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Posts posted by loco.cerveza

  1. Quote

    I think you have to add 2001: A Space Oddyssey and the Matrix trilogy.

    Also, no anime on your list....

    I did think about 2001: A Space Odyssey, but I enjoyed the movie, but I liked the book much better. I am an anime fan, but I simply forget to think about it in making my list.
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  2. Well, here is something to think about, I was just talking to a friend and we are thinking about setting up a Nerd Movie/ T.V. Night. I night that a few friends get together and watch movies/ T.V. shows that reflect our inner nerd. Weather it be gun nerd stuff computer nerd stuff, or what have you. Lets face it, we all have an inner nerd, I do not care if it is a skydiving nerd, science nerd, computer nerd, gun nerd, or even a sports nerd, we all have that inner nerd. It got me to thinking what are my top ten general nerd movies/ T.V. Shows. So I figured I would list them.

    My top 10 Nerd Movies / T.V. Shows

    10) Tron
    09) Star Trek TNG
    08) Sneakers
    07) X-files
    06) Hackers
    05) The Lone Gunmen
    04) WarGames
    03) Star Trek DS9
    02) V for Vendetta
    01) Blade Runner
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  3. In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity.
    --Hunter S. Thompson

    I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.
    --Hunter S. Thompson

    Going to trial with a lawyer who considers your whole life-style a Crime in Progress is not a happy prospect.
    --Hunter S. Thompson

    The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
    --Hunter S. Thompson
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  4. Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up a god superior to themselves. Most gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child.
    -Lazarus Long,

    I’ve never understood how God could expect His creatures to pick the one true religion by faith—it strikes me as a sloppy way to run a universe.
    -Jubal Harshaw,

    The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.
    --Lazarus Long

    A "pacifist male" is a contradiction in terms. Most self-described "pacifists" are not pacific; they simply assume false colors. When the wind changes, they hoist the Jolly Roger.
    --Lazarus Long

    Of course the game is rigged. Don't let that stop you--if you don't play, you can't win.
    --Lazarus Long

    Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something.
    --Lazarus Long

    Government! Three-fourths parasitic and the rest stupid fumbling- Oh, Harshaw conceded that man, a social animal, could no more avoid government than an individual could escape the necessity of bowel movements. But simply because an evil was necessary was no reason to term it good. He wished that government would wander off and get lost!
    -- Jubal Harshaw

    I will accept any rules that you feel necessary to your freedom. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.
    --Professor Bernardo de la Paz

    But in writing your Constitution let me invite attention to the wonderful virtues of the negative! Accentuate the negative! Let your document be studded with things the government is forever forbidden to do.
    --Professor Bernardo de la Paz
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  5. Quote

    Linux will have it's day.

    You maybe right, I really don't think I am as advanced as some people are when it comes to computers. Then again I do like to go in and play with the software and the hardware and see how far I can push the system that I have. Sometimes I forget that alot of people are not as much of a geek that I am. If you like Ubuntu you may want to try PClinux OS 2007 ( http://www.pclinuxos.com/ ) You can run it off a Live CD and if you like it you can install the OS of the Live CD. I have found that this distro of has alot of hardware drivers already in it, and when you install it it looks at all of you hardware and only installs what you need to run. It is built on KDE kernel. I have it on a 8 year old laptop and that laptop keeps up and can do everything a friend of mine's quad-core windows desktop running Windows XP with 4 gig of RAM and the little old laptop of mine is only pushing 128mag of RAM.
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  6. Quote

    Not to say that PCs can do there job also. But my mother in law see's the lack of frustration my family has with our mac's and has pondered getting one also after dealing with the 10min startups with her PEECEEE.

