their actions and what it really means. {Yea, like your actions in NYC.}

    Don't get me wrong, a persons dreams can change depending on where they are in life. If a person stops base jumping because they have grown and have fulfilled their dream, then that person will always be a base jumper. Even if they never jump again. At one point in life maybe base jumping is fulfilling your dreams and then at another point it might be helping cure cancer and then at another point maybe it's raising children. To me base jumpers are people that turn dreams into reality and don't let fear stand in their way...

    {like some others have already said in this thread, people fullfill their dreams in many different ways that have nothing to do with BASE jumping. That does not make them a BASE jumper}

    Jeb Corliss

    Life is like a box of chocolates.

  6. Quote

    Yet another anonymous chicken shit who gets on here and talks a bunch of smack about people he doesn't know personally, wishes he could be, or wishes he could hang out with. If impersonation is the best form of flattery, then anonymous internet bashing must be the highest form of jealousy. If you can't put your name behind it, don't bother sayingit.

    Sorry but I'm an underground BASE jumper because of my business and because I want no glory. I have been around a lot longer than you. I have legitimate opinions concerning the sad state of affairs that BASE is in these days.

    Corliss and Aiello are the ones telling that nonsense to other jumpers and yes I think that kind a rhetoric is harmful to new jumpers trying to figure out how to be.
    Life is like a box of chocolates.

  7. Quote

    Any of you who know me know I am not
    a real BASE jumper by any measure.

    However, BASE 515 / Mike's retirement made me think of something I heard in Idaho. To be a real BASE jumper
    one has to break themselves and come back. At the time
    I thought it was stupid and still do
    -- here's why:

    It is highly doubtful anyone would say BASE 515 / Mike is
    not a real BASE jumper. He did 600 jumps in 9 years and
    per another poster those were injury free. In my opinion
    this is a damn good thing! Congrats Mike!!

    "To be a real BASE jumper
    one has to break themselves and come back" ?!?!?

    hunh? WTF?

    Did I get lost in a time warp or something? So now these "so called instructors" are teaching new jumpers that in order to be a REAL BASE jumper they need to be injured first and then when they return they can be a REAL BASE jumper like all the other BASE jumpers who have screwed up and gotten themselves all busted up. Gee, no wonder the current fatality rate is 12 times what it use to be.

    GreenMachine, good job for realizing what a stupid concept that is. That has got to be the most messed up thing I've read since, well, since Mr. Corliss burnt down NYC.

    Didn't you say somewhere that you took Tom Aiello's FJC in Idaho. I assume Tom is the one that tried to teach this to you. My guess is since he has put himself in the hospital at least 3 times that I've heard about, and his reputation on the street is that he is not all that skilled a BASE jumper, that he tries to indoctrinate his students with "To be a real BASE jumper one has to break themselves and come back" so that they will perceive him as more of a real BASE jumper than many other very talented and skilled jumpers. Hmmm, I think I recall reading somewhere about Miles D never having been injured, and doesn't Miles also run a FJC in Idaho. Since it's been so obvious that Aiello doesn't get along with Shane McConkey and Miles D it's not hard to read between the lines.

    GreenMachine, if you stay in the sport and travel around and travel to Europe, you will meet loads of BASE jumpers who have never been injured. These are the ones who should be considered to be the better BASE jumpers because they have talent and skill and use good judgment to avoid getting hurt. Even Dwain Weston who pushed the envelope all the time was never injured with something like 1,200 jumps (sadly he did die doing a stunt skydive though) and you can tell in some of his writings that even though he took big calculated risk, he was all about not getting hurt.

    You're absolutely right about BASE 515 being a REAL BASE jumper. And not only a real BASE jumper, but one that has been smart enough to stay within his abilities and using good judgment to keep from having to sacrifice precious flesh and bone for having a good time in freefall.



    just curious as to who might have said that?

    The first person I heard say it was Jeb Corliss.

    Nice deflection Mr. Aiello.

    Hmmmm, hasn't Jeb injured himself a few times as well? So Jeb gets hurt and then jumps again and then starts stroking his ego by telling other jumpers "To be a real BASE jumper one has to break themselves and come back". It's unbelievable that some one's ego can be so big.

    So I guess Mr. Aiello and Mr. Corliss are the "REAL" BASE jumpers then since they both got hurt and then jumped again. <---sarcasm
    Hail to thee both!!!! :S

    Mr. Aiello and Jeb disrespect all those smart and uninjured BASE jumpers that came before them by saying and repeating such utter self-promoting rubbish to these new jumpers. In fact they even disrespect those who have been injured.

    What is a real BASE jumper? (stupid question)

    Someone who BASE jumps. (<---- as in period)

    Older jumpers know that the object of the game is self preservation.

    I think those who have executed skill, wisdom, and good judgment and not been busted up as a result should be the ones we look up to. Sure any BASE jumper can get injured, but there is nothing good about that and it should not be revered as something to brag about.

