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Dropzone Reviews posted by Knacki

  1. I had 10 jumps when I first contacted the team at Chambery. My concern was therefore to find safety-conscious professionals, with an ability to help me progress into the sport.

    Savoie Parachutisme at Chambery gave me all of that plus so much more: very friendly atmosphere where the newcomer is always welcome, relaxed yet well organised loads in a good-condition Pylatus with professional pilots, outstanding views while in the air mixing mountains and lake and town, very cheap yet clean and decent accomodation with regular barbecues and other dinners etc etc.

    With 6-9 jumps a day (25+ Pylatus rotations on week-ends or in Spring-Summer), I quickly progressed and felt integrated. But more importantly, on occasions an instructor would jump with me free of charge just to check out that I was behaving properly while progressing through my first 50 jumps.

    A comment I've heard from jumpers with 300+ jumps is that they feel they cannot do as many jumps at Chambery compared to some bigger French DZ's. Still even with my low level I've managed to put 9 jumps in a day, and I pack my own chute! The hard-working team at Chambery starts early in the morning, and provided you don't turn up un-prepared at middday there will more than enough loads to manifest on.

    The cons? Well not that many. Although I'm a French national, I've become conscious that an ability to speak French helps a lot to work-out the integration. All the staff has good-will but reduced communication is always a bummer. There is no Internet access on the DZ and only few Internet cafes in town.
    Do rent a car to get around or you may feel lonely some evenings or on rainy days, the region has lots to offer besides skydiving. Windy day and you can't jump? Go sailing or kite-surfing on the lake! Rainy day? Visit the nearby abbey or go for dinner in one of teh very good restaurants at Aix-les-bains.

    In my view, the DZ at Chambery has all the essentials that count: safety-conscious professional & hard-working staff, good-condition aircraft, decent accomodation, a friendly atmosphere and outstanding views. Those of us looking for 120 jumps a week, Internet access, night-clubbing and a wind-tunnel nearby may want to re-consider.

    Clear skies and safe jumps to all!