    I will have to agree with you on any PC running windows...I will disagree with you on a PC running Ubuntu Linux, PClinux 2007 or any other distro of Linux. What it comes down to is most people have been brain washed in to thinking that there are only two Operating Systems in the world Apple or Windows, Linux is a very good OS and in this day and age the newer distro's of Linux are just as very non-nerd as you can get. The good thing about Linux is I can upgrade the hardware for almost nothing get all the binfits of an Apple OS and I don't have to hand over my paycheck to Steve Jobbs when I do upgrade the hardware and I do not have to hand Bill Gates my paycheck to upgrade the software. Most of your hardware companies are supporting Linux with drives so that is a non-issue.
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  7. Quote

    A lot of people have told me that they didn't vote for a candidate, they voted against another.

    The winner is the lesser of two poor choices.

    First read Revolt in 2100 by Robert Heinlein then vote Libertarian, the more people that know this country has more then just two parties the better off we all are.
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  8. Quote

    You do realize that it is tradition to drink the blood of your first deer? Now, you wouldn't want to go against tradition? DRINK UP!!!!!!
    I actually know someone who did it. Freaking gross:P

    The funny thing about that is once A friend from work and I had taken a person new to the shift how had never been hunting in his life out pig hunting, he got himself a nice 250 + pounder. We had told him about the same tradidtion and let him fill a cup all the way up before we remind him of all the things that flot around in blood, plus this being pigs blood. When he realized it was a joke he almost got pissed then joined in on the gag...Telling every one at work that he did drink the blood.
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  9. To be honnest all you really need to do is download the latest version of Ubuntu Linux or PClinux 2007 make an ISO disk format your harddrive then install one of those two versions of linux. I use on all of my computers as well as Moodyskydiver.
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  10. I have to agree with you, if you have to have windows on your system for school, gaming or what have you WUBI is the way to go. I have one laptop running Ubuntu and the other running Xubuntu. Programs like partition magic are hard on your drive and on some windows based computer leads to problems down the road. The only reason that I go back in to windows is to update my iPod.
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  11. I will agree with you on the subject that terrorism is not the threat that the government would have everyone believe that it is, but I will disagree with you on the economic collapse part. The economy will go up and it will go down that is a simple fact of life and if we still lived in a free country that would not be a big deal. We live in a now live in a socialist state that is pretending to be a democracy. Between George the second and Billy Clinton we have lost a large number of our freedoms, do to the fact that the people of this once great country will not and/or can not think for themselves that want to government to come in and make everything nice for them. For example: If you don't like a place because it does not have a no smoking area don't spend your money there, don't let the government pass laws tell people where they can or can't smoke. I am not a smoker and I tend not to like places that are fulled up with smokers but I make the choice not to go to those places. Another example is the government tapping your and mine Internet providers in the name of National security. Keeping in mind the government is not getting warrants, they are using the same tactics that the mob uses to get people to pay protection. I could fill a library full of things that are wrong with programs like welfare and Social Security. I had a co-worker tell me that it was not worried about what the government was doing because he had nothing to hide, I reminded him the Jews in Germany in the 1930's felt the same way and look what happened to them, I also suggested that he read 1984 by Orwell, and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Heinlein. Hurricane Katrina is not the problem of the Federal Government, it is the problem of the state governments. It is not the duty of the people not from those effected states to pay for the clean up after something of that nature. Hurricane Katrina and what it did was sad and heart breaking, but on the other hand it should have been up to the state government to have a plan of action and or put in to place the protection from weather of that kind so it did not happen in the first place. I for one blame the people in those states for letting that happen do to the fact that they did not elect officials that wanted serve the need of the state. They elected people that were busy filling their pockets with the money of the tax payers. It all comes down to TANSTAAFL (There ain't no such thing as a free lunch) Everything in life has a price and if you are going to pay for it one way or another. It may be money, or it may be losing your freedoms but you will pay for it.
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  12. I not sure if any one every noticed that in a lot of the shows not all of then, but a lot of them you always had the scene of Ward (the father) and June (the mom) coming down stairs and June is telling ward he was pretty hard on the beaver last night, and the child had not gotten in trouble at that point in the show.
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  13. There is a program that is free to download and use called Andrea's Photo Mosaic the URL for it is http://www.andreaplanet.com/andreamosaic/download/ with this program you use the images on your computer, and you can tell it what images to use and not to use. The only down side to this program is that it make like monster sized mosaics and you have to resize them smaller to get them to look right. The plus size to that is that after you have resized them they look really good.
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  14. Hay I have just come across a cool place that you have have images turned in to photomosaics. The URL for it is http://www.fumpf.de/patchworkr/ The site is German, but most everything on the site is in English, I did an image of Moodyshydiver that came out pretty cool.


