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Posts posted by DALAILAMA

  1. Thanks Hokie,
    I appreciate the compliment!
    I don't give advice on here due to the possibility of confusion.
    I can say to samadhi.....Stop with the 180 degree turns. they are dangerous and blind turns. You have to fly into the pattern to land with the pattern. Be safe and ignore the idiots that attempt to give sarcastic advice on here.
    To the individuals giving sarcastic advive..... Please stop, someone may take you seriously. the language barrier on here as well as the inability to detect sarcasm is not appreciated nor wanted.
    "Dropzone.com, where uneducated people measuring penises, has become an art form"

    Albert Berchtold Y
    Greg Windmiller Y 1
    Ian Drennan Y 0
    David Holm Y 0
    Brian Buechler Y 0
    Pia McFarland Y 0
    Sergei Fedotov Y 1
    Mike Shatalov Y 0
    Dave Jennings Y 1
    Big Steve Y 0
    Pete Schwartz Y 6
    Stu Schoenfeld Y ?
    Brian McNeeny Y ?
    Jairo Garcia
    Curt Bartholomew
    Thomas Hughes
    Michael Patterson
    Chris Watkins
    Kritter Weiss
    Rob Wardell
    Derek Boxwell
    "Dropzone.com, where uneducated people measuring penises, has become an art form"

  3. Your just still upset about South Africa since I used you as a door knob over there!
    Now back to the purpose of this Post!
    Edited to remove Scott Roberts

    Albert Berchtold Y
    Greg Windmiller Y 1
    Ian Drennan Y 0
    David Holm Y 0
    Brian Buechler Y 0
    Pia McFarland Y 0
    Sergei Fedotov Y 1
    Mike Shatalov Y 0
    Dave Jennings Y 1
    Big Steve Y 0
    Pete Schwartz Y 6
    Stu Schoenfeld Y ?
    Brian McNeeny Y ?
    "Dropzone.com, where uneducated people measuring penises, has become an art form"

  4. The funnay thing is about that pic is that it is an improper student position (old school technique) and it appears as though the drogue was folded improperly.
    Just an observation. I may be wrong about the Drogue
    "Dropzone.com, where uneducated people measuring penises, has become an art form"

    Albert Berchtold Y
    Greg Windmiller Y 1
    Ian Drennan Y 0
    David Holm Y 0
    Brian Buechler Y 0
    Pia McFarland Y 0
    Sergei Fedotov Y 1
    Mike Shatalov Y 0
    Dave Jennings Y 1
    Big Steve Y 0
    Pete Schwartz Y 6
    "Dropzone.com, where uneducated people measuring penises, has become an art form"

  6. Please add your name to the other post titled Who is coming.
    GWPP is an term they made at Raeford because apparently when you are not around they like talking shit.
    Yes, Ryan the pilot does like looking at GWs PP. He is kind of funny like that, obviously the girlfriend is a cover story!
    Hee Hee! :D

    "Dropzone.com, where uneducated people measuring penises, has become an art form"

  7. Ok Pia,
    Here it goes.
    I need a list of the individuals wanting to come to the last CPC meet for the Southeast CPC and who intends on eating.
    The event will be catered and I need an estimate for the end of year party.
    Non Event staff and non competitors will be approximately $8.00 per plate.

    Albert Berchtold Y
    Greg Windmiller Y 1
    "Dropzone.com, where uneducated people measuring penises, has become an art form"

  8. Just talked to a person today that is providing catering for Skyfest and they are willing to cater the event. BBQ pulled pork, ribs and chicken type meals. I would need an estimated number of persons eating and what would the majority of people like to eat. Hotel info will be posted later today.
    "Dropzone.com, where uneducated people measuring penises, has become an art form"

  9. So May the 16th its on!
    I will be contacting the local hotels tomorrow and getting prices. Just let me know what everyone wants to do about food after the event. we have an excelent bar and grill and if preplanned we can arrange a catered meal of NC's finest BBQ.
    I have been pretty busy with all the course materials and getting things ready.
    I will be completing the bases for the "in the water" markers tomorrow and expecting the shipment of 8" in diameter course markers sometime this week. I would like for the courses to be up by this weekend for training next week. My goal is to have a day where speed is practiced and a day where distance and accuracy are practiced. Eliminating more than one course up at a time. The visuals just suck too bad! The water depth and the markers are so managable that a course change will take approximately 20 minutes with 2 people.
    If anyone has any questions or comments you can contact me via my email address since I only get on here when wanting to be amused by Shatalovs delerious russian babble or just feeling the need to measure my Johnson in one of those other obnoxious forum catabories!
    Hope to see everyone there.....except for the Farm crew......sissies!
    "Dropzone.com, where uneducated people measuring penises, has become an art form"

  10. Thats what I love about this country....the right to disagree. As for the tandem instructor....
    You should worry about the camera flyer, you should worry about everyone in the air with you.
    If you let him/her jump with you then he or she is your responsibility.
    Since the passenger is your responsibility then you are ensuring his or her safety by eliminating any and all unnecessary emergencies. If the vidiot is in "the cone of death" (quite possibly the dumbest term in skydiving today) it is your responsibility to recognize this and not throw the drogue until it is safe.
    In regards to this post as well, the answer is yes! I am saying he should take the time to check over his shoulder. There is no exscuse for not doing this. The correct preocedures are exit, clear airspace and throw drogue. Being able to deal with an out of control student, a lunatic vidiot and a bad spot with an enveloped drogue in tow is what it is all about!
    If you can't deal with all of this then there is no future in tandems.
    P.S. I am not directing the last statement at you....That is for everyone.
    Just my .02
    "Dropzone.com, where uneducated people measuring penises, has become an art form"

  11. Not really sure Pia, I just babble incoherintly and pray that no one figures it out that I am clearly delusional and making it up!
    That's not fair to Ian, It's his dads shirt obviously and besides he is under alot of pressure.... To not get JT's rig wet like he did Bobos! :D
    My favorite exscuses. (to be stated during or prior to event starting)
    1. I haven't been training and I am uncurrent.
    2. Just got a new canopy
    3. I have an injury / sickness
    4. Trying a new technique and I figured this comp was the best place to try it out.
    5. Lost my risers in the turn... My favorite!
    6. I am a puss and I can't hold my risers down....aka #5.
    7. I know I should fly a pattern and pace off my maneuver point but I don't wanna!
    8. That shit scared me!
    9. I don't know what happened
    10. I SUCK!

    "Dropzone.com, where uneducated people measuring penises, has become an art form"