    Life is like a box of chocolates.

  8. One incident of history I remember hearing about many years ago was about a russian who had to exit a plane without a parachute (I think it was on fire) at something like 20,000 feet and impacted a steep snow covered slope and lived. I'm sure you can find the story online somewhere. HydroGuy may have mentioned the same guy.
    Life is like a box of chocolates.

  9. Quote

    We must come together and fight this. This man must be stopped. We must send as many letters from as many people as possible. I am so sorry everyone, this is not how any of this was suppose to go down. This is is a fight for freedom in a country that's motto is land of the free...

    Jeb Corliss

    [email protected]

    So you go and day blaze the Empire State Building (only the biggest icon building in NYC) at rush hour traffic in our post 9/11 environment that we now live in, and and you think we should now come together to stop what was inevitable by your selfish actions? We didn't seem to matter to you when you executed your plan.

    How did you think it was going to go down? Do you think if you had made the jump that the NY authorities would have thought, "neato"? Do you think that they would have looked the other way? Do you think the media would have revered you as a hero?

    Think back to how the NY city mayor responded to Thor Alex and a russian jumper when they jumped some high profile buildings in NY in 1999. He ordered the police to crack down on BASE jumpers. Even if you had gotten away, at the very least you would have made New York City HOT (as in burnage).

    But you ended up getting busted and you got yourself a high priced attorney to fight a misdemeanor charge. What did you think was going to happen if you beat the charges? Remember back when Hank Caylor had a building strike in Denver and was also charged with reckless endangerment. He also beat the charges BUT as a result Denver passed a law that specifically made BASE illegal in Denver. Someone also got busted in Atlantic City and it resulted in a law being passed that made BASE jumping illegal there with a very stiff fine. With this history, how could you not know that they might pass a new law?

    So I ask again, how did you think it was going to go down? What did you think would happen if you beat the charges like you did? After you were acquitted, even your own lawyer said this in the paper

    “I mean, it’s shocking,” Mr. Heller said. “I would assume that somebody is now going to go to the Legislature and say, ‘Hey, we have a little hole in our book here; we’ve got to plug it up.’ ”

    article link:

    There are more BASE jumpers in this country that do not post online then those that do. The silent majority is very unhappy about your actions. You don't have a good track record either as you have day blazed other objects to get your picture in the paper so you can be famous. But at least you got to promote your 3triple7 shirts.

    You are a glory seeker who has disregard the welfare of local BASE communities just like John Vincent and Felix have. John Vincent was tared and feathered for it. But now since you have set into motion concerns with the New York authorities that will most likely result in a new law (like your own attorney predicted), you actually want us to back you.

    I sure hope they don't pass this law for our sakes, not yours. Even if a new law does not come about you have still irreversibly hurt the American BASE scene. I will keep making some jumps in a stealthy way, but the bust factor will be more risky. And the next time a glory seeker day blazes a high profile object, the authorities will consider your fiasco in dealing with it then too. If it ends up being a felony like it's proposed to be and a BASE jumper is out doing a low profile stealthy jump (like how Bs should be done) and ends up getting busted, instead of just getting charged with a misdemeanor, he will have a life changing felony on his record. It will mean he can't even vote.

    I agree with Mr. Heller that they will probably plug the legal loophole in NY. If jumpers want to help fight this then they should push for it to be no more than a misdemeanor. The idea that they will just drop it because BASE jumpers say BASE is safe or that there are laws already on the books that will cover these acts is delusional. Mr. Heller himself has shown them that the current laws are not sufficient for the law enforcers to stop what they perceive to be illegal.

    Mr Corliss, I read your comments in reply to this article

    One more thing Jeb, can you please not make it any worse by making arrogant statements like this

    Lets try to help people who really need it. But if you think you can use fear to control me, well you need to think about the person you are dealing with. I jump off buildings and dive with man eating sharks. How scared of you do you really think I am...

    I remember a time when BASE jumpers maintained a harmony with the police. We stay stealthy and most of them didn't care that we jumped.

    Your right Nick, those days are over.
    Life is like a box of chocolates.

  10. Quote

    She did have a line mod but the line mod system recently altered by Dennis McG failed.

    Do you know what the alteration was and how it malfunctioned?

    Just curious.
    Life is like a box of chocolates.

  11. Quote


    The PC Oscillation problem must be solved to reduce the injury and death we see in BASE. I've put lots of energy into this problem. Given that I have not BASEd in 3 years 4 months..since losing my friend DW at RG in 2003. I may be off a bit in my explanation so please correct me if you see a mistake in my understanding here...but it amuses me that nothing has advanced in this area in years! And it keeps coming back as a problem...Every so often I say my .02 cents again and then it goes away until some new observation comes from someone different...

