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Dropzone Reviews posted by oosskis

  1. I found that Skydive Arizona is a great place to jump and jump lots, but a mediocre place for on- or near dropzone accomodation. The bunk house has improved a little, but the showers are still in a separate building and you can't adjust their temperature (although it was good every time I went for one last time) The kitchen facilities are very sparse. The food is now better than it's ever been at the Bent Prop, which isn't saying much. There is no good restaurants for miles around. What this place needs is something like the IHOP in Perris. On the other hand, the vibe was awesome the last time I was there, thanks to Amy, Curtis, Dusty and Fruitcake.
    The tunnel absolutely rocks and is the best in North America available to civilians. The manifest is good and professional and the planes run like clockwork. Safety is very well monitored and coaching is available any time.
    Since my last review, the DZ has definitely improved by one star and is now once again my favorite destination as a West Coast Skydiver.

  2. A great dropzone which has just been made fantastic by the addition of the Sky Venture Wind Tunnel, World Champion Freefly Team "Alchemy" and Dan BC. It is truly the Mecca of Freeflying now.
    With the tunnel right on the Dropzone, a safe and fast student progression is virtually guaranteed.
    The IHOP (International House Of Parachutists) is the best on-dropzone accomodation I have encountered.
    Landing off is never a big deal with lots of open space and always someone coming to pick you up. I've made back-up loads after landing out!
    Cons are a few people that are Hollywood Stars and a lot of people who think they are. A number of regulars (Not staff) tend to be quite full of themselves and spread some bad vibes.
    The main landing area is also quite small and has a lot of holes/bare patches/sprinklers to hurt yourself on. It is extremely slippery in the mornings. If you land off the main landing area, you will have dust on everything.