    also here is a little bit bigger image in case you want to try and see all of the little images that make up the larger one.

    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  15. Hum.... You are right about the absinthe burning very fast, I have never seen burn like gas, but I have only been drinking for about 10 years or so, I have never had the burnt sugar taste when I have drank it that way, Also a close family friend of mine is from France and as far back she knows and she has shown my faimly diaries that is how her family has always drank absinthe. Keeping in mind I do drink it both ways. I will not disagree with you on the fact that a book by an absinthe historian says that there in no logical or historical basis for it, I just know what I have read in 150 plus year old family diaries. Keeping in mind that the translation took a bit of work. I do not think it was as common as the movies play it up to be, I will yeild by saying the fact maybe the Burning sugar method may have been something that such a small amount of people did that it was not even worth talking about. I am not saying that I am right and you are wrong, I am not saying you are right and I am wrong I am saying that if done right both ways can be enjoyed.

    I will also agree with you that the Absinthe that comes out of Czech Republic is swill and not worth drinking. I have read Oscar Wilde did add opium to his absinthe it never said if it was Laudanum or not I just figured it was laudanum. I think it was in The Book of Absinthe by Phil Baker or maybe Absinthe History in a Bottle by Barnaby Conrad not real sure with out going and looking it up.

    Needless to say, how ever you drink your absinthe, is cool. I would like to know the name of any books that Benoit Noel has written. It sounds like he may make for a good read.
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  16. To start with Absinthe is like any other drink to much at one to is a bad thing, drinking it from the bottle is also not a very good idea. I have been drinking Absinthe for almost ten years now, and like Moodyskydiver said we do spend the money to get the real stuff imported. I have found that Absinthe like a very old good Socth is for sipping, drinking anything thing large amounts is not a very bright thing to do. The thujone in absinthe comes from the wormwood and after a few drinks you will not get any kind hallucinogenic effects, but the human body is very slow to break down thujone so if you drink one or two glass a day for a week or so you you will have very mild hallucinations, the thujone will effect your dreams, and if you have enough thujone built up in your system you will have trouble telling your dreams from real life. There are two basic ways to drink absinthe one is to take the absinthe and mix in powdered sugar and very cold water or even crushed ice. The other way and the most noted from movies is to place the absinthe in a glass placing a absinthe spoon over the glass and placing a sugar cube on the spoon pouring a little of the absinthe over the sugar cube the lighting it, then turning the spoon over and letting the sugar cube set the absinthe on fire the adding cold water to put the fire out. The later of the two ways is called the Boho method. This method came about in the late 19th century. Also laudaum was also added in both methods this is way to this day absinthe has gotten very bad PR. In present day laudaum is not added for the simple fact that it is a opium based drug, in the 19th century you could by it on almost any drug store over the counter. The Boho method was used by Artists, poets, and painters in the late 19th century to burn off the alcohol so they would get more of the thujone in their system. People such as Oscar Wilde, Van Gogh, and many other of that time peroid.
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  17. Well, I have been reading, I mean a lot of reading, I have been working 8 days on with one day for almost two months now so I have not had very much time for anything but sleeping and spending time with Moodyskydiver. So I have been playing around with and, in fact I have switched from using windows on my laptop to running the Ubuntu distro of Linux. I have found that I have had far less problems with ad-ware, spy-ware and all the nasty things that Windows seems to have problems with. I have also found that a lot of the software that comes in the distro that I am running works a lot better then anything put out by Microsoft. What I was wondering is how many people are running a distro of Linux and what they used before going with linux. I have not ever owned a Mac, nor do I plan on getting one for my self but I do plan getting one for Moodyskydiver with any luck after the first of the year, So I can't comment on how Mac run or what kinds of problems they have, but I will say I do not like the fact that all of the repair work has to be done by Apple and that you can buy parts from Apple or any third party vender to home build a Mac. So if any one can tell me what about good Mac laptop for $1000, $1500 max please do so. I would be really thankful for the info. For me; I love Linux and hope to never have another Windows computer in my life. I have crashed it 5 times now, but I know what I did to crash it, so right now I am dealing with the whole learning curve thing.
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  18. First I would lose the Mcaffey, I have found that you pay more money then what you get in protection. I used the free version of AVG when I was still running windows on my computer, or if you really have to pay for an anti-virus program get the pro-version. If AVG did not clean it up I would see if you could use your system restore to see if that works, If you know your way around the computer files well enough you can go manually remove the file. If the virus is doing really bad things to you computer you may want to try and downloaded a program called Darik's Boot and Nuke, (http://dban.sourceforge.net/) it will do an NSA level reformat of your hard drive then you reinstall your OS.

