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Posts posted by leehype

  1. Well, lets say I am not new to extreem sports. 4x4ing for example. My avitar is not something I have cause I like it. I tend to run offroad quite a bit, and from the people I have talked to, they are calling me stupid for doing so. And so far, the only person I can get to go agreed to ONLY if I would jump outa a plane.

    I would love to put it into context, but as you might have gessed, my trainwreck of engrish isn't up to par spelling wise. Maby J could help:$
    What I have never done, cannot be held against me as I do not condone what others do as they condone me.

  2. Well howdy. Never been.

    But a close friend of mine (who is on this forum) does and enjoys it.

    I hear tell this jumping outa planes things is addictive, and as much as I don't wanna, that great friend of mine is prolly going to get his wish.

    I'm not going to bother with things I curently do, as I have to go to sleep in a few hours, but I will say I am well rounded with skills. I can even say that I do things that scare skydivers.

    I'm about being open minded, you do this, and I'll try your thing. We all have our favriot things to do. To each his own, but only after trying it once. My current standing is ~90% of people like being around me, but they won't tell me why.

    So, how is everyone doing tonight?
    What I have never done, cannot be held against me as I do not condone what others do as they condone me.