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Posts posted by FreeFallJunkie

  1. A Sabre 170 is actually the first canopy I purchased. Like the one you're talking about, it was an early '90s DoM. I did get a few hard openings from it, and I've been told by a packer at my DZ that the 170 size is notorious for it. I found that rolling the DAYLIGHTS out of the nose, tucking in the center cell, pulling the slider out the front, and - if you need to - folding in the flakes on the tail (i.e. flake it out, the place the flakes in the center one right side, one left, etc.) gave me a beautiful opening. First thing I would check though is the condition of your slider. I downsized to a stiletto 150 that gave me crazy openings, only to discover my slider was worn thin. Since I replaced that , my openings are much better.
    Other than having to pack carefully (and that mine had a pink top skin, green bottom skin, and magenta end cells), I liked my Sabre and it was a great learning canopy, so good luck with yours!