    Something I feel the need to add I have switched to useing Ubuntu Linux on my computer and I am happy to report that I have not had any problems with ad-ware or spy-ware, or even virus on my computer
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  19. Hello all

    Moodyskydiver, and myself along with a few other friends are in the process of putting together a video web cast that is pro-gun. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on a cheap place to get server space. I have looked and found a few places that are a bit out of my budget. All of the other things we can cover but as it stands right now we are looking real hard for server space. If any can help or has any ideas please let me or moodyskydiver know.
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  20. You may want to try AVG it is an anti-spy-ware, anti-virus, firewall that works very very well. It is a free download and if you have the money you can get the pro-version that is a very good program that does just about anything you would want it to do. The URL for it is http://free.grisoft.com/doc/28415/lng/us/tpl/v5
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  21. Quote

    But will she get hurt skydiving????? Gotta be true to that!

    The rumor is that she will be some kind of military (Delta Forces type) that gets hurt during a jump on a mission. This show is also being done by Ron Moore, and he has a way of saying things in interviews that are kinda tricky meaning he will not lie outright, but he will not tell the whole truth.
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor

  22. Quote

    After listening to some of the BSG PodCasts it looks like Starbuck is going to be starring in the new version of the Bionic Woman.Shes not going to be Jamie Sommers (previously Lindsay Wagner's character) but its being said that Starbuck will be "a close female friend" of Jamie Sommers.No release date on this yet but they do say she will keep up appearances on BSG.


    I went back and pulled up the podcast and listened to it and I found that I was an error to a degree what was said was "Katee Sackhoff, will star in the new Bionic Woman but not as Jamie Sommers, but as a person real close to her with a twist that most of America may not be ready for." Also from what was said in the podcast one of the reasons that she "killed" and then brought back was Katee Sackhoff is with child right now and is starting to show that is the reason you only get to see her in the viper at the end of crossroads part two. She should have had her child by the start of filming for season four and she has been signed for the whole season. Also in season four there will be alot more CGI and other effects. It even listed the 7 known human cylons and they are:

    1) Lt. Sharon 'Boomer' Valerii AKA Lt. Sharon 'Athena' Agathon played by Grace Park

    2) Number Six played by Tricia Helfer

    3) D'Anna Biers played by Lucy Lawless

    4) Brother Cavil played by Dean Stockwell

    5) Simon played by Rick Worthy

    6) Aaron Doral played by Matthew Bennett

    7) Leoben played by Callum Keith Rennie
    Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
    --Garrison Keillor