    To explain where I'm coming from...I'll start at the beginning (as far as I can remember it). Anne Helliwell and Todd Shoebothom from BR were the first to introduce me to the idea of production and use of F111 PCs in BASE. I used the F111 for a couple years and later discarded it as not as "bullet proof" as ZP. I got some PC insight from SpACE whilst hanging out in Norway but still did not understand the whole concept. Then came the vented ZP and this supposedly was the "Godsend" of PC safety...and everyone tried to grab a bit of the market share of the ultimate PC - a vented ZP. BUT, I began to see this as a micromental improvement over regular ZP because the damn PC was still oscillating and killing.

    It was at this point that Anne and I looked for an explanation to the problem and we searched for a solution. As soon as a ZP PC reached full bridle stretch in non-terminal jumps (mostly sub-terminal slider up), it was more likely to meet the air with a reaction to the action and begin the oscillation. We tested and researched the vented ZP PC on balloon drops with a weight to replicate a 4 second delay and the results were as expected. The vented ZP PC was a hoax...a great way to market a "revolutionary idea." But, without the desired outcome - a significant reduction in oscillation. It was only a minor one - maybe 10% - but not enough testing was done.

    Anne did great camera work in Malaysia - recording more than 800 jumps made over 2 years. From this work we saw that of my 23 jumps in 2002/2003, I did not have one PC oscillation beyond about 5 degrees from center while the regular ZP PC and vented ZP PC saw about a 20% chance of severe oscillation leading to offheadings - sometimes up to 45 degrees - swirling around and around. This convinced me that F111 was the true "Godsend" - whatever that means - and ZP PCs with or without vents was a hoax.

    Think of a F111 PC as a PC with thousands of vents distributed equally. That's the best way to look at it and it's truly the best way to eliminate offheading openings attributed to PC action (with current technology).

    That is all. Be smart and live longer without injury - stop using a ZP PC for subterminal slider up jumping!

    Good luck!

    good post.

    I also prefer an F-111 for not only slider up in the 4-6 sec delay range but also terminal jumps as well for the very reason you explained. How do you feel about using F-111 on slider up jumps at the idaho bridge? How would you feel about everyone else using F-111 there?

    One thing jumpers should keep in mind if using F-111 is that the porosity will degrade much faster than with ZP. Perhaps that's what you meant by "not as 'bullet proof' as ZP." As much as I do like F-111 PCs for some types of jumps I personally would not want to jump a clapped out one. What are your experiences and thoughs about a tired F-111 PC? Is there an exit altitude where you would not want to use F-111?
    Life is like a box of chocolates.

  12. Quote


    It was concluded that Shannon doing a soft throw is what caused her tragic death

    It is beyond a doubt, not from a soft throw. It was missed grip, followed by pushing it onto her butt going for a regrab.

    While a soft throw is not good, missing a grip is worse.

    Thanks for the clarification.

    Point is: pilot chute in burble = really bad
    Life is like a box of chocolates.

  13. Quote

    short PC hesitation/oscillation video for those that want to see a pretty good one.


    In this video it is clear to see that the pilot chute was centered above the jumpers back and was not inflated yet (it was hesitating to inflate rather badly). Only when the pilot chute inflated did it start to orbit, and the orbit became more and more violent.

    The jumper didn't throw it to the side much at all. His lazy throw may or may not have contributed to the PC hesitation. Throwing the pilot chute to the side is a good practice because it keeps the pilot chute away from your burble. The most important part of the deployment process is that the pilot chute executes its most important job of inflating on time and pulling out the canopy. Throwing the PC to the side will get it to bridle-stretch quicker which will allow it to start to inflate quicker. That is a good thing on lower objects.

    It was concluded that Shannon doing a soft throw is what caused her tragic death (#99 on the BASE Fatality List). Other BASE jumpers might want to learn from this. Doing a soft throw with the idea of not putting your PC as far to the right is asking for trouble in my opinion.

    The PC orbit from pope's video was most likely caused by an asymmetrical pilot chute. It may have been attached asymmetrically or built asymmetrically or both.

    The trade off for keeping the pilot chute closer to your burble in order to try and keep it to stay directly obove your back hoping to reduce the chance of it orbiting is not worth the risk of it getting pulled into your burble. Also if you have the habit of not throwing it to the side and you deploy unstable, there is more chance of getting entangled with the bridle.

    The manufacturers have addressed the PC orbit issue to some degree by making vented PCs which do seem to reduce the occurance of orbit. Martin Tilley at Asylum has a new PC out with the vents moved away from the apex and an attachment point that will only attach symetrycally. I think it cost $175 though but if it works much better, then that would be an extra $85 well spent. I saw a PC with an attachment point like that a few years back and I thought it was brilliant but I forget which manufacturer makes it.

    Since Martin has been developing this new PC, perhaps he can share his thoughts on this subject.
    Life is like a box of